Free M/M Fiction

Jia Mo (Marrying the Devil) Chapter 10 – The Thieves’ Den (5)

Qi Yin stuttered, “Can we still leave now?”

Fu Lan didn’t say anything, listening intently, looking puzzled.

“You can hear ‘them’ talking?” Qi Yin asked in a low voice.

Fu Lan nodded.

“What are ‘they’ saying?”

Fu Lan listened for a while and then said, “‘Senior brother, the moon is so round today. I really like you.'”

“…” Qi Yin slapped his forehead, immediately understanding who was inside.

This sect would be doomed sooner or later. Qi Yin pulled Fu Lan up the hill to the Repentance Cliff. It was open and unobstructed here, and there shouldn’t be anyone talking about spring love. Qi Yin loosened his waistband and stood at the edge of the cliff to relieve himself.

The night wind was cold, the forest was immersed in the hazy night, and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees was like waves, coming in one after another. Immersed in the sound of the heaven and earth, people were insignificant, like tiny insects.

Qi Yin spoke to Fu Lan while he was relieving himself, “Dai Ge, I can sew your clothes for you. Don’t give them away recklessly. There are no decent people in this mountain. You don’t want to lose your virginity for nothing.”

Fu Lan obediently nodded.

“Um,” Qi Yin thought for a moment and then said, “If you like a girl, tell me, and I’ll help you keep an eye on her.”

Fu Lan didn’t say anything this time. There was nothing to say. The silence was filled by the sound of the forest.

Just as Qi Yin finished relieving himself and was about to put on his pants, Fu Lan suddenly grabbed the back of his collar. This guy had immense strength, and Qi Yin was pulled into his arms. His pants slipped down his legs.

Qi Yin thought to himself that this scoundrel might take advantage of him while his pants were off. He hadn’t even figured out how to respond when flames suddenly rose up from below, surging up the cliff face in a pillar of fire, burning Qi Yin’s toes with its scorching heat. The place where Qi Yin had been standing was now nothing but ashes, sticking together in a black mess.

Qi Yin clung to Fu Lan, scared out of his wits. If Fu Lan had been a moment late, not only would Qi Yin’s descendants have been in danger, but he himself would have been reduced to ashes.

A thunderous roar came from the bottom of the cliff, “You little bunnies from Feng Huan Mountain! You dared to pee on my head, so I’ll burn your birds to teach you a lesson! Don’t think that the name of the Northern Wolf King is just for show!”

A senior brother ran over with a wooden plaque in his arms, shouting loudly, “Wolf King, calm down. The notice board was blown away by the wind. These newcomers don’t know the rules!” He put the wooden plaque on the ground, saw that Qi Yin and Fu Lan were okay, and then ran away in a hurry.

Qi Yin fixed his gaze on the plaque, which had a few large characters written in a flamboyant style: “Below is the Wolf King. No peeing is allowed here.”

Qi Yin was so mad he almost vomited blood. He almost died because of something so stupid!

“Get dressed,” said Fu Lan, taking a step forward. “He bullied you. I’ll go beat him up.”

“Wait!” Qi Yin had just picked up his pants when Fu Lan leaped forward. Qi Yin instinctively reached for his arm, but he was swept away by Fu Lan’s movement and fell straight off the cliff. Fu Lan hesitated for a moment before plunging after Qi Yin.

The sound of the wind whistled in Qi Yin’s ears as he was filled with fear, feeling as though his heart was about to jump out of his throat. Suddenly, someone grabbed his waist, hoisted him up, and clumsily pushed his hair out of his face.

Fu Lan held him horizontally as they slowly descended. When Qi Yin’s feet finally touched the ground, he let out a sigh of relief. As he leaned against the cliff, he saw a huge white wolf crouched on a large rock on the other side. The wolf was as tall as a three-story building, with golden eyes that burned like lanterns and snow-white fur that looked like surging clouds in the moonlight. Fu Lan and Qi Yin stood in front of it, looking like two clay dolls. Although they were several yards apart, Qi Yin could feel the wolf’s scorching breath, as though it were flames from hell.

“Brother, are you still going to hit him?” Qi Yin’s voice was trembling.

Fu Lan didn’t speak. He met the Wolf King’s sinister gaze. A chilling demonic aura emanated from Fu Lan like a tidal wave. If Qi Yin had cultivated his spiritual awareness, he would have been able to “see” the two waves of demonic energy from Fu Lan and the Wolf King violently colliding with each other, creating immense waves at the point of impact. Like two rocks in the center of the tide, they stood firm, while the world around them was swallowed by the tide.

Qi Yin suddenly felt as though the wind was picking up, and the sand and stones were swirling around him so strongly that he couldn’t keep his eyes open. Fu Lan reached out and grabbed him with one hand. He clung to Fu Lan like a dead leaf in the tide, and only by clinging to the rock could he avoid being swept away by the waves.

The wind gradually died down, and Qi Yin saw the Wolf King crouch down. Little did he know that the Wolf King had just suppressed the urge to taste fresh blood.

“Name,” said the Wolf King in a low voice.

“Fu Lan.”

“I’ve heard of you,” said the Wolf King, standing up from the rock and looking down at Fu Lan and Qi Yin. “You are a great demon from the southern wilderness. I heard you led thirty thousand demon soldiers into battle against the demons in Jiu Gai. Twenty-eight leaders died, and all the demon soldiers were wiped out. Only you managed to fight your way up to Yuan Mountain, kill that old man, Wei Sheng Yuan, and refined his bones into a sword.”

“Yeah, that was me,” said Fu Lan.

The Wolf King suddenly chuckled. “But your aura doesn’t seem like a demon or a monster at all. I’ve lived for eight hundred years, and it’s the first time I’ve smelled such a unique scent. It really makes me sick.”

Qi Yin whispered behind Fu Lan, “Dai Ge, how long has it been since you last bathed?”

Fu Lan: “…”

“But.” The Wolf King laughed heartily. “The younger generation is formidable. I concede defeat. You two can go.”

Qi Yin breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t expect the reputation of the pig demon in the southern territory to be so useful. Before he even had to use any tricks, just revealing their identity was enough to scare the cowardly wolf away. He quickly pulled Fu Lan and tried to climb up the cliff. Suddenly, the timid wolf sniffed and asked, “Hey, you, the small one behind. Come over and let me have a look.”

Qi Yin immediately froze. He bathed every day. Did this wolf want him as its food?

Fu Lan pulled him behind and said, “He’s with me. I don’t allow you to look at him.”

“Tsk.” The Wolf King sneered disdainfully. “Do you really think I’m interested? I just smell something familiar from this brat. It’s like…like…that person surnamed Qi from Wu Fang Mountain. Kid, are you related to that Daoist?”

The wolf looked fierce, but didn’t seem difficult to get along with. Qi Yin hesitated for a moment, then gave it a bow and said, “I am Qi Yin. The Daoist that the Wolf King mentioned is probably my father. However, he abandoned his wife and child long ago and ignored me, so he can’t really be considered my father.”

The Wolf King let out a long sigh. “That bastard did indeed have a face of ungratefulness and lack of righteousness. I admired him at first and wanted to befriend him. But after I ate a few mortals, this brat turned against me and had me locked up here with the leader of your Feng Huan Mountain. I’ve been locked up for twenty years without him even bothering to visit me once. My once shiny and smooth fur is now all twisted up.” The Wolf King snorted and said, “How has he been doing? He has excellent swordsmanship and qualifications. He should be the elder of Wu Fang Mountain by now.”

Qi Yin fell silent for a while before saying, “He’s dead. I heard he was killed recently when he went to Ying River to rid it of water ghosts.”

The Wolf King suddenly fell silent, and his eyes, which were as shiny as molten gold, dimmed slightly. The cold moonlight shone on his face, and every strand of his snow-white fur shimmered with a jade-colored light. Somehow, Qi Yin could sense a hint of sadness from his face.

“You two little brats, come take a walk with me.” The Wolf King suddenly got off the stone and walked into the woods.

The night wind flowed quietly, and the forest flickered with brilliant fireflies. In front of them was a small stream, and the sound of flowing water echoed in the distance. A faint singing voice drifted from far away, as if crossing mountains and waters, and was carried to their ears by the wind. The Wolf King said it was from the mermaids who lived downstream. They sang the same song all day long, and he had been listening for twenty years.

“They’re quite pretty, and they wear very little. If you don’t mind that they have fish tails, you might consider them,” the Wolf King said.

Qi Yin laughed dryly and said, “Thank you for your kind offer, Wolf King, but we’d better focus on our cultivation.”

Several unknown small monsters crawled out of a pile of fallen leaves and were scared off by the Wolf King. They pretended to be dead and crawled back in. The fireflies on the stream slowly gathered and formed the silhouette of a beautiful young woman, floating in the water. Qi Yin asked what it was, and Fu Lan said, “Firefly demon, man-eater.”

The singing continued, ethereal like smoke. They walked a little farther and stopped by the stream. The Wolf King lay on the bank of the stream and looked at the moon in the water, saying, “Little brat, don’t blame your old man for being heartless. Men are bound to make such mistakes. I also have many illegitimate children. Who knows where they’re frolicking now. I’ve eaten tens of thousands of mortals. Your dad was a real man, although he had a thin face. He blushed when he saw women bathing. Study hard, don’t disgrace your father.”

Qi Yin didn’t say anything more, as if he had taken in the Wolf King’s words but also as if he hadn’t. When he didn’t smile, his face was pale, as if he was distant from everyone.

The two of them, one human and one wolf, looked at the moon and its reflection in the water, with ripples spreading and fireflies dancing. The world was as quiet as a dream.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Fu Lan carried Qi Yin back to the Repentance Cliff. The mermaids’ song could no longer be heard, and the surroundings were silent, with a faint moonlight, as if the world was trapped in a thin layer of water. Qi Yin didn’t want to go back to sleep and sat on the cliff to enjoy the breeze. Fu Lan sat with him, the two of them under the night sky, as small and thin as shadows.

“You’re sad,” Fu Lan said.

Qi Yin tugged at the corner of his mouth and joked dryly, “What gave it away, Dai Ge?”

Fu Lan patted his own shoulder and said, “If you’re feeling sad, you can lean on my shoulder.”

Qi Yin felt warmed in his heart and smiled, saying, “Thanks. Actually, I’m not that sad, just a bit bored. It’s just that I don’t have a father, but neither do you, nor our senior brothers and sisters. I’ve gotten used to it. I just can’t stand people constantly mentioning him in my ear, as if I had a father. He’s a great hero, I know, slaying demons and monsters, showing great courage and righteousness. I also know that he had aspirations to pursue the path of the great Dao, so it’s understandable that he didn’t come back to find my mother.”

Fu Lan quietly watched him.

“But what does that matter? He’s someone else’s hero, not mine.” Qi Yin lowered his head, his disheveled hair covering his eyes. He looked dejected, like a roadside weed. “After all, I don’t even know his name…”

“Qi Shen Wei,” Fu Lan suddenly said.

Qi Yin was stunned and looked up at him.

“A Fu told me. It’s not his title, it’s his real name,” Fu Lan said. “Do you really want a father?”

Qi Yin scratched his head and said, “It’s a lie to say I don’t want one. When I was a kid, my cousin dragged me into fights with other kids, and I would get beaten up badly. I would lie on the ground and secretly wish that my father would come down from the sky and beat up those people until they begged for mercy. But it was always my uncle who came to my rescue. He would only take my cousin away, and I could only rub my knees and follow from behind.”

“I helped you win today,” Fu Lan said.

“…” That was because you scared the Wolf King away by using a pig demon’s name that was the same as yours. Qi Yin was a bit speechless. He didn’t expect Fu Lan to be so thick-skinned.

The two of them were silent for a while, and then Qi Yin asked, “Dai Ge, just now the Wolf King said that your aura doesn’t seem like a demon or a monster. What does that mean?”

Fu Lan looked towards the distant mountains and said, “The cat said that I’m a cat demon because I follow it. Later, A Fu said I’m her child, so I’m human.” He lowered his eyes and whispered, “Xiao Yin, I don’t even know what I am.”

Not a demon, not a monster; isn’t that just a human? Qi Yin scratched his head, turned Fu Lan’s face to him, and said, “You have a nose and eyes, and our male treasure sword. You’re human, Dai Ge. Don’t listen to your cat’s nonsense. Look at how you’ve learned to speak like it.”

Fu Lan remained silent.

“Dai Ge.” Qi Yin looked at the moon in the sky and said, “Why don’t you tell me about my mother? I was too young when I was with her, so I don’t have much of an impression. My mother…what kind of person was she? She must have been really good if my cold-hearted father chose her.”

“Well.” Fu Lan thought of the bright woman and said, “She was very beautiful, even more beautiful than Nüwa. Her voice was light, like a gust of wind, flying into the vast night.

If You See Snow Chapter 3 – The Vow of a Thousand Years

At night, Su Ru Hui stubbornly refused to leave Sang Chi Yu’s room. Sang Chi Yu couldn’t force him out, so he reluctantly allowed him to sleep on the floor with the old dog. The dog, being unable to speak, didn’t mind Su Ru Hui’s presence, but Sang Chi Yu didn’t want him on his bed.

Suddenly, the system spoke up:

“Temporary task assigned: Climb onto Sang Chi Yu’s bed.”

“Task description: The bed belongs to Sang Chi Yu, and neither the dog nor Su Ru Hui is allowed to sleep on it. The dog is content to stay off, but Su Ru Hui shouldn’t be satisfied with this situation.”

“Time limit: 15 minutes.”

“Reward: System privileges will be increased by 5%, and the host will be able to see the secrets of people within his field of view that they don’t want others to know.”

The room was dark, and the canopy bed where Sang Chi Yu slept was shrouded in white gauze that made it difficult to see inside. Su Ru Hui stroked the dog’s fur slowly, and the dog, sensing that something was amiss, perked up its ears warily.

It knew that Su Ru Hui was up to no good.

Su Ru Hui sighed softly and said, “Poor Wang Cai. You have to share a bed with me. If only my husband weren’t so cruel; he wouldn’t even let me sleep on his bed after cooking for him.”

The dog said nothing.

Sang Chi Yu, who was lying in the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Su Ru Hui continued to complain, “The ground is so cold. I’m going to catch a cold tomorrow. Even if I’m sick, I still have to get up and cook for my frail and helpless husband. Someone wants to kill me, but my husband doesn’t care. Oh, Wang Cai, my life is so miserable.”

The dog yawned lazily. It wanted to tell Su Ru Hui that whining wouldn’t help his situation, and that Sang Chi Yu would never let him sleep on the bed. When it first arrived, the dog found the ground too hard to sleep on, so it sneaked to Sang Chi Yu’s feet and slept there. When he woke up and found out, he sat on the bed all night, refusing to sleep with anyone. The next day, he changed the bed sheet.

If Sang Chi Yu found a clean and cute dog like him repulsive, there was no chance he would let this unknown and shameless little bastard sleep with him.

Su Ru Hui clenched his fist under his lip, exaggeratedly coughing a few times to create the illusion of being cold and windblown.

The old dog had no expression on his face
His acting was so fake, he was worse than a dog.

However, at this moment, they heard the person on the bed let out a low sigh and say, “Come up.”

The old dog stared in disbelief.

Su Ru Hui happily hugged a pillow, crawled into the white gauze canopy, and climbed onto Sang Chi Yu’s bed. He stopped playing any tricks and climbed into bed beside Sang Chi Yu’s feet, sleeping against the wall. There was a spacious gap between the two of them, enough for another person to sleep in.

“Goodnight, my husband,” he said.

After speaking, he closed his eyes and his breathing became steady, already asleep.

In the darkness, Sang Chi Yu did not close his eyes again. The night was extremely quiet – so quiet that it seemed as if one could hear the sound of time flowing. He looked at Su Ru Hui’s sleeping face shrouded in shadows and stayed awake until dawn.

Su Ru Hui only woke up when the sun was already high in the sky. He turned his head and saw Sang Chi Yu sitting next to the bedpost, the sunlight softening the contours of his face, making him appear serene and indifferent. Su Ru Hui got up and said, “Are you hungry? I’ll make you breakfast. What do you want to eat?”

Sang Chi Yu said indifferently, “You should leave now.”

He reached under the thin quilt and handed Su Ru Hui a divorce letter. The handwriting was elegant and neat, just like him.

Su Ru Hui did not take it, clicking his tongue and sighing. “My husband, you are so heartless.”

Sang Chi Yu maintained the posture of handing him the letter, making it clear that he would not move if Su Ru Hui did not take it.

“If I leave, what will you do?” Su Ru Hui glanced at the old dog sleeping belly-up and drooling. “Are you going to rely on this thing to take care of you?”

“It’s none of your business,” Sang Chi Yu said coldly.

This look was somewhat familiar, reminding Su Ru Hui of what Sang Chi Yu used to be like.

Su Ru Hui knew that Sang Chi Yu couldn’t count on anyone to take care of him, and he was waiting to die.

So what if his legs were broken and he was stripped of his spiritual powers? Su Ru Hui had long lost his spiritual powers and was no different from an ordinary person. He was expelled from the Kun Lun Secret Sect and wandered the Black Streets at eighteen. At twenty-five, he suffered from a poison that left him increasingly weak. He hadn’t given up, but this kid had given up on himself so easily. He had obviously never experienced the hardships of life.

Su Ru Hui felt a headache coming on and changed his approach. “Someone wants to kill me. What if I leave and get killed just a few steps away? We’ve been husband and wife for four days. Aren’t you even a little worried about me?”

This time, Sang Chi Yu didn’t say anything, but after a long silence, he said, “You’ll find a way.”

Su Ru Hui raised his eyebrows. “How do you know? You just trust me like that?”

“You always have a way. There’s nothing that can stop you.” Sang Chi Yu placed the divorce letter in front of him. “And I’m useless, only a burden to you. Leave, don’t waste your time with me.”

Su Ru Hui looked down at the divorce letter Sang Chi Yu had written. There wasn’t much content, just some customary phrases. But at the end, Sang Chi Yu had added a few extra lines that said, “May my husband be strong and healthy, live a thousand years.”

Su Ru Hui couldn’t help but smile. Did Sang Chi Yu want him to become an immortal turtle?

“Fine, I’ll keep this for now. But I don’t plan on leaving. Besides, you can’t beat me right now.” Su Ru Hui folded the divorce letter and climbed down from the bed. “I’ll go make breakfast for you.”

They had known each other for so many years. He couldn’t just let this kid fend for himself.

After saying that, Su Ru Hui left without waiting for Sang Chi Yu’s response. The rice and grain in the kitchen were almost gone, so Su Ru Hui made a bowl of lean pork porridge and put it on Sang Chi Yu’s table. Then he kicked the old dog and said, “Come with me to buy groceries. Otherwise, you won’t get any meat today.”

Before he left, Su Ru Hui looked around Jiang Que Xie’s dwelling. Sadly, he didn’t leave much money. The silver in his hands would only last another ten days at most. As for Sang Chi Yu, it was needless to ask. His room was a mess of junk and it was obvious that he was broke. This damn system, it was useless besides spewing trash talk. Why couldn’t it assign some quests to help him earn money?

Su Ru Hui looked at the iron valves, bearings, and balancers scattered on the ground. He rubbed his chin. Maybe he could make use of this scrap metal. But for now, buying groceries was more important. The murderer was targeting Jiang Que Xie, and it was fine for Sang Chi Yu to stay here alone; otherwise he would’ve died the previous night. Su Ru Hui took some silver with him and headed to the city with the old dog. It was pouring rain and there were no horses. The stable only had a broken puppet horse. They had to walk with an umbrella for almost half an hour before they entered the city, and by then it was already noon.

Yun Zhou was the largest province in Great Jing. Not counting the thirty-nine townships and counties under its jurisdiction, the main city alone had over fifty blocks and markets. The vertical and horizontal Tian Street divided each block, like tofu pieces stacked together. A towering statue was located in the city, with a huge iron-gray face full of compassion and silence, like a god. That statue was modeled after Sang Chi Yu’s master and Kun Lun Secret Sect’s Grandmaster, Dan Tai Jing. Jiang Huai Cang, the head of the Jiang family, had used tens of thousands of laborers to complete this stone sculpture on his 60th birthday. All the buildings surrounded the statue, and because the population was too dense, the buildings were piled up like towers, blocking out the sun, with countless skywalks connecting them. Pedestrians under the statue’s feet were like ants.

Su Ru Hui walked under the volley plank road, where a group of prostitutes with white powder on their faces and wearing bright red skirts were gathered overhead, laughing and playing in the rain. Various lanterns hanging under the eaves of the wine shops swayed in the wind, and the candlelight shining through colored paper cast colorful hues on the women’s pale faces, making them look like demons.

Some of the “women” had glass-like eyeballs that sparkled with a blue light emitted from their built-in spirit stones as they rolled around. Raindrops falling on their flawless skin created a non-human porcelain-like sheen. They were not real people but mechanical puppets. Despite not being real humans, their prices were much higher than those of real people, as wealthy young men were willing to pay a high price for the novelty.

A vendor in a raincoat approached him, offering him a book titled Phantom Puppets and rapidly trying to sell it to him. “Authentic merchandise passed down from the Kun Lun Secret Sect. If it’s fake, I’ll give you ten times the price. There’s also an appendix that details the love, hate, and grudges between Su Ru Hui and Miss Jiang Xue Ya of the Jiang family. Would you like to buy a copy, sir?”

“Su Ru Hui and Jiang Xue Ya?” Su Ru Hui was stunned.

The vendor spoke fluently, “Sir, you don’t know? Su Ru Hui and Miss Jiang were a match made in heaven. Miss Jiang’s undershirt was stolen by two guards from the Long Xiang Guards of the Kun Lun Secret Sect, and Su Ru Hui, in a fit of anger, killed the two lechers on the spot. Killing is a great sin, and Su Ru Hui had no choice but to bid farewell to his beloved and disappear into the Black Street. Sang Chi Yu stepped in and persuaded the Kun Lun Secret Sect to arrange a marriage between him and the Jiang family. Su Ru Hui was melancholic all day long and died of illness. Fortunately, karma caught up with Sang Chi Yu, and he became a cripple… Hey hey, sir, where are you going?”

What is this all about? Su Ru Hui avoided the vendor and turned into another street where many small newspapers were posted on the walls, soaked through by the rain, such as “Grade A Dual Cultivation Puppets, Second-Rank Humanoid Puppets,” and “Iron Ban: Those who sell spirit fire guns and blade metalware privately will be killed without mercy”…

“Dual cultivation puppets are so popular now?” Su Ru Hui stroked his chin.

[Information unlocked: Dual cultivation puppets are the best-selling type of puppet on the market. With high prices, even used ones cost a hundred gold. This system recommends that the host find Sang Chi Yu for dual cultivation directly, which is free and a better experience than using dual cultivation puppets.]

There were many small stalls covered with waterproof oilcloth leaning against the wall, where vendors were dozing off inside. They sold puppets that had been discarded by noble families and the Kun Lun Secret Sect, incomplete sword manuals and martial arts collections, as well as stacks of talismans. Su Ru Hui knew that if even one of these talismans was effective, it would be a godsend.

He walked on without stopping and bought groceries in another alley before finally selling the old dog to a meat shop.

“Sorry, Wang Cai.” He grinned and walked away from the old dog’s angry gaze.

He wandered around in the crowd for a while, trying to find out about the incident that caused Sang Chi Yu to be expelled, but he didn’t learn anything. The Kun Lun Secret Sect always controlled speech very tightly, so it seemed that he wouldn’t be able to find out anything without going into the Black Street. However, to enter the Black Street, he needed a letter of introduction. In his past life, he killed two Secret Sect disciples in public, so the Black Street opened up to him on its own initiative. This life, he didn’t want to kill anyone. He just wanted to be a diligent citizen who supported his disabled husband. That made it difficult.

He didn’t find out anything, and he was being followed. Su Ru Hui didn’t know where he had exposed himself and attracted attention, or was it… the murderer who killed Jiang Que Xie? He entered an alley and turned back. He saw a man standing in the rain.

“Why didn’t you come find me? According to our agreement, we should have met yesterday.” The man’s voice sounded like that of an older man.

It was someone the original owner knew. Su Ru Hui subconsciously looked at the man’s feet, but he couldn’t see how big his feet were through the rain curtain, so he couldn’t compare them to the shoe prints in his memory.

Was this guy from the Jiang family, or was he someone else?

[Li Bao Cai, the original owner’s direct supervisor. Hoped to climb to the top of his career by using the original owner’s appearance.]

This was the damn “little secret unknown to others” that the system mentioned? It was equivalent to saying nothing. Su Ru Hui wanted to beat the system up.

Jiang Que Xie’s identity was unknown, so Su Ru Hui couldn’t say too much, or he would be easily exposed. He didn’t answer the man’s question directly, only saying, “Someone tried to assassinate me the night before.”

“Someone tried to assassinate you!? Did you see their face?”


The man calmed down. “Maybe it’s the people from the Great Compassion Temple. They are also monitoring Sang Chi Yu. You don’t need to worry about this matter. I will investigate. You don’t need to contact me in these few days. Just play the role of Jiang Que Xie well and try to dig out everything about the Kun Lun Secret Sect from Sang Chi Yu’s mouth.”

That was an important information; so Jiang Que Xie was fake. Su Ru Hui exclaimed “Wow” in his heart.

The Great Compassion Temple was the largest sect in the Black Street, always mysterious. He had contact with people from there a few times in his past life. The old dog had mentioned “Hei Guan Yin,” so he should be a member of the Great Compassion Temple.

[Host guessed correctly. Information unlocked: The old dog’s monastic name is Ji Wu. Hei Guan Yin sent him to dig up information from Sang Chi Yu. His special power is shapeshifting. To disguise himself, he chose to become an old dog, but he didn’t expect that dogs were the animals Sang Chi Yu hated the most.]

The man said again, “Get ready tonight. Han Ye will come to see you.”

Upon hearing the name, Su Ru Hui roughly understood that this fake Jiang Que Xie was a member of the the Paradise Pavilion gang in the Black Street. Paradise Pavilion was the largest gang in Black Street, and Su Ru Hui had the been their leader once. Of course, compared to being a leader, he preferred if others called him “boss.” The title of leader was too old-fashioned and sounded like a brothel owner, which couldn’t even qualify for a male protagonist in a novel. Fortunately, he didn’t hold the title for long because in his second year as leader, there was a traitor who sold the secret passage to the Kun Lun Secret Sect. The power difference was too great, and Black Street had no chance of winning, so the only condition for a peace agreement was to hand him over. Sacrificing one person to save everyone else was the inevitable outcome.

Han Ye was the one who handed him over.

He didn’t expect to meet his old enemy again. Should they have a warm-up fight? Han Ye was a spiritual power user, possessing the secret technique “Black Flame Fire.” On the other hand, Su Ru Hui had no tricks up his sleeve. Forget it, let’s just be a little brother honestly, and we’ll have a chance to deal with him later.

The man noticed that Su Ru Hui hadn’t said anything, and seemed to misunderstand something, saying, “What, are you going to back out? We’ve already agreed, and I’ve already reported your name to the higher-ups. It’s impossible to change it now. Don’t worry, your face after the facial reconstruction looks a lot like Su Ru Hui, and Han Ye will definitely like you. You’re sensible. Please Han Ye, and you’ll have a bright future in Paradise Pavilion, and I’ll benefit from it too. Don’t think about rebelling. Jiang Que Xue is your warning; that kid is already dead.”

[Information Unlock: The real Jiang Que Xue was taken into Paradise Pavilion half a year ago and has since died due to excessive use of aphrodisiacs.]

Su Ru Hui: “…”

What the hell is going on?

Jia Mo (Marrying the Devil) Chapter 9 – The Thieves’ Den (4)

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and a group of people pushed in, chattering and clamoring. Qi Yin was startled to see that they were all his senior brothers and sisters.

The first to enter was a young girl wearing a light green bamboo cloth dress, holding a small black tray with two bowls of soup and two plates of vegetables. The girl put the tray on the table and smiled. “I’m Sang Ruo, your senior sister. Little junior brother, you must not have had dinner yet. Since the Elder of Precepts is not here, just have what we made for now, and return the bowls and chopsticks to us tomorrow morning.”

Qi Yin thanked her repeatedly. He introduced Fu Lan, and everyone greeted each other. It turned out that the Elder of Precepts, Ye Qing Ming, had eight male disciples, all with the surname Liu, and six female disciples, all with the surname Sang. This small sect, from top to bottom, had only twenty-one people including the fat cat that Fu Lan brought. Adding the disciples serving the sect leader, there were only twenty-six people.

A little girl with her hair in two buns squeezed in. She was around eight or nine years old. She clapped her hands, laughing. “Great, I’m not the last to join anymore. I’m your senior sister, Sang Ya. If you don’t understand anything, just ask me.” She then saw the black cat and her eyes lit up. “A cat! Can I touch it?”

Qi Yin was about to warn her to be careful as the cat may scratch her, but when he turned his head, he saw the fat cat already lying in Sang Ruo’s arms, eyes closed, rubbing against her chest.

Qi Yin: “……”

“You guys are so amazing.” Sang Ruo scratched the black cat’s chin and said, “The sect leader hasn’t accepted any disciples for a long time. Senior Brother Yun Zhi has been his only disciple. I never thought that you would join his group as soon as you arrived.”

Qi Yin thought with a wooden face that it was probably because they were easy targets, and had handed over one or two silver coins as soon as they arrived.

“I heard that you are Master Qi’s son. We took you away, and now Wan Fang Mountain must be furious. Oh, by the way, our sect is relatively poor, so please don’t mind. If your clothes are torn or broken, just come to me or Sang Ya to have them mended. Since you’ve just joined, we’ll be kind to you and only charge two copper coins per piece,” Sang Ruo said with a smiling face.

Qi Yin laughed dryly and said, “Thanks for your concern, Senior Sister, but I can sew my own clothes. You don’t have to trouble yourselves.”

Sang Ruo seemed disappointed. “Oh.”

A group of senior brothers came over to ask Qi Yin about his hometown. When they heard that Qi Yin was from Jiangnan and had come all the way to Cixi, one of them was deeply moved and chatted with him for a long time. Qi Yin didn’t realize until he had chatted for a long time that Fu Lan, who was not good with words, had been silent like a girl all the time. Qi Yin was worried that he couldn’t get along with his fellow senior brothers and sisters, so he turned his head to look for him. Upon closer inspection, he and the black cat were surrounded by a group of women. Sang Ya was sitting directly on his lap, holding his arm and chatting with him.

“What did you do before? What does your family do?” a senior sister asked.

Fu Lan shook his head. “I have no family. I wandered around with the cat.”

Everyone’s faces showed a look of pity. Sang Ruo sighed and said, “No wonder you have gone astray and become a demonic practitioner without parents. Fortunately, you came to Feng Huan Mountain. Don’t worry, we will take you on the right path in the future. Junior Brother, from now on, you just need to send your clothes, shoes, and socks here, and we will help you mend them for free.”

They all entered the door together, but why was the treatment so different? Qi Yin looked back at the pillars, where his shadow was reflected in the black paint. His thick eyebrows were still handsome, even though his face was a little tanned. He asked himself why he was not as popular with women as Fu Lan was. He stopped looking at Fu Lan, walked to the threshold, and sat down. Several senior brothers either stood or sat beside him, and they chuckled and said, “Women like pretty boys, especially those who have a cat. Don’t worry; we’ll teach you how to approach girls.”

A guy named Liu Bai came over and leaned against Qi Yin’s shoulder. He had fair skin, a pair of flirtatious phoenix eyes, and a teardrop mole under his right eye. He leaned his elbow on Qi Yin’s shoulder and spoke excitedly, “You can ignore everything else in our sect’s Daoist arts, but there are two things you must learn. The first is sword control.”

“Why?” Qi Yin was not very interested and was drooping his eyelids.

“If you master sword control, you can take a girl out for a ride.” Liu Bai wagged his eyebrows. “If you have a top-grade immortal sword and a sword control technique that allows you to travel thousands of miles in a day without dropping a sweat, how could a girl refuse to climb onto your sword?”

“What’s the second thing?”

With a wave of his hand, Liu Bai took out a pen and a piece of yellow talisman paper from nowhere and started drawing on it. “Buy Senior Brother Yun’s ‘Complete Idiot’s Guide to Talisman Magic’,” he said. “Flip to Volume 2, Fourth Talisman, the Shapeshifting Talisman. Look!” With a flick of his brush, he produced a bunch of bright red wild azaleas, dazzlingly beautiful. “See that? Last time, I gave a bunch of flowers like this to Xiao Hui, the girl from the herb shop at the foot of the mountain, and she was so enchanted by me.”

“Learned anything?” one of the senior brothers laughed. “Yun Zhi was the first to learn how to control a sword and use shapeshifting talismans. He’s held hands with all the senior sisters except that little brat Liang who’s always up to no good.”

Qi Yin’s heart was as cold as ashes. Nothing was serious here on this thieves’ den.

Well, he consoled himself, he was just here to kill time. If he could really learn some flashy magic tricks and cheat a girl into marrying him, then this trip wouldn’t have been in vain.

“By the way, where does Senior Brother Yun live?” Qi Yin asked. “He led us here earlier, but we didn’t see him again.”

“Senior Brother doesn’t live with us. He lives with our sect leader,” Liubai said. “He always has nightmares at night, and our sect leader worries that he’ll be possessed in his dreams, so he often exorcises his nightmares for him.”

“Nightmares?” Qi Yin was puzzled. Did he kidnap a woman from somewhere and feel guilty, afraid that she would come to him in his dreams for revenge?

“That’s right.” A group of senior sisters walked ove. Sang Ya carried a black cat and sat down on the doorstep, saying, “Senior Brother is so pitiful. When he was seven years old, he saw his parents swallowed by a snake demon with his own eyes. The snake demon even raised Senior Brother as food and tied a rope around his neck to lead him around. Later, our sect leader happened to pass by and saw him, and that’s how Senior Brother was saved.”

Qi Yin was stunned. The mischievous smile of Yun Zhi, that little brat, floated before his eyes. He didn’t look like he had suffered such a terrible disaster.

“After that, Senior Brother always has nightmares. Our sect leader even called us to take turns to exorcise the nightmares. He said he saw us beat the snake demon in his dreams and Senior Brother wouldn’t be afraid anymore.”

Suddenly, Qi Yin had a guess in his heart and asked, “What about you guys? Why did you come here to cultivate?”

“We’re all orphans,” Liu Bai said. “I have a heart disease and was abandoned by my parents when I was a child. When our master went down the mountain to collect scrap metal, he found me in a broken basket and carried me up the mountain.”

“Sang Ya and I were abandoned by our parents because they wanted sons, not daughters.” Sang Ruo combed Sang Ya’s hair with her fingers. “Our master spent a lot of money to buy us from slave traders, and then we followed our master to practice cultivation.”

A strange feeling surged in Qi Yin’s heart. The sun had set, and the last ray of light disappeared. The night slowly fell, and the brilliant Milky Way flowed quietly in the sky. Everyone sat together under the doorstep and looked at the night sky.

This is the feeling of home, Qi Yin thought.

“Wait a minute.” Qi Yin suddenly realized something. “Why do me and Dai Ge have to pay to join the sect?”

“Have you ever shown off your wealth in front of Senior Brother?” Sang Ruo covered her mouth and laughed. “Senior Brother is very cunning. He must have talked to the sect leader and divided your money among themselves.”

Qi Yin: “… I really shouldn’t have expected too much from them.”

Tomorrow they still had to attend classes, so everyone went back to their rooms to sleep. Sang Ya gave them a few light talismans, and Qi Yin put the talismans on the wall. The room instantly lit up. Fu Lan didn’t seem to need to eat or drink, so he let the black cat and Qi Yin finish the soup and noodles.

After a satisfying meal, Qi Yin wanted to go out to relieve himself. He pushed the door and saw the shadows of trees outside. He remembered Yun Zhi’s warning earlier and couldn’t help but feel scared. Could there be a nine-headed bird monster or something in the immortal mountain? But he really needed to pee, so he dragged Fu Lan to accompany him and walked along the dirt road with his hands in his pockets.

In front of them, Qi Yin saw two people, one tall and one short, pushing each other in the middle of the road.

The man said, “I’ll escort you back to your room, and I’ll leave after you go in.”

The woman giggled for a while and said, “No, I’ll escort you. You go first.”

The man said again, “No, I have to escort you.”

The woman said in a coquettish voice, “Don’t…”

The two of them were blocking the way. The dirt road was too narrow, and Qi Yin and Fu Lan had no way to pass, so they had to wait and watch from a distance. After suffering the chilliness of the night wind for a long time, the man escorted the woman back to her room and went back to the opposite tiled house with his sleeves rolled up.

Qi Yin: “…”

Damn, these two idiots live so close by. Why did they waste so much time just now?

They walked around the village but couldn’t find the toilet. Most of the people who practiced cultivation in the immortal mountain abstained from eating and drinking, so there was no such demand. Qi Yin had to pull Fu Lan into the forest. But before they entered, Fu Lan stopped him and said, “There are many people inside.”

“Ah? Where are the people?” Qi Yin looked at the dark forest, and the shadows of the trees seemed to overlap like human figures.

Qi Yin suddenly realized that the “people” that Fu Lan mentioned may not be real “people.” He shuddered and quickly took a few steps back, leaning closely to Fu Lan.