Jia Mo

Jia Mo (Marrying the Devil) Chapter 33 – Wu Fang (4)

Qi Ling Shu, like Qi Shen Wei before him, was a once-in-a-century genius in the art of swordsmanship. Qi Yin imagined that Wu Fang Mountain must be laughing uncontrollably, as they had now encountered two such rare talents in just one generation.

This person could easily be called the second Qi Shen Wei. While others were still drooling and babbling as infants, he could already recite the “Dao De Ching” from memory. While others were still clumsily writing characters and drawing symbols, he was already proficient in talismans. And while others were still tripping and falling while walking, he was already soaring through the sky on his sword. He followed Qi Shen Wei every step of the way, and if he hadn’t been Qi Shen Wei’s direct disciple, people would have suspected he was Qi Shen Wei reincarnated. What was even more sad was that among these mediocre talents, including Qi Yin who was barely average, this kind of person looked even more amazing, almost legendary.

People like him, immortal swordsmen, could fly instead of walk, high above in the sky, far beyond the reach of mortals. To be able to look up to them was already an extraordinary grace. But there were still some lucky ones who caught a glimpse of him. During the last Wu Fang Daoist competition, he had walked on the white marble platform of Wu Fang’s main hall, dressed in plain white clothes, his figure hazy in the misty snow. He stood at the forefront of Wu Fang’s three thousand disciples, his thin and slender back resembling a person carved from ice and snow.

Qi Yin heard some disciples from Western Kun Lun gossiping next to him. “I heard that all girls from the immortal mountains fought for him, arguing over who would bring the lotus rib soup into his secluded room during meditation. Two young girls grabbed and bit each other, tearing each other’s hair like weeds. He saw from afar and only said, ‘Send them to the disciplinary hall.'”

“I heard that occasionally, sisters with good relationships would make concessions to each other. One would say, ‘You be the main wife, and I’ll be the concubine. Let’s call each other sisters.’ The other, blushing, would say, ‘How can I accept that? You should be the main wife, and I’ll be the concubine.’ They kept making concessions to each other, but in fact, Qi Ling Shu had never seen these two before.”

Qi Yin didn’t care about this at all. He was used to being mediocre, and he was grateful to anyone who didn’t step on him. He only remembered one thing he heard on the street – Qi Ling Shu was raised by Qi Shen Wei.

“Sorry, junior brother, I didn’t mention this to you.” Yun Zhi patted Qi Yin’s shoulder in the inn. “Mainly because I was afraid you would feel inferior and not come.”

Qi Yin glared at him resentfully. “Will I run into him on the mountain?”

“No, no,” Yun Zhi promised. “That kid is busy. He’s always slaying monsters and demons, flying around. He’ll probably just come to compete, and you won’t run into him. Besides, why are you afraid? Don’t you have your brother with you? You’re the darling younger brother of the demon lord. If you don’t like that kid, just ask your brother to take care of him.”

Fu Lan drew his sword in confusion and asked, “Do we have to fight?”

Qi Yin sighed and pressed Fu Lan’s broken iron sword back into its scabbard, then pulled him back to their room.

The next morning, they flew up to Wu Fang on their swords. Looking down from above, the peak was covered in snow, spread all over the mountain, white as far as the eye could see. Pavilions and temples dotted the mountains. Waterfalls rushed down, and plunged straight into the endless abyss. They couldn’t ride their swords anymore after reaching the gate, and they had to line up to enter the mountain on a narrow mountain path. A few steps ahead was a steep cliff. Qi Yin leaned against the bushes and looked down. Occasionally, a gust of wind swept over the mountain. The foot of the cliff surged and roared, and snow piled up on the treetops. The smoke and snow were hazy, and it was hard to tell if it was a white sea of clouds or clear white snow.

A protective array in the sky revolved slowly around the dim North Star. Thin lines of flashing light crossed the dome, shining as brightly as the stars. This was Wu Fang Mountain’s boundary array, which could transform into a killing array when invaded by enemies and kill them before they could even reach Wu Fang Mountain.

“This is really an immortal mountain.” Qi Yin marveled at the sight. Compared to Wu Fang, Feng Huan Mountain was like a beggar digging his feet on the roadside. One was poor and shabby, and the other was ethereal and transcendental.

This place was nothing like Feng Huan, where there were wild grass and weeds everywhere. Surely there were all kinds of spiritual herbs and medicines all over this place. Compared to Wu Fang, Feng Huan Mountain seemed to be full of swindlers.

But that wasn’t the point. The point was that the scene in front of him was quite embarrassing. Yesterday it wasn’t very obvious in town, but now that they had climbed the mountain, the ragged beggars and thugs of Feng Huan Mountain stood out even more among the white-robed disciples of various immortal sects.

They looked like wild chickens flying into a group of elegant white cranes. Especially Qi Yin, who was carrying a large iron pot on his back, and Fu Lan, who was carrying a basket as long as his body. The senior brothers in front of them had an itch scratcher behind their necks or a broken fan in their collars. They might as well sit down and pick their feet in public.

“Look at those fools. What kind of attire is that?” The other sects behind them sneered and laughed. “Look at that iron pot. Oh, I know, it’s a turtle shell specially made by Feng Huan. When demons come, they just hide inside, haha!”

“That basket carrier looks handsome,” whispered a girl, “but a little dull. Is he from a mountain village?”

“You don’t know anything. It’s called backwater charm! That’s the specialty of Feng Huan,” replied another.

Qi Yin was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole to crawl into. But he didn’t want to tell Fu Lan to throw away the basket, since they had brought it for the cat.

Several young disciples of Wu Fang came to greet and guide them. They were all dressed in white, carrying long swords on their backs. They didn’t laugh at Qi Yin and Fu Lan’s appearance, and instead greeted them respectfully. “Welcome, senior brothers and uncles. Please come this way.”

Wu Fang had many disciples, and each disciple also had disciples, spanning several generations. Feng Huan didn’t have many disciples, and they were all apprentices of a few old men such as Qing Shi and Qing Ming. Actually, everyone was about the same age, and calling them senior brother or uncle was just a formality. Qi Yin was about to return the gesture, but Fu Lan made a bow beside him and said, “Thank you, nephew.”

The smiles on the young disciples’ faces froze for a moment. Qi Yin hurriedly pulled Fu Lan behind him and apologized, “My brother doesn’t know any better. Please forgive him.” He then turned to Fu Lan and whispered, “You can’t call them nephews. You should call them senior brothers.”

Fu Lan looked at him perplexedly and pointed to Yun Zhi, who was standing nearby.

Qi Yin looked over and saw Zhou Ran, whom he had met at Yao family’s house. Zhou Ran made a long salute, and Yun Zhi just stood there nonchalantly, accepting his bow. When Zhou Ran stood up, Yun Zhi patted his fair face and laughed. “Hey, nephew. It’s been a long time. How have you been?”

Ye Qing Ming, who had no respect for seniority, was standing next to him picking his teeth. He didn’t bother to control his own disciple’s thuggish behavior, and his own behavior was no better. Zhou Ran smiled and nodded in reply. Yun Zhi walked past him with his hands behind his back, followed by Sang Ruo and Sang Ya. Sang Ya pinched Zhou Ran’s smiling face and crisply called out, “Nephew!”

A group of people walked past Feng Huan Mountain, and each person called out “nephew” to Zhao Ran. The people behind them were gossiping in a flurry. Qi Yin heard someone say “shameless” and “disgraceful”. Fu Lan didn’t know what was going on and remained silent. Qi Yin had become numb to it all, having failed to learn swordsmanship well at Feng Huan Mountain and having developed a thick skin. His senior brothers and sisters paid no attention, walking through the mountain gate with great arrogance.

Qi Yin and Fu Lan passed by Zhao Ran, who greeted them politely, but Qi Yin’s appearance had changed a bit, and he didn’t recognize Fu Lan. Perhaps it had been too long since they last saw each other, and he had forgotten.

After some hesitation, Qi Yin bowed to Zhao Ran and said, “This senior brother, I am a recent cultivator and greatly admire Master Yuan Wei. I came here originally to make friends with Young Master Qi Yin, Master Yuan Wei’s son, but I heard he has fled the mountain. Is it true?”

Zhao Ran’s smile faded slightly, and he nodded. “Yes.”

“I apologize for being presumptuous, but can I ask why he fled the mountain?” Qi Yin inquired.

Zhao Ran’s smile became even more faint, and he gestured inside. “Perhaps he couldn’t bear the hardships of cultivation in the mountains. As senior uncle has just arrived, Zhao Ran will show you the way.”

This guy was very secretive, and Qi Yin did not want to ask any more questions. He prepared to leave, but Zhao Ran smiled again and said, “Wu Fang Mountain prohibits eating and drinking, so please abide by the precepts.”

Qi Yin was taken aback and remembered the turtle shell on his back. He laughed and said, “Are you talking about this shell? It’s a special turtle shell made in Feng Huan. When a demon comes, you just have to crawl inside and hide. It’s very useful.”

Zhao Ran’s smile froze. Qi Yin patted him on the shoulder before following everyone inside. After passing through the Hanging Flowers Gate, the corridors twisted and turned, and snow fell all over the courtyard. They walked for a long time before arriving at their lodgings. When Qi Yin looked up, he saw the words “Empty Valley” carved on the eaves. It was a small courtyard where they would be staying at Wu Fang Mountain.

There were many people in Wu Fang Mountain. Although they had money, there was still a shortage of housing. In Feng Huan, at least two people could share a room with one bed each, but in Wu Fang, they had to squeeze into a large communal bed.

Ye Qing Ming, being of high rank, had his own room, while the men and women each had their own separate rooms. Qi Yin and his fellow senior brothers went into their room to sweep and tidy up the bedding. They divided up the sleeping positions, with Fu Lan sleeping against the wall, and Qi Yin sleeping next to Fu Lan. The reason for this arrangement was that Fu Lan was suspected of being a cutsleeve, and no one except for Qi Yin wanted to sleep with him.

Zhao Ran led his disciples to bring clothing, all of which were white silk clothes that were thin and smooth. Everyone thanked them, and Yun Zhi jumped off the bed and hooked his arm around Zhao Ran’s neck, saying, “Nephew, let me ask you something. What happened with that Qi Yin who went back to the mountain with you last time? How did he manage to escape?”

Qi Yin was taken aback. Yun Zhi turned his head and smiled, making a “no need to thank me” gesture.

Zhao Ran looked embarrassed. Yun Zhi continued, “Don’t try to deceive me with talks of not being able to bear the hardships of cultivating in the mountains. That young man’s parents are both deceased, and cultivating immortality is the best way out for him. So tell me, what did he do? What’s so bad that a disciple of Wu Fang, which has always been known for its openness and honesty, has to lie to conceal it?”

“We are honest and straightforward, and can’t stand despicable acts like stealing,” a person behind Zhao Ran couldn’t help but speak up. He bowed and said, “I am Zhao Ming, Zhao Ran’s junior brother. Senior, just tell them. It’s not like we haven’t been embarrassed before.”

Zhao Ran sighed. “Qi Yin stole the clothing of our junior martial uncle while he was bathing.”

“Junior martial uncle?” Everyone from Feng Huan Mountain was stunned, and Yun Zhi said, “Isn’t that Qi Ling Shu?”

“Yes, that’s him,” Zhao Ran confirmed.

Qin Yin’s mind went blank. What the hell was going on? He remembered that Yao Xiao Shan liked girls. When did he develop a liking for men? Did he think he was a cowherd and Qi Ling Shu was a weaver (1), stealing his clothes while he was bathing?

Zhao Ming was indignant. “That Qin Yin doesn’t even take a look at his own behavior, acting like a pig and still daring to have thoughts about our junior martial uncle! When the matter was exposed, he fled overnight. We went to his dormitory to catch him and take him to the disciplinary hall, but found that he had already left without a trace!”

Zhao Ran frowned. “Junior brother, don’t be rude.”

“He deserves it!” Zhao Ming said angrily. “I think that guy must have inherited his mother’s fox-like nature. His mother seduced Elder Qi and now her son tried to seduce our junior martial uncle. He’s shameless!”

Qin Yin didn’t say a word, just remained silent. A pair of warm hands reached out from behind and covered his ears. He heard Fu Lan’s soft voice say, “Don’t listen, Xiao Yin.”

Zhao Ming had a satisfying talk and suddenly realized that the surroundings were silent. Several senior brothers from Feng Huan Mountain even stopped fidgeting and slowly drew their swords to wipe them. The sword’s blade flipped in their palms, and sword glare flickered on the roof and floor. Zhao Ming felt an invisible sense of killing intent, and turned around uneasily, only to see a black cat squatting on the tea table, its green eyes flickering like ghostly flames as it stared at him maliciously. He didn’t know which sensitive nerve he had touched. This Wild Chicken Mountain (2) was known for producing lunatics and rascals. He had heard from others before that Elder Yuan Wei and the head of Feng Huan Mountain were good friends, but he had taken it as a joke.

Zhao Ran felt that Zhao Ming had been out of line with his words and actions, so he apologized and bowed to take his leave with a smile. The door closed tightly behind him, and the senior brothers put away their swords and patted Qi Yin’s shoulder to comfort him. Qi Yin forced a smile and said he was fine, then poured himself a cup of tea.

Liu Bai spoke up, “Qi Ling Shu is the top bachelor of Wu Fang Mountain and a handsome young man. Your cousin’s taste in men is quite good.”

Qi Yin: “…”

What kind of nonsense ranking was this? Qi Yin was speechless.

“It’s okay. Soon, the top bachelor position will be taken by our Junior Brother Dai. Just wait and see. With his looks, he’ll surely defeat Qi Ling Shu!” said a senior brother.

Qi Yin looked at Fu Lan, who didn’t react much, and asked, “Are you guys really that confident?”

“Of course.” Liu Bai winked at him. “Because I’m the one who wrote this ranking.”

These shameless people were unbelievable. Qi Yin rubbed his forehead.

“Okay, okay,” Yun Zhi cleared his throat. “Let’s try on the clothes and see if they fit. If not, I’ll have my nephew Zhao Ran and his friends fix them.”

Everyone got up and changed their clothes. Qi Yin and Fu Lan took off their coarse hemp pants, revealing their red silk undershorts. The bright red color was festive and happy. Yun Zhi noticed and asked in surprise, “Why are you both wearing red undershorts?”

“We’re both unlucky, so we wear red to change our luck,” Qi Yin said.

“No,” Yun Zhi said, “I mean, why are you both wearing identical undershorts?”

“We used a piece of cloth to make it.” Qi Yin looked at him inexplicably. “Who needs two pieces of cloth to make a pair of shorts?”

Fu Lan also lifted his clothes and looked at him in a daze.

Everyone was silent for a while, then burst into laughter. Yun Zhi laughed so hard that he couldn’t stand up straight. “You two are so open about being cutsleeves. Sorry, I laugh because I respect that!”

Qi Yin was so angry that he threw down his clothes and ran over to beat him up. The other senior brothers rushed forward and pressed Qi Yin onto the bed. Fu Lan stood there, holding the middle belt of the clothes, not knowing whether to change clothes first or go over to help. They were fighting fiercely, and Qi Yin was screaming while being held down. Fu Lan hesitated for a while, then gave up the idea of helping. They were making noises like a bunch of roosters, and in the midst of the noise, Fu Lan turned his head and looked out the window at the Ling Hua Pavilion, where the Daoist competition would be held. The snow outside was heavy and falling gently, as if the sky and the earth were whispering.


1. Cowherd and weaver – a popular Chinese legend that tells the story of two lovers who were separated by the Milky Way and could only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The “stealing clothes” part of the legend, refers to a specific incident where the Cowherd, named Niulang, stole the clothes of the Weaver Girl, named Zhinü, while she was bathing in a river. Zhinü was a goddess who weaved beautiful clouds in the sky, but she had descended to the mortal world. According to the legend, Zhinü’s clothes were her means of returning to heaven, and when Niulang took them, she could not go back.

2. Wild Chicken Mountain – the “Feng” of Feng Huan means phoenix, so calling them wild chickens is a play on words.

Jia Mo (Marrying the Devil) Chapter 32 – Wu Fang (3)

Qi Yin sat on a bamboo raft, propping his head up and watching the surging clouds recede.

Fu Lan sat in front of him with Lord Cat. Behind him were stacked luggage boxes and cages, which were piled up to half his height. Inside were his and his brother’s bedding, pillows, clothes, shoes, and the black cat’s soft cushion. They had too much stuff, and the boxes couldn’t fit it all, so Fu Lan made him carry a pot so that they could cook when they arrived at Wu Fang. Lord Cat had been in Feng Huan Mountain for several months and had become so fat that Fu Lan couldn’t carry it anymore, so he had to make a bamboo basket for it.

The two brothers, one carrying a pot and the other a basket, looked like country bumpkins who had just come out of a mountain valley, and were not very smart.

Today was December 12th, and they set off on time. Ye Qing Ming led a group of disciples from Feng Huan Mountain to accompany them. Qing Shi stood on the Repentance Cliff and waved goodbye to them, nagging them not to cause trouble when they arrived at Wu Fang Mountain, and not to trample on flowers and plants or damage objects, because Feng Huan Mountain was poor and couldn’t afford to pay for it. They also shouldn’t fight with fellow disciples and anger their masters, because Feng Huan Mountain was of low status and couldn’t afford to offend others.

Just before they left, Qing Shi drew a talisman on Qi Yin’s face, embellishing his appearance so that his face, which looked so much like Qi Shen Wei’s, wouldn’t be recognized.

At first, Qi Yin was relieved to see the bamboo raft, as they had so many luggage boxes that they couldn’t fit them all in their Qiankun pouch. But an hour ago, he saw several large ships with white sails catching up from behind and sailing towards them. A group of men and women surrounded the stern, pointing and laughing at them in the sea of clouds.

“Look, it’s those poor devils from Feng Huan Mountain! What are they sitting on? A bamboo raft? Hahaha!”

Liu Bai rowed his bamboo raft over and said, “The world is really getting worse. These immortal sects are becoming more and more extravagant, especially those people from Wu Fang Mountain, who wear white clothes and white robes every day. Think about it; how much money does it take just to make a white silk robe?”

To be honest, if he had the opportunity, Qi Yin would prefer to associate with these vulgar people.

Liu Bai continued, “Many beautiful maidens from various sects will come for the Dao conference this time. Do you have any thoughts, junior brother?”

Fu Lan and Qi Yin both shook their heads obediently. Fu Lan shook his head because he had a monk’s heart. He saw everyone in the world as the same. The only difference between people was whether they were younger brothers or non-younger brothers in his eyes. Qi Yin shook his head because he had suffered too much from emotional distress and had already made up his mind to carry the burden of the world and not get involved in the mortal world.

“Oh, don’t rush to refuse,” said Liu Bai with a look of understanding. “Let me remind you first. If you want to approach a girl you like, make sure to inquire about her background. Absolutely stay away from Zhong Gu Mountain.”

“Why?” asked Qi Yin.

Liu Bai lifted his chin toward Yun Zhi. “It’s all because of our eldest senior brother. Last time during the conference, he seduced Zhong Gu Mountain’s junior sister, took her for a ride on a flying sword and even released sky lanterns at Wu Fang’s Contemplation Cliff. The lanterns were slightly off-target and almost burned down the school. As a result, he was punished with 100 lashes in the disciplinary hall.”

“Where was he lashed?”

“On the palm of his right hand,” replied Liu Bai.

Qi Yin facepalmed.

“That little girl was deeply moved,” said Liu Bai. “After the conference, when we were heading back to the mountain, she caught up with us and insisted on returning to Feng Huan with us. I told her Feng Huan is poor and the mountain life is harsh. She said she was willing to endure hardships with our eldest senior brother.”

Qi Yin was speechless. These young lovers nowadays were really disgusting.

“Guess what our eldest senior brother said?” Liu Bai wiped his face and put on the appearance of a decent gentleman. “He said, ‘You’ve got it wrong. I’ve always treated you like my little sister.'”

What a rogue! Qi Yin was impressed and felt a deep sense of admiration. Yun Zhi, that scoundrel, may not be proficient in swordsmanship, but he was definitely a first-rate trickster when it came to deceiving innocent women.

Liu Bai rowed away on the bamboo raft, and Qi Yin turned to look at his brother. Fu Lan was gazing at the sea of clouds, clearly not listening. It seemed like nothing in this world could penetrate his heart, neither Qing Shi’s chanting nor Liu Bai’s gossip.

Qi Yin poked Fu Lan and asked, “Brother, have you ever thought about your origins?”

Fu Lan was startled for a moment, then replied, “Yes, I have.”

“The fool doesn’t remember who left him on Ba Mountain. He has lived in the temple ever since he could remember,” said the black cat, nestled in Fu Lan’s arms. “Later, I thought that maybe the fool’s background is related to the temple. When we first came to the southern region, we investigated various divine relics, visited Yun Meng ruins, and also went to Anyang Yin Xu ruins… but we didn’t get much out of it.”

Those were divine relics from other places, so naturally, they couldn’t find anything. Qi Yin said, “Listen to me. Brother, I think you are the illegitimate child of the White Deer God. Think about it, you grew up in Ba Mountain since you were young, but this place is surrounded by a white fog that eats people, and outsiders can’t even get in. So there is only one possibility – you were born inside. Besides you, who else is in the Ba Mountain Temple? It must be the White Deer God.”

Fu Lan listened silently.

“Maybe the White Deer God descended to earth and fell in love with a handsome scholar. The two of them had a secret relationship and had a child. Mortals grow old, so later when the scholar passed away, the god returned to Ba Mountain alone and gave birth to you. And because of some unknown mishap, your mother couldn’t stay with you, so she had to leave you alone in the temple. You’re not human, not demon, not monster. The Wolf King said your aura is very strange. Of course, you are a demigod, so they have never smelled the aura of a god before.” Qi Yin talked a lot and finally said, “Brother, doesn’t it make sense?”

Fu Lan didn’t even hesitate and shook his head. “No.”

Qi Yin: “…”

In the evening, they arrived at Jin Xi Town at the foot of Wu Fang Mountain. This town was not big, with only two long streets. When viewed from above, it looked like a few colorful building blocks falling in the mountain valley. Looking south, Wu Fang’s Mie Du Peak hung in the air. The peaks were in a triangular shape, surrounded by clouds and flying cranes. Vaguely visible on the dome were the shimmering light waves of a barrier.

There were chains leading to the ground in all four directions of Mie Du Peak. Liu Bai said that the chains led to four towns in Wu Fang Mountains, which were forbidden areas for demons. Below Mie Du Peak, the surrounding forbidden area was the Ice Sea Abyss, where it was icy all year round, and falling in meant certain death.

“They say the Ice Sea Abyss is also called the Sword Tomb,” said Liu Bai.

“Why? Is it because a sword immortal is buried there?” Qi Yin asked.

“Not really,” Liu Bai replied. “It’s said that Wu Fang’s disciples often accidentally fell into the Ice Sea Abyss while practicing swordsmanship, causing their swords to break and themselves to die. That’s why it’s called the Sword Tomb.”

Qi Yin shuddered. “You’re kidding me, right?”

Liu Bai laughed heartily. “Just kidding. You believed me?”

Qing Ming suggested they rest in Jin Xi Town first and go to Wu Fang the next day. Disciples from various immortal sects had come, making the town particularly lively recently. It was not known who started the trend, but sword immortals must wear white clothes and carry white swords. As soon as they entered the gate, there were white clothes and flashing swords everywhere on the streets. The beggars from Feng Huan Mountain joined the crowd, looking like chickens among a group of cranes.

As night fell, red lanterns hung on both sides of the long street, swaying and emitting a soft light under the eaves. The crowd was louder than usual this year. They said Wu Fang Mountain had strict rules, and their disciples abstained from food and drink and had few desires. Jin Xi Town was rarely this lively. Pear trees were planted on the roadside, and there were stalls selling goldfish, clay figurines, candies, and powder. The black cat followed Sang Ruo and the others to mooch food and drinks, while Qi Yin and Fu Lan strolled around together.

Qi Yin held a jug of wine in one hand and was pulled by Fu Lan with the other. Fu Lan held on tightly. Qi Yin moved his hand and said, “Brother, don’t hold on so tight.”

Fu Lan replied, “You’ll get lost.”

Qi Yin was helpless. Perhaps it was a habit from his childhood. This guy still treated him like a child and wouldn’t let go of his hand in crowded places.

Turning his head, he caught sight of a gambling house. A golden sign hung under the lanterns, and two thugs stood at the entrance. Qi Yin had never been to this place before, and he suddenly had a bad idea.

“Brother.” Qi Yin lifted his chin towards the casino. “We finally came out for a trip. Shall we go to the gambling house and broaden our horizons?”

Fu Lan looked up at the sign and said, “No.”

“Why not?”

“A Fu said that we can’t let you go astray. If you go into the gambling house, they’ll ruin your hands. If you go into jail, they’ll ruin your legs, and even your third leg will be ruined.” Fu Lan spoke and wrinkled his brows in confusion. “What is the third leg? Don’t mortals only have two legs?”

Qi Yin was speechless. “If I still want to go in, will you ruin me?”

Fu Lan was stunned.

“This idiot…” Qi Yin shook his head and laughed. Fu Lan usually didn’t have much expression, occasionally showing a bit of foolishness that looked quite cute. The lights of the night market shone on his face, and Qi Yin couldn’t help but feel his heart skip a beat as he watched him being so silly. Somehow, perhaps because he had drunk a few sips of alcohol, Qi Yin impulsively pinched Fu Lan’s face and said, “Brother, if you keep being so cute, do you believe that I’ll bite you?”

As soon as he said it, Qi Yin regretted it. The words sounded like he was flirting with him, and it was very inappropriate. Qi Yin blushed, but Fu Lan didn’t react at all and just looked at him silently.

“He probably doesn’t understand what I’m saying, right?” Qi Yin thought, scratching his head and trying to say something to break the awkwardness. Suddenly, Fu Lan leaned down, and his warm lips approached Qi Yin’s neck, leaving the impression of his hard and wet teeth on it.

The world seemed to go silent for a moment, and Qi Yin opened his eyes wide. The white pear blossoms silently fell before his eyes.

Qi Yin had been caught off guard and instinctively backed away. “Brother, what are you doing?”

Fu Lan tilted his head and looked at him with his big, black eyes reflecting the sparkling lights. “Xiao Yin is cute, so I want to bite you.”

The lights flickered, the crowds flowed by. The two of them silently stared at each other without moving. Fu Lan probably misunderstood Qi Yin’s meaning and thought that he had to bite Qi Yin because he thought he looked cute.

Qi Yin was silent for a while, then helplessly touched Fu Lan’s head and said, “Brother, don’t bite me again in the future. If you bite me again, I’ll…”

I’ll fall for you… Qi Yin thought helplessly.

Fu Lan looked at him in confusion.

Qi Yin sighed and continued, “I’ll be angry.”

Fu Lan nodded in disappointment and lowered his eyes, seeming a little upset.

Suddenly, there was a commotion up ahead, and the crowd boiled over. The sea of people moved to both sides, pushing Qi Yin and Fu Lan back, and they were tightly pressed against a pear tree. Qi Yin didn’t know what was happening and was confused, but he could only hold onto Fu Lan tightly to prevent him from being swept away by the crowd.

A cold and desolate sword glare flashed by in the sky, cutting like a knife into Qi Yin’s eyelids. The person on the sword flew too fast, and Qi Yin only saw a fleeting figure dressed in white, cold and sharp like frost on a plum blossom or snow on a mountain. The crowd went crazy. Qi Yin heard someone shout, “Young Daoist Qi!”

Qi Yin was taken aback. Could it be Yao Xiao Shan? He had gained such a high reputation in such a short time since he joined Wu Fang?

Not long after, a prison wagon rolled down the street, and the crowd shouted again, “The pig demon Fu Lan is here! Look, the pig demon Fu Lan is here!”

“Pig demon Fu Lan?” Qi Yin and Fu Lan looked at each other in confusion.

Soon they found out the answer. The prison wagon approached, and white-robed men riding on swords guarded both sides of the wagon. Inside the wagon was a burly monster with a human body and a pig’s head. His hair was unkempt, and his coarse fangs protruded from his mouth with traces of blood. The wagon finally arrived in front of Qi Yin, and the pig demon panted heavily. His hawk-like eyes rose under his tangled hair and met Fu Lan below.

The pig demon suddenly shook and went crazy, roaring and shaking the wagon. The crowd was startled and retreated in panic. The white-robed men remained calm and quickly used a talisman. Spells inscribed on the wagon flashed, and the pig demon screamed in pain, instantly becoming still.

“Brother, do you know that demon?” Qi Yin asked, pulling Fu Lan’s sleeve.

Fu Lan nodded. “It is Zhu Ming Zang, the chief of the pig demon clan.”

“Why did he impersonate you?” Qi Yin asked.

Fu Lan just frowned and didn’t say anything.

“Then… do we have to save him? After all, he is the chief of your demon clan. Is he considered your subordinate?” Qi Yin scratched his head.

Fu Lan furrowed his brow. “No, it’s troublesome. Let’s not save him.”

Qi Yin was stunned by his decisive attitude, but Fu Lan remained as indifferent as plain water. It seemed that it was only natural for him not to take action. Was this guy really the demon lord? Qi Yin still couldn’t believe his brother’s identity. How blind the demons must be to recognize him as their leader.

“We finally caught this demon!” someone exclaimed with righteous indignation. “This demon led his demon soldiers to burn, kill, rape, and plunder. A few days ago, he went to Liu’s village outside Heng Zhou City and killed the entire village, releasing the captive pigs, causing the price of pork to rise. Now I can’t even afford to eat pork!”

“Such evil!” someone exclaimed in hatred. “Now we can live in peace thanks to Young Daoist Qi. I heard that he set up a sword formation outside Heng Zhou City and captured Fu Lan alive. With the Snow Sword, he can subdue any demon and slay any evil!”

“Nonsense! Young Daoist Qi has received the true teachings of Elder Yuan Wei. His every move reflects his master’s style. Now, who doesn’t recognize him as a beacon of righteousness in the world, a model for us all!”

Qi Yin leaned over and asked, “May I ask if this Young Daoist Qi is Elder Yuan Wei’s son, Qi Yin?”

The man rolled his eyes. “What Qi Yin? How can that waste be compared to Young Daoist Qi?”

“You’re an ignorant country bumpkin, aren’t you?” The man looked Qi Yin up and down for a moment before continuing, “Qi Yin couldn’t handle the rigorous cultivation methods of Wu Fang, so he fled the mountain with his tail between his legs last month.”

Fled the mountain? Qi Yin widened his eyes in shock.

“The Young Daoist Qi we’re talking about is the famous first disciple of Wu Fang, the only direct disciple of Elder Yuan Wei,” the man said. “Qi Ling Shu!”

Jia Mo (Marrying the Devil) Chapter 31 – Wu Fang (2)

“I’m not going to Wu Fang,” Qi Yin said.

He sat on a wicker chair, holding a cup of steaming bitter tea. Ye Qing Ming and Yun Zhi leaned against the door, turning their heads in surprise at Qi Yin’s words. Qing Shi sat at the head of the table, still smiling. This chubby guy had always been like this, smiling with his eyes half-closed, making it hard to guess what he was thinking.

Qing Shi said, “I thought you would go, but it seems I miscalculated. May I ask why?”

Qi Yin shrugged. “Mainly because it would be awkward. My cousin Yao Xiao Shan is pretending to be me to cultivate at Wu Fang. If I went and met him, it would be very awkward. And those people at Wu Fang…” Qi Yin rubbed his toe on the ground. “Every time they mention Qi Shen Wei, they always bring up my mother in an insulting way. I don’t like it.”

“Oh…” Qing Shi nodded thoughtfully. “Indeed, I didn’t think it through.”

“What are you afraid of?” Yun Zhi came over and hooked his arm around his neck. “Let’s draw a talisman to change your appearance. Even if you go, Yao Xiao Shan won’t recognize you. As for those guys at Wu Fang, if anyone dares to speak ill of your mother, I, your senior brother, will be the first to beat his mother.”

Qi Yin glanced at him sideways. “Promises are insincere, flattery is false. What are you up to?”

“Oh.” Yun Zhi laughed, showing his white teeth. “I have always been concerned about you, as your senior brother.”

Qi Yin: “…”

As if he would believe him.

“Wu Fang is the number one sect in the world. I thought my disciple would want to see the world, even if he despises Yuan Wei. But now it seems that my disciple is as calm as water, without a ripple. It’s beyond my expectations.” Qing Shi shook his head and smiled. “However, my disciple may want to hear me out before making a decision.” Qing Shi lifted his sleeve. “Tong Yi, bring the lamp of life.”

A young boy nodded and went into the inner room. The other boys closed the windows and put down the bamboo curtains. The room suddenly became dark, and Qi Yin didn’t know what they were up to. After a while, the boy came out with a crystal lamp and placed it on the tea table beside Qing Shi.

The lamp was strange. Its flame was a blue, like a ghost fire from the underworld. The lamp looked very old. The copper base was covered with a layer of green rust, and the carving was blurry.

Qing Shi said, “Do you know whose lamp this is, my disciple?”

“…” Qi Yin looked at Qing Shi, whose expression was unusually solemn, and suddenly had a guess in his heart. Could it be that guy? Wasn’t he dead? He died when he was fighting against the water ghost.

Qi Yin’s lips were a little dry, and he tentatively asked, “Is it my fathe’sr?”

“It is.”

“Is he still alive?”

“I don’t know.” Qing Shi shook his head. “The flickering lights means your father is neither alive nor dead, which is an ill omen. Your father and I once ventured into the demon’s lair to slay demons and evil spirits when we were young. The demon’s lair was treacherous, and during the battles, we often lost track of each other. In order to find out about each other’s situation, we both dripped blood into a lamp and lit a lamp of life. Even if we were thousands of miles apart, we would know whether each other was still alive or not.” He lowered his head and looked at the lamp. “On the eighth day of the fourth month this year, I was meditating in the mountains when I suddenly saw the lamp flicker. Soon after, news came that Yuan Wei had died. At the same time, something else visited me late at night.”

“What was it?”

“A flying paper that burns upon reading,” Qing Shi said, “with the words ‘Don’t let my son enter Wu Fang!'”

Yun Zhi interjected, “The paper didn’t have a signature, but among Master’s friends who have children, there’s no one else but your father. So Master ordered me to go to Wu Fang overnight, pretending to encounter you on the way, and to take you away halfway. Fortunately, Zhao Ran didn’t recognize you, so I took you away openly and honestly.”

“Wu Fang said that your father was seriously injured while fighting a water ghost and died without treatment,” Ye Qing Ming said, “but your father was a rare sword genius in a century, able to control a thousand flying swords at the same time. Even the Northern Wolf King was defeated by his sword, so how capable could a water ghost be? Besides, your father went to Ying River at the beginning of the year, and news of his death only came out in April. What kind of injury could drag on for four months and make the light flicker? Isn’t this clearly deceiving people?”

“So you think my father didn’t die due to the water ghost?” Qi Yin asked.

All three nodded in unison.

“What does neither alive nor dead mean?”

Ye Qing Ming scratched his chin. “We don’t know either. This is the first time we’ve seen the lamp show this color.”

“In order to investigate this matter,” Qing Shi stroked his beard and said, “we sent Qing He to infiltrate Wu Fang in the name of borrowing books from the library and investigate secretly.”

“Did he find out anything?”

Qing Shi shook his head. “No. However, he checked the register of disciples who entered without permission and found that five people were missing. And all of these people disappeared on the same day, just before the lights turned dim, on April 5th.”

“Do you suspect that their disappearance is related to my father?” asked Qi Yin.

Qing Shi nodded.

Qi Yin’s mood was complicated. “Then what’s the use in finding me? Although he and I are father and son, we don’t have any kind of spiritual connection or telepathy. Even if I go, I won’t be able to find him.”

“You can.” Qing Shi patted his shoulder. “Xiao Yin, the only one who can find him in this world is you.”

He reached out and pulled out a compass from somewhere, but the pointer was rusty and wouldn’t move. Qing Ming pulled Qi Yin’s wrist and cut a finger-long wound in his palm. Qi Yin cried out in pain, “What are you doing!”

Blood flowed down his fingers, and Qing Shi caught it with the compass. The rust on the compass melted away, and the pointer slowly turned, pointing south.

“What is this…” Qi Yin stared at the compass.

“It’s a Blood Compass,” said Ye Qing Ming. “If there is fresh blood on the compass within an hour of leaving the body, it will show you the direction of your parents, children, or siblings. It’s commonly used by people to find their relatives. It’s expensive, costing fifty taels of silver for one piece.”

“How could you afford it?” asked Qi Yin.

“We didn’t buy it. Your master made it himself,” said Ye Qing Ming. “That’s not important. You shouldn’t have any illegitimate children, right? So it must be pointing to…”

Looking in the direction of the pointer, daylight shone through the plain window and cast shadows on the ground. Qi Yin murmured, “Qi Shen Wei.”

He didn’t feel good about it. He had known earlier that the person he should call father had died, and he felt lost and empty inside. He didn’t feel very sad. But now that he knew that the man might still be alive, he still felt lost and didn’t feel happy.

When he was a child, he made excuses for Qi Shen Wei and tried to guess what secret he was hiding. But even if it was a huge secret, he couldn’t forgive Qi Shen Wei for not contacting him for eighteen years. Qi Yin thought, what did it matter that Qi Shen Wei left a child behind when he died? Did he suddenly repent and atone for his sins before he died?

He remembered that Zhao Ran had said that Qi Shen Wei had confessed and punished himself in front of their master’s door. What did that mean? Qi Yin thought with his eyes downcast that he and his mother were probably the only stains on Qi Shen Wei’s otherwise pure life, and it was embarrassing and uncomfortable for him.

“Xiao Yin…” Qing Shi took his hand and squinted his bean-sized eyes, with a hint of tears in them. “At the end of the day, it’s still a life. Think about it again?”

Qi Yin couldn’t bear it in his heart. Ah, this fat man was right. He couldn’t just let that damn sword immortal die without reason. Qi Yin muttered, “Okay, I’ll go!”

Before leaving, Qing Shi handed him a long sword. “This is Yuan Wei’s Gui Mei Sword. It’s time for you to take it.”

It was a three-foot-long light sword. Qi Yin had heard of this ancient spirit sword. It was the one that Qi Shen Wei got inside a big monster’s belly. Since Qi Shen Wei became famous, nine out of ten swords made in the blacksmith shop in Wu Tang Town were named “Gui Mei.” Many young men saved up their money to buy one and wear it around their waist as a lifelong symbol, seeing Qi Shen Wei as their role model. Among the children playing in the streets, nine out of ten wooden swords also had “Gui Mei” written on them. He had one himself when he was a child, a sword he had carved and written himself, but it was later snatched away by Yao Xiao Shan.

He never thought he would have the real one now.

Qi Yin took the sword and drew it out of its sheath, but he didn’t see the dazzling light he had imagined. The sword was covered in rust, and it looked like an old person’s face, with spots and stains.

Right, he heard that powerful immortal swords had to acknowledge their masters. Gui Mei didn’t lose its rust, probably because it didn’t recognize him. Qi Yin shrugged his shoulders and took the sword, then turned to leave. But as he stepped out of the threshold, he suddenly stopped and turned around to ask, “Did you guys already decide to send me there? What if I don’t want to go?”

“Then we’ll have to knock you out and let Yun Zhi take you to Wu Fang,” Qing Shi answered with a smile.

Qi Yin: “…”

They said they wouldn’t force him, didn’t they?

Qi Yin descended the mountain steps with his eyes fixed on the ground until he disappeared into the light mist. Yun Zhi crossed his arms and said with a bitter smile, “Gui Mei is an ancient spiritual sword. If it doesn’t recognize its master, the wielder’s arm will be frozen by frost. When I first held the hilt, frost flowers grew all the way up to my elbow. I almost froze to death. But my junior brother Qi Yin, who held the sword firmly, couldn’t remove the rust. Why?”

Qing Shi replied, “It’s not that Gui Mei doesn’t allow him to remove the rust, but his spiritual power is too weak to do so. After all, he is Yuan Wei’s son. How could Gui Mei not recognize him? Young people still need to practice more.”

The day before departure, Qi Yin went to the Repentance Cliff. The night was so thick it was like ink that wouldn’t dissolve. He climbed up the cliff and shouted, “Brother Wolf!” then leaped off. A white figure rushed toward him from below, and he rested his hand behind his head as he lay down in the soft fur of the Wolf King.

“You brat, who do you think I am? A mount?” The Wolf King grumbled, “If I didn’t come, you would have turned into meat sauce.”

“But you did come, didn’t you?” Qi Yin lazily looked up at the sky. “Brother Wolf, at the end of the year, there will be a Daoist debate. I have to leave tomorrow.”

“You? Compete on the Daoist debate? Don’t make me laugh. Although those Daoists of Wu Fang stink and wear sour faces every day, they really have some skills. Except for Yun Zhi, your Feng Huan Sect is not even worth someone else’s shoes. Oh, by the way,” the Wolf King said, “tell your brother to go. Your brother is a natural star of death. With him there, those old immortals of Wu Fang will have to give way.”

“I just want to broaden my horizons. I’ll be back after a quick trip.” Qi Yin sat up. “Brother Wolf, I may see my dead father when I go to Wu Fang. I don’t know if he’s alive or dead. Do you have any message you want me to deliver?”

“…” The Wolf King was silent for a while, his golden eyes flickering. After a while, Qi Yin heard him say, “It’s been twenty years since I last saw your father. Twenty years ago, I was a young wolf and had just caught a girl. She was so thin and had no flesh on her, but she cooked well. Your father came to fight me at the request of someone else. We fought until the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and I lost the last two moves and got bruises all over my body. But at the critical moment, I saw the girl taking a bath in the mountain stream. I kicked your father into the stream with one foot. Haha, I couldn’t beat him, but the girl could. She beat your father so badly that he was bleeding from his head.”

“You’re so sly,” Qi Yin said helplessly.

“What do you mortals say? All is fair in war. Your father had thin skin. If it had been me who fell in, I wouldn’t have panicked. I’d stand up straight and face it. Naked women? How dare they argue with me?” The Wolf King snorted.

“Where did you fight?” Qi Yin asked.

“At Wu River.”

“……” Qi Yin was stunned, wondering if the girl the Wolf King was talking about was his mother.

“After eighteen years of separation, I’ve lived for so long that my life is nearing its end.” The Wolf King stood up. The wind rustled through his fur, which billowed like a wave of white grass. “Boy, if you see your father, tell him that when we meet in the Yellow Springs, I will fight him again!”