Record of All Things

Record of All Things Chapter 18 – Practice

Perhaps because Jiang Hong was the first friend that Jin made in the human world, he had a somewhat unreasonable affection for Jiang Hong.

“Have you learned any spells?” Zhang Xiting asked Jiang Hong. “Can you show us a simple fireball?”

“I can light a cigarette.” Jin turned back into human form and straightened his hair.

Jiang Hong explained the situation with his aptitude evaluation to his roommates, and all three of them looked shocked.

“What?” Zhang Xiting exclaimed.

“Is something wrong with your aptitude jade?” Jin asked. “Are you sure that’s your aptitude jade?”

“It’s impossible. Maybe it’s a problem with the teacher,” He Jian said.

Jiang Hong helplessly shrugged. Zhang Xiting was the first to react. “Well… it’s not a big deal. Even if you have no spiritual vein aptitude, it doesn’t prevent you from becoming an exorcist.”

Zhang Xiting said the same thing as Lu Xiu to comfort Jiang Hong.

“You guys!” The teacher urged from the sidelines. “It’s time for class!”

“In history, there were people who had no spiritual vein aptitude and still became leader of the exorcists.” Zhang Xiting put his arm around Jiang Hong’s shoulder, and went to join the others.

“Sit wherever you want!” The teacher was a man in his thirties, tall and athletic-looking, even taller than Jin. He wore a blue sports suit and sweatpants, had a whistle in his mouth, and Jiang Hong couldn’t tell if he was human or a demon.

“Let me introduce myself first. My name is Xia Xinghui,” the teacher said. “Originally, your tutor for this class was Ge Gentourukada, the head of the exorcists in Exorcist Committee. Most of you have heard of him, right? But he has something to attend to this semester. He went to guard your demon tribe’s sacred land, so I’ll be substituting for him. The exact return date is unknown. Maybe it will be after the Spring Festival!”

“I’m new here too,” Xia Xinghui continued. “I want to remind you all that under no circumstances should you harm humans or demons. Fighting is prohibited, and I will not help you plead your case!”

Everyone sat wherever they wanted without forming groups.bJiang Hong sat with Xiao Pi, and his three roommates sat in front of him. Jiang Hong didn’t know any spells and didn’t want to be used as a teaching tool.

Xia Xinghui began calling out names one by one. After finishing, he looked at the eager faces of the students and said, “I don’t know how much you’ve learned at home and you all seem to be itching for a fight, so let’s warm up with a match!”

“Okay!” Everyone cheered in unison.

Jiang Hong: “… “

Why are you all so violent! Does this class teach fighting? Jiang Hong thought to himself.

Xiao Pi said, “Oh no…I don’t know how to do anything!”

Jiang Hong said, “I’m in the same boat as you!”

Xiao Pi said, “You can summon Lu Xiu!”

Jiang Hong said, “This is class! How can I summon Lu Xiu? Then you can also summon your dad! He’s the headmaster!”

Xiao Pi said, “He won’t come! He already said he won’t help me. He said I was always second to last in military training, which embarrassed him…”

Jiang Hong said, “Well…maybe everyone will go a bit easier on you since you’re the headmaster’s son…when they’re beating you up?”

Xiao Pi: “…”

Xia Xinghui saw everyone standing up and starting to stretch and exercise, and felt a bit nervous. After all, one person fighting against a group of students wasn’t easy to handle.

Xia Xinghui made some Tai Chi movements with his hands, and then with a wave, a blue light flew out, circling around the central area and the four statues in it to form a twenty-meter square arena.

“Those called out, step up!” Xia Xinghui said. “One minute each. You can use any method you want, even your family’s inherited magic weapons or summoned creatures. As long as you force your opponent out of the circle, you win! The winner stays in the circle, the loser steps down! He Shanshan! Kuang Lei! Let’s begin! Take this seriously. I’ll rank you based on today’s performance, and you’ll have to fight another round at the end of the semester to test your overall progress!”

The students were in an uproar, immediately surrounding the arena to watch. Xia Xinghui blew his whistle, signaling the start.

“Oh no!” Xiao Pi’s face turned pale. “What should I do?”

“At least you’re a demon,” the skateboarder boy next to them said. “Don’t you have any special abilities?”

“Does eating count?” Xiao Pi said.

Jiang Hong shook his head and could only offer comfort. “You can do it.”

“Okay,” Xiao Pi said.

He was really too young. Jiang Hong felt he was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and it must be tough to study at university at such a young age.

“You lost! Step down! Even one foot outside the circle counts! Pay attention! No grappling!”

“Step down!”

“Step down, step down, the minute is up!”

Under Xia Xinghui’s constant calls to “step down,” the students began fighting in an organized and rhythmic manner.

For a time, the stage was filled with dazzling lights, and the students used their spells and magic weapons, as well as summoned glowing swords and knives, as if they had been holding back for too long and were now letting it all out.

Where were these things usually hidden?! Jiang Hong witnessed a large number of violations of Newton’s three laws of energy conservation, and his worldview completely collapsed. That male student’s chopping knife seemed to magically appear out of thin air?!

And what about that guy? What’s going on?! He suddenly disappeared while they were fighting? Jiang Hong looked and realized that the four statues were actually moving. If a student used a dangerous spell or couldn’t control their power, the four legendary beast statues would come to life. The Black Tortoise would go to the center to neutralize spells, while Green Dragom and White Tiger would hold back the two sides of the fight. But everyone was measured in their actions; after all, there was no need for a fight to the death.

Even so, Jiang Hong was completely dazzled.

“Cheng stays on the field! Next up, Jiang Hong!” Xia Xinghui shouted.

Jiang Hong: “…………”

Xia Xinghui said, “Where’s Jiang Hong?”

The boy named Cheng stepped into the center of the arena and waited.

“Jiang Hong! Hurry up! Don’t waste everyone’s time!” Xia Xinghui said.

Jiang Hong raised his hand and, trembling, stood up and slowly walked towards the barrier.

“Can I use summoning?” Jiang Hong asked Xia Xinghui.

“Yes,” Xia Xinghui impatiently replied. “I have no objections to what you summon. Hurry up!”

Jiang Hong was hoping that he would say “no,” so that he could say, “I only know how to summon, so let’s not fight.”

Xia Xinghui pushed him into the barrier.

“Wait a minute!” Jiang Hong started panicking, but he was already pushed in.

Cheng was patient and fist-bumped him.

“We seem to be in the same class,” Jiang Hong recognized his classmate.

“Yes,” Cheng said.

“Please be gentle later,” Jiang Hong said.

“Okay… okay,” Cheng said.

Xia Xinghui said, “Start.”

Cheng made a gesture, and Jiang Hong said, “I’ll just go out of the circle on my own!”

“What are you doing?” Xia Xinghui said, “Go back! Who would forfeit before a fight?! When you become an exorcist in the future and face danger, are you going to run away?”

The people on the sidelines watched Jiang Hong quietly. Zhang Xiting said, “Just use it! What are you afraid of?”

“Come on,” Cheng said, “we’re just sparring.”

Xia Xinghui:“Are you studying summoning? Why don’t you summon something for everyone to see? You can do it, don’t back down!”

“You should summon something!” the students on the sidelines shouted. “Don’t be a chicken!”

Cheng suddenly moved forward and Jiang Hong finally had no choice but to say, “I only know this one – Lu Xiu! Lu Xiu!” Jiang Hong grabbed his protective charm and kept shouting, “Lu Xiu! Come quickly!”

The venue was quiet and three seconds later, nothing happened.

Cheng was confused.

“I’m here. I knew you would summon me in today’s class and was waiting outside,” Lu Xiu said loudly outside the fence. Hebeffortlessly jumped over the half-meter high fence, walked to the center of the field, and stepped into the barrier circle.

Xia Xinghui: “…”

“……….” Everyone else was silent.

Jiang Hong was moved. He looked at Lu Xiu, but Lu Xiu didn’t look back at him and calmly walked to his side.

“What are the rules today?” Lu Xiu asked Xia Xinghui. “Are we going together or one on one?”

“…” Xia Xinghui was speechless.

Lu Xiu then turned to Cheng and said, “You go first.”

Cheng saluted and didn’t seem to know who Lu Xiu was. “Then please pardon my intrusion!”

Immediately, Cheng turned into a shadow and rushed towards Lu Xiu, but Lu Xiu didn’t even move. An invisible aura appeared in front of him and he effortlessly bounced Cheng away!

Suddenly, the venue was in an uproar. Not everyone knew that Jiang Hong’s summoned creature was a… graduate student, and even fewer people knew who Lu Xiu was, but the fact that this guy in a black T-shirt was so powerful instantly aroused everyone’s competitiveness.

“Teacher Xia,” Lu Xiu said to Xia Xinghui. “I have class next period.”

“Oh, okay! Next one! Chi Zijian, come up!” Xia Xinghui immediately said, “Jiang Hong stays on the field!”

The following competition changed from who could stand to the end, to who could withstand Lu Xiu’s attacks for as long as possible.

“…” Jiang Hong was speechless.

“Pay attention!” Xia Xinghui even used Lu Xiu as an example. One student who went up to the stage used all his strength, his hands releasing an electric light, attempting to entangle Lu Xiu, but Lu Xiu only used one hand to push forward, releasing a blue light. The two lights intertwined in the air like tangible objects.

Xia Xinghui seized this rare opportunity and ran to the point where the blue and electric lights clashed, explaining loudly, “The balance of power! It appeared! When the strength of two sides is not far apart, a stalemate may occur. At this time, you can try to break the balance of power. Once the balance is broken…”

Xia Xinghui’s fingers emitted light and lightly tapped the two entangled energies. With a loud bang, a shockwave erupted in the arena. Lu Xiu immediately pushed out his other hand and created a shield to resist the impact. The other student was thrown out of the arena.

“See that?” Xia Xinghui said, “The important thing is not to stand in the direct line of energy, and you’ll be fine! But breaking the balance of power must be done with extreme caution!”

“So cool!” whispered the students on the sidelines, both boys and girls. Lu Xiu mostly stood still, only speaking a few times in his incomprehensible dragon language, pushing his opponents out of the ring.

“Next, Zhang Xiting!”

“Uh…” Jiang Hong said.

Lu Xiu was expressionless as he watched Zhang Xiting cast his spell. One second, two seconds passed.

“What are you doing?” Lu Xiu asked.

“…” Zhang Xiting said nothing.

“That’s hypnosis,” Jiang Hong explained, “It may not work on dragons.”

“Oh, Endless Dream,” Lu Xiu nodded and said, “I felt it. It’s quite good.”

Zhang Xiting sighed helplessly and retreated.

When Jin appeared, he transformed into his original form and rushed towards Jiang Hong. However, Lu Xiu was faster and blocked the attack for Jiang Hong. He lightly pressed his palm into Jin’s side. Jin tumbled and fell out of the air.

Next, everyone took turns casting spells at Jiang Hong, and now the target was him. He only managed to survive thanks to Lu Xiu’s protection.

“Great!” Xia Xinghui said, “You finally realize it! When a summoning beast appears, the first thing you should do is not to fight the powerful summoning beast, but to immediately attack its master…”

“I’m not his master!” Jiang Hong trembled, looking at Lu Xiu blocking all the spells for him.

“I’m just making an analogy!” Xia Xinghui shouted.

Lu Xiu glanced at Jiang Hong, then let out a roar, and swept away the arena.

“Anyone else?” Lu Xiu asked. The last person left the arena.

Jiang Hong managed to hold on until the end, thinking to himself, “I told you not to ask me to summon, but you insisted.”

“That’s all for today,” Xia Xinghui said.

“I’m going back. Don’t wait for me for lunch, Jiang Hong. I have something to do,” Lu Xiu said, with a meaningful glance at Jiang Hong.

“Thank you!” Jiang Hong was deeply moved and felt that Lu Xiu was the true “master”.

Record of All Things Chapter 17 – Exploration

Before lunch that day, they went to the student affairs office.

“Teacher Xuan, Teacher Xuan?” Xie Liao called out to Xuan Hezhi.

“Teacher Xuan!” Jiang Hong shouted.

Xuan Hezhi was taking a nap and was suddenly startled. He almost fell off his chair.

“What? What?!” Xuan Hezhi exclaimed, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Xie Liao bringing Jiang Hong and became extremely frightened. “Another teaching accident?! What happened? Why do these teaching accidents keep happening!”

Xie Liao stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Xuan Hezhi helplessly.

Jiang Hong sighed and felt a little down.

Xie Liao said, “Here’s the thing. I want to see Jiang Hong’s recommendation letter for admission and his resume. I’ve already gotten his permission.”

“Oh, okay.” Xuan Hezhi breathed a sigh of relief. “Sure, I’ll pull it up for you. Um… is something wrong?”

Xie Liao gestured for Jiang Hong not to worry and invited him to join them in front of Xuan Hezhi’s computer to look at Jiang Hong’s personal resume.

The personal resume was divided into three parts, each very detailed. Even Jiang Hong himself had never seen it before. The first part was about the paranormal events he had encountered from birth until he was in his final year of high school at age eighteen. Amazingly, Jiang Hong had encountered them more than once, but why didn’t he remember? It was probably because the exorcists used a special method to erase his memory.

When he was four years old, Jiang Hong even stumbled upon a group of ghosts who were reportedly on a team building activity… Although his memory was erased by the exorcists, the psychological trauma remained, which might explain why Jiang Hong instinctively feared ghosts.

The second part was an analysis of his family lineage and qualifications, tracing back five generations and coincidentally ending at the fifth generation. As Xuan Hezhi had said, Jiang Hong’s great-grandfather was a feng shui master from Jiangsu who could communicate with the heavens and the earth. His life story was also included.

The third part was a evaluation written by the late Master Yiwei from Naping Laojun Cave in Chongqing. It said that Jiang Hong was gifted, intelligent, lively, highly adaptable, sympathetic, and had a strong sense of justice.

However, the column that should have listed Jiang Hong’s supernatural abilities was completely blank.

“Did we make a mistake somewhere?” Xie Liao asked in doubt.

Xuan Hezhi carefully looked it over. “Did Master Yiwei forget to evaluate his qualifications? The name and ID number are correct.”

At this moment, Jiang Hong’s phone received a message.

Lu Xiu: [I’m waiting for you in the cafeteria.]

“What’s the news?” Lu Xiu had finished his meal.

The entire university exuded an air of nouveau riche. The eight yuan cafeteria meal set included Hangjiao Beef Fillet, Sweet and Sour Pineapple Shrimp Balls, a large Matsutake Steamed Meat Cake, a bowl of Chicken Soup with Tea Tree Mushrooms, and a piece of Macaron for dessert.

Jiang Hong said, “Let me continue with my class first. Teacher Xie will discuss this matter with other teachers.”

Lu Xiu casually responded with an “mm-hmm.” Jiang Hong smiled to himself and began to eat his lunch, saying, “The food in school is really good.”

Lu Xiu didn’t respond to him, and Jiang Hong took out his phone and looked at it. His three roommates all sent the same message: “Dad, please bring me some food.”

He Jian: “Only vegetarian.”

Jiang Hong continued to eat silently. Suddenly, Lu Xiu spoke up, “Even if you don’t have spiritual vein aptitude, it doesn’t affect your ability to use magic. You can prepare some talismans and scrolls. There are also some special treasures in the world that can temporarily grant people the ability to borrow the power of the earth’s veins.”

“I’m not very frustrated.” Jiang Hong smiled. “And I’m not going to drop out, so don’t worry.”

Jiang Hong was gradually calming down. For the rest of the time in class today, he kept mulling over this matter. This meant that he might never be able to learn “magic,” but for Jiang Hong, who had just been introduced to spells for the first time, it didn’t seem too hopeless. It was like a person who couldn’t fly hearing that they couldn’t grow wings – they wouldn’t be too sad, at most just a little regretful. No, very regretful.

“There were many exorcists in ancient times,” Lu Xiu continued. “They didn’t know magic at all, but it didn’t stop them…”

“How did you find me?” Jiang Hong suddenly asked.

Lu Xiu: “?”

Jiang Hong remembered what Lu Xiu had mentioned before he lost his memory – the story about Feng Zheng. It was about 160 years ago, around 1870, during the time when the Boxer Rebellion had just broken out, China was still in the Tongzhi era, and Lenin had just been born.

How did Lu Xiu manage to find him after 160 years? How did he know that Jiang Hong was that person?

Lu Xiu said, “I have my ways.”

Jiang Hong curiously asked, “What ways?”

Lu Xiu’s face darkened and he asked, “Are you questioning me?”

Jiang Hong quickly clarified, “No, no! I’m just curious. How did you know that we would meet again after 160 years? During those 160 years, did I not reincarnate? Where was I?”

Lu Xiu stopped what he was doing and just looked at Jiang Hong in silence.

Jiang Hong muttered to himself, feeling a bit down: “That demon mentioned my uncle the other day… but I don’t have an uncle. After reading through my resume, I couldn’t help but wonder if something went wrong somewhere?”

Suddenly, Lu Xiu stood up and said, “I’m going back.”

“Ah.” Jiang Hong didn’t understand why Lu Xiu was so angry, but he instinctively felt that something was wrong. He wanted to stand up and pull Lu Xiu’s sleeve, but in a blink of an eye, Lu Xiu disappeared.

Jiang Hong stood there dumbfounded for a while, then sat back down and messaged Lu Xiu.

Jiang Hong: [I’m sorry, senior, I said the wrong thing. I’m a little scared. I’m afraid of everything now. What if, what if… I’m sorry! If I said something wrong, please scold me.]

For the first time ever, Lu Xiu didn’t reply to his message right away.

Jiang Hong waited for a while, then had to stand up and clean up his and Lu Xiu’s food trays, and buy food for his roommates. Walking back to the dormitory listlessly, he finally received a message from Lu Xiu. As expected, he couldn’t bear to stay mad at him.

Lu Xiu: [It’s not your fault. It’s my problem. Let me be alone for a while. I’m not angry. It’s normal to have this question.]

Jiang Hong breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little better, but still had some worries.

“Dads.” Jiang Hong carried the food box and went back to feed his three roommates who stayed up all night, knocking on the bed railing. “Food’s here, do you want me to pour it into the feeder for you?”

“Thank you, Dad!” The three roommates called out respectfully and got up to eat.

“What’s wrong?” He Jian asked Jiang Hong kindly, seeing that he looked a little off.

Jiang Hong waved his hand, indicating that everything was fine. In the afternoon class, his mood improved a bit. It was a big class called “Nature and Supernature”.

The whole dormitory acted together and sat in the third to last row of the classroom. The entire tiered classroom could accommodate more than eighty people. The teacher who came to class was an old man who also had a teaching portfolio in his hand.

“… Today we’re going to talk about nature and supernature.” The old teacher introduced himself, “My name is He Yongshun. ‘Yong’ as in forever, ‘Shun’ as in smooth. In this class, I will be taking attendance and randomly calling on three to five people, and checking homework. Attendance for the final exam will also be included in the final grade.”

“Some students think, isn’t this class just about supernatural abilities and phenomena? I’ve learned them at home before! Especially students from the demon tribe. They think, hey, I am a supernatural being! Let me tell you! You must not think like that…” He Yongshun said slowly on the podium. “This course will be the most solid foundation for your four years of study, whether it’s spells or magical artifacts, the study of the world’s veins, the potential of the demon tribe and humans, everything must be attributed to supernature… Regardless of your major or what kind of work you will do after graduation, treat it equally… You must have reverence…”

Jiang Hong said in despair, “How could he teach such a mysterious and exciting course and make it so boring! I’m falling asleep!”

He Jian also had a helpless expression. “It’s not as good as my grandma’s storytelling.”

“I’ll take a nap first,” Zhang Xiting said. “Call me when it gets important.”

Jin started reading a novel under the desk, while Jiang Hong opened his notebook, intending to take some notes, but the teacher’s lecture was too hypnotic. It seemed that learning anything was equally painful. Even the study of supernatural phenomena could be as sleep-inducing as calculus.

“The world’s veins are the pulse of the sky… the ‘Qi veins’ of the world…”

Jiang Hong first sent a bunch of apologies to Lu Xiu, but then he dared not send any more messages, afraid of disturbing him. After waiting for a long time, Lu Xiu finally sent a message.

Lu Xiu: [I forgot to remind you of something.]

Jiang Hong: [What? Are you feeling better?]

Lu Xiu’s side showed “typing”, as if he wrote and deleted a couple of times. After a full ten minutes, he finally sent another concise message: [My abilities have been sealed, and I can only transform into my true form for about five minutes every day. When you need to summon me, pay attention to the time.]

Jiang Hong didn’t know what to say and could only reply with an [Oh]. Lu Xiu stopped sending messages after that.

So the day he was in danger and had to summon Lu Xiu, did he fly from school to Chongqing? Xi’an to Chongqing was over 570 kilometers, and Lu Xiu flew this distance in five minutes, what was his average speed?

Over 1,900 meters per second?! That’s supersonic! Jiang Hong was shocked. Wouldn’t his face be distorted while flying like that? It’s all because of me being useless! Jiang Hong immediately started blaming himself again, but without the aptitude for magic, his aspirations of becoming an exorcist had become a pipe dream.

“That’s all for today’s class,” the teacher said. “Go back and answer the first two pages of the questionnaire. We’ll have a random check next class.”

The bell rang for the end of class, and everyone left the classroom with a pile of fluorescent yellow-covered “Supernatural Phenomena Research” books from the street vendor under the overpass, heading to the next class.

On the second class of Monday, “Exploration of the Inner World,” two classes of modern exorcism and management were combined, with a total of twenty students. Jiang Hong saw classmates from his own class, as well as Xiao Pi from the next dormitory.

Management is a popular major at this school. After graduation, most students joined the Exorcist Committee’s branches in various cities. Many of Jiang Hong’s classmates were also children of wealthy families. However, it seems that wealthy families were also divided into different levels, and everyone was obviously a bit more polite to He Jian.

The teacher’s name was Zhu Jinling, an elegant old lady dressed in jewels and clearly well-liked by her students. When she entered the classroom, everyone smiled.

Zhu Jinling wrote her name on the blackboard and said candidly, “Attention, everyone. My class is not easy to pass. Even if Cao Bin or Xiang Cheng come to plead with me, it won’t work. You all better study hard.”

“Ooh,” the students drew out their words.

Jiang Hong perked up, temporarily putting aside his worries and decided to take the class seriously.

Zhu Jinling smiled and said, “Although I am also a member of the demon race, don’t expect to get any preferential treatment from me. Everyone is equal, understood?”

“Understood!” the students responded.

This was the first time Jiang Hong had encountered someone who candidly admitted to being a demon, and he couldn’t help but have a good impression of this teacher.

“What kind of demon is she?” the skateboard youth sitting behind them poked He Jian with his pen.

Jiang Hong remembered his name was Lian Jiang, and that he was in the same class as him. At this point, he could probably summarize the pattern. The surnames and names of demons mostly used homophones or features of their race. He didn’t know if this was a conventional rule, but for example, He Jian’s “He” was a homophone for “crane,” and “Jin” meant “golden lion”. Was Chang Jun’s “Chang” corresponding to “long”? What about Xiao Pi?

“Don’t poke people with your pen!” He Jian whispered. “It’s rude! Her surname is Zhu. What kind of demon do you think she is?”

“Oh,” Jiang Hong thought, “is she a pheasant demon?” But he didn’t say it out loud, feeling that it was a bit impolite.

“She’s a crested ibis demon!” He Jian seemed to infer from Jiang Hong’s expression what he was thinking and whispered.

“Wow…” Jiang Hong said. “That’s really elegant.”

Xiao Pi said, “Jiang Hong, can’t you tell everyone’s race?”

Lian Jiang said, “I can’t tell either. I can only recognize you as demons. The rest I have to guess.”

“I see.” Xiao Pi wrote down his own race with a pen – “Pixiu (1)” – and showed it to Jiang Hong.

“In the first class,” Zhu Jinling said, “the first thing everyone must do is form groups. Each group must have two human members and two demon members. Don’t ask me why. That’s the school’s rule, and I can’t do anything about it. Anyway, you are free to form groups first. After that, the group leader reports the group name to me, and the entire semester’s assignments will be completed in groups.”

The classroom began to buzz with discussion. Jiang Hong suddenly felt a bit nervous. He entered the school as a normal person, with a blank slate for his past experiences. He hadn’t passed the aptitude test yet, and he couldn’t use magic. Oh no, will everyone despise me?

Jiang Hong looked nervously at He Jian and held his gaze for three seconds. Suddenly, he noticed that the teacher Zhu Jinling on the platform was also looking at him, with an encouraging expression in her eyes.

Three seconds later, He Jian suddenly became enthusiastic.

“Hey- Jiang Hong!” He Jian hugged him warmly. “We’re such good friends. You must be in the same group as me!”

Jiang Hong’s heart suddenly lifted. “Really? You’re willing to be with me? But I don’t know anything! I’ll just hold you back!”

He Jian elegantly replied, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter! Come on! We’re a team now! Wherever you are, I’ll be there.”

“Ah…” Xiao Pi also reached out to call Jiang Hong softly, but after thinking about it for a while, he became timid and sighed instead.

“What about the rest of our teammates?” Jiang Hong asked.

He Jian said to Jiang Hong, “You can choose whoever you want.”

“No, no, no,” Jiang Hong said, “you…you choose. I’m just riding on your coattails. Xiao Pi?” He noticed that Xiao Pi and Lian Jiang were both looking at him.

He Jian whispered, “You have the final say. Choose whoever you want. Our team will be solid.”

“Really? Can I?” Jiang Hong turned to the hopeful Xiao Pi, saying, “Then let’s bring Xiao Pi with us. Lian Jiang, are you human? Oh, we have four people in our team now.”

“No problem!” He Jian said. “It’s decided! Let’s be happy about it!”

“Yeah!” Xiao Pi and He Jian high-fived, and Xiao Pi was so excited that he was about to cry.

“My final exams will be a breeze!” he exclaimed.

Lian Jiang didn’t know how he had won without trying, but he also didn’t know what was going on. After a moment, he whispered to Xiao Pi, “Is he really that strong? We just met him.”

Xiao Pi whispered back, “My dad said he can summon a graduate student!”

“Can’t you use a different unit of measurement than ‘head’ (2) to describe a graduate student?” Lian Jiang asked.

Xiao Pi added, “That graduate student is a dragon!”

“Is it Lu Xiu?!” Lian Jiang was shocked.

“Did you hear the dragon roar during military training?” Xiao Pi continued, “That was Lu Xiu! Summoned there by Jiang Hong.”

“That’s right!” Lian Jiang said, “I heard it…and I was wondering what it was!”

“What about Lu Xiu?” Jiang Hong vaguely heard the name and turned around to ask.

“It’s nothing!” Lian Jiang and Xiao Pi immediately pretended nothing was going on.

“Zhu Jingling also teaches us the Book of Changes in our sophomore year,” He Jian said. “Her class is really challenging and requires a lot of effort. Also, she is a teacher with a strong understanding of the Book of Changes, so you should never cheat because it’s easy to get caught.”

Jiang Hong asked, “Is she good at fortune-telling?”

He Jian nodded solemnly, “Yes! She is an expert in the Book of Changes and is one of the best at numerology.”

Lian Jiang said, “I’ve heard of her. Sometimes, even the school higher-ups come to her for fortune-telling.”

Next was the selection of group leaders, and everyone didn’t want to be a leader. Finally, Lian Jiang felt embarrassed about not taking any responsibility, so he applied for the position of group leader. Then, Zhu Jingling said, “The five group leaders come to me. I will give you your project for this semester.”

Lian Jiang went up and received an envelope.

Everyone gathered together and opened it to take a look.

Inside was a picture of a strange symbol, like a little person in pictograms.

“What is this?” The four people were confused.

“The symbol each group gets is a clue for your project this semester,” Zhu Jingling said. “If you are confident, you can skip classes and finish the final project early and go on holiday.”

Jiang Hong asked, “Is this a character or a logo for something?”

“What do we need to submit?” someone from another group asked. “Do we have to catch this demon for you?”

“It’s up to you to decide how to present your project,” Zhu Jingling said elegantly. “You can submit a research paper, a photo, or even capture the creature if you can. Of course, I will grade you based on the difficulty of execution. If you want to take it easy, don’t blame me if you fail and have to retake the class.”

“Can we ask for outside help?” someone else asked.

“You can ask anyone for help, including your parents,” Zhu Jingling said. “But I believe your parents won’t help because learning is your responsibility, right? And your parents may not be able to help much, and they might even make things worse.”

Jiang Hong was completely confused. Zhu Jinling continued, “Next, we will officially start class. Today, we will talk about the general outline, which is: how much unknown knowledge is there in the inner world?”

“As we all know, our knowledge system is like a circle. The larger the circle, the more areas outside of the circle we can touch, and it can be said to be endless. Some scholars believe that our research on the inner world that we can currently clarify is still less than 3%. One reason for this is that there are too few people engaged in the exorcism industry; secondly, this knowledge system was established much later than various social and natural professions, and even later than computers…”

“Based on the composition of the knowledge system, we can divide the outer structure of the known world into four major areas. The first area is the world of the afterlife, including souls, reincarnation, and mysterious powers that drive the cycle of life and death; the second is the origin of immortals, gods, and demons, also known as the ‘upper dimension’; the third area is the vast realm of spirit and dreams; and the fourth area is the ‘pocket dimension’ hidden under the natural world…”

Zhu Jinling marked the four major areas in the circle she drew on the blackboard, with “outer world” written in the middle, which was where they lived.

“Currently, our understanding of the pocket dimension is the deepest among the four areas…”

“Our school was built using the pocket dimension. Do you remember seeing blurry scenery on the mountain road for a period of time? That was the experience of entering a pocket dimension boundary. It’s not just this university. Exorcist Committee offices across the country and various branches of the International Exorcist Association use pocket dimension technology…”

Finally, they talked about the event that Jiang Hong experienced. The Chongqing Exorcist Committee was a building hidden in a pocket dimension! Later, the exorcists joined forces to capture demons and created a boundary on the river surface. Maybe it was similar.

Zhu Jinling’s class was very lively and interesting, and combined with her personal experiences. Time flew by without anyone realizing it. Jiang Hong took the assignment envelope and went to ask Zhu Jinling.

“This assignment was determined for you through divination,” Zhu Jinling said. “This includes the sequence you drew and the randomness involved. I can only tell you that the assignment itself has a certain connection with one or more classmates who are participating.”

Jiang Hong: “?”

Others: “???”

Zhu Jinling spoke a little louder, addressing both Jiang Hong’s group and other students. “Don’t ask me how it’s related. I don’t know either. According to the hexagram, the research topic will have some degree of relevance to most people by the end, so we must be diligent.”

Well… Jiang Hong didn’t think the symbol had much to do with him at all. It probably had something to do with Lian Jiang and his group, but everyone was confused.

Jiang Hong stretched lazily, nearly forgetting his frustration from earlier in the day. A girl came over to invite He Jian to dinner, and he accepted, taking her with him. Xiao Pi went to find his father, Xuan Hezhi. Jiang Hong had something to do, so he bid farewell to Lian Jiang after forming a group of four with them, naming it “Four Missing One Waiting for a Dragon,” a normal name for a group.

Jiang Hong decided to go to the club department and see if Lu Xiu was there.

In the evening, the sun was setting, and the fencing club’s door was open. Many people were training in swordplay, but Jiang Hong couldn’t tell who was who, and the coach didn’t pay him any attention. He sat on the sidelines for a while.

A tall person facing his direction lost several points and took off his helmet to shake hands with his opponent. It was Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu’s hair was soaked with sweat, but he didn’t see Jiang Hong. He went to sit on the bench on the other side and covered his head with a towel.

Jiang Hong felt like Lu Xiu had seen him but didn’t want to come over and say hello, so he took the initiative to bring him a drink.

Lu Xiu glanced at him, took the drink, twisted it open with his gloved left hand, and drank it in one gulp.

Jiang Hong sat down next to him, but Lu Xiu didn’t say anything, and neither did Jiang Hong.

It wasn’t until everyone had finished training and left for dinner that the fencing club was almost empty. Lu Xiu finally asked, “How was class?”

His tone was calm, and it didn’t seem like he blamed Jiang Hong. Until now, Jiang Hong still didn’t know why Lu Xiu was angry, but the best course of action was not to mention the incident from earlier.

“It was good.” Jiang Hong smiled, trying to please Lu Xiu. He took out a photocopy of the symbol from class and showed it to him. “Do you know what this is?”

Lu Xiu glanced at it and replied, “I haven’t seen it before.”

Jiang Hong smiled, and Lu Xiu got up to change clothes. Jiang Hong followed him like a little dog. When they arrived outside the changing room, Lu Xiu drew the curtain, and Jiang Hong helped him tidy up his fencing outfit and metal clothing, saying, “Let me wash it for you.”

Lu Xiu pulled back the curtain, reverting to his usual cold demeanor. He changed into a black T-shirt and loose jeans and looked at Jiang Hong.

“Leave it. I’ll wash it myself.” Lu Xiu said.

Jiang Hong eagerly put the item in his bag and said, “I’ll take it with me, and bring it back to you tomorrow.”

Lu Xiu always helped Jiang Hong, and Jiang Hong wanted to do something for him as well. He suggested, “Let’s go eat?”

Lu Xiu didn’t answer and walked ahead, with Jiang Hong following behind him.

At night, the campus was lit up, and there were couples everywhere in love.


1. Pixiu – a mythical creature in Chinese mythology that is believed to have protective and auspicious powers. It is depicted as a fierce-looking creature with the body of a lion and the head of a dragon or a dog, and has wings and horns. So Xiao Pi is actually supposed to be quite a powerful demon.


2. Unit of measurement – something like a flock or birds, a murder of crows. Xiao Pi used a “head” of graduate student to describe Lu Xiu.

Record of All Things Chapter 16 – The Crystal Ball

In the dorm room, He Jian’s twenty-two piece set of beautifully handcrafted embroidery bedding had finally arrived. When spread out, embroideries of auspicious birds and cranes immediately filled the entire room with joy.

“This is going overboard. If it were ancient times, you would have been beheaded,” Jin commented on He Jian’s use of such luxurious items and changing the phoenix to a crane.

“It’s not ancient times now,” He Jian replied. “Demons and humans are equal.”

Jiang Hong gradually became accustomed to the fact that his two roommates were demons. Not only did he not find it scary, but he also thought it was cute. After returning to school, he heard from Jin about his cousin who performed in the circus, and knew that he was a lion. In other words, Jin was also a lion demon.

Jiang Hong was not afraid of lions or cranes at all, but snakes made him a little scared. Or it could be said that whether or not one was afraid of demons had nothing to do with whether or not they were demons themselves, but rather with what things had turned into demons. Spiders were very terrifying, while pandas were not a problem.

“Can cockroaches become demons?” Jiang Hong asked Zhang Xiting about this privately.

Zhang Xiting said, “I don’t think so. It may be that the type of spiritual vein restricts them… I can’t tell you these things, I might mislead you. They will be taught after school starts.”

Jiang Hong stopped asking and found that after this military training, as Hu Qingquan said, relationships between humans and demons had indeed improved a lot. There was no longer a clear boundary between humans and demons, and everyone did not always stick together.

“What are you really afraid of?” Zhang Xiting asked. “You are afraid of snake demons, but why aren’t you afraid of dragons? When dragons come out of the water, they are also slippery, right?”

“I am also afraid of dragons,” Jiang Hong said, “but not that kind of fear. It’s more like reverence.”

Life for everyone began to get back on track. Jin became the dormitory leader of 903 and created a group called “Jin’s Harem”. However, the group name was soon changed by Zhang Xiting to “Jin’s Daddies”. Then the group name bounced back and forth between “Jin’s Sons”, “Jin’s Husbands”, “Zhang Xiting’s Daddies”, and “Zhang Xiting’s Grandfathers”. After watching for a while, He Jian changed the group name to “He Jian’s Fans”, and a new round of competition for the naming rights of “He Jian’s Three Daddies” began after He Jian joined the battle. Finally, Jiang Hong couldn’t take it anymore and changed it to “Jiang Hong’s Brothers”, and the battle finally came to a temporary end.

Anyway, Jiang Hong was the youngest, so he didn’t mind. Everyone also gave him face and stopped fighting to be each other’s dad.

“Hey, dads, don’t go to sleep yet.”

On the morning of September 1st at 7:00, Jiang Hong got up and called out to his roommate, “Wake up, today is the first day of school.”

“Let’s sleep a little longer,” He Jian wailed. “What’s the point of getting up so early?”

“Aren’t you supposed to have a healthy schedule as a crane?” Jiang Hong just came back from a jog.

“I’m not having breakfast,” Jin said, revealing his messy, fluffy mane from under the covers. “Wake me up at 7:30.”

Jiang Hong didn’t dare lift Jin’s covers. “I brought breakfast for you guys. Get up and get ready. There’s a freshman orientation at 8:00.”

Zhang Xiting lazily lifted his head and got up. He Jian had bought a huge TV for the dorm room, and Jiang Hong had connected his Switch game console to it. The other three people in the dorm had played games until two in the morning, and now they were barely awake.

“Have you eaten?” Zhang Xiting asked.

“I had breakfast with a senior,” Jiang Hong said. He had planned to bring breakfast to Lu Xiu, but Lu Xiu had just finished fencing practice and came to eat with him instead.

From today on, their university life was about to begin. Everyone’s university experience would be rich and colorful, but some universities were destined to be more colorful than others, like Tsang Chiu University.

The freshman orientation was held in the auditorium, which was built like an opera house and could accommodate tens of thousands of people. But based on Jiang Hong’s observations over the past few days, their grade had only a little over 200 people, and there were a lot of majors, such as exorcism, that only had around ten students. Some majors had only three to five students, and there were even majors with no students.

Even if all the students from the entire school were put together, it was unclear whether the auditorium could be filled. But in terms of the goal of training, having a class of 200 exorcists was already quite a lot.

Everyone scattered and sat in the auditorium. He Jian sat down and immediately leaned on Jiang Hong’s shoulder to continue sleeping.

Xuan Hezhi arrived first and made a “gather” gesture with both hands towards everyone, saying through the microphone, “Move to the center and make it look livelier.”

No one moved. Xuan Hezhi repeated himself several times before a few reluctantly got up and moved a few rows.

Cao Bin also arrived.

“That’s Cao Bin, right?” Jin whispered to Zhang Xiting.

Zhang Xiting frowned. “My dad has met him, but I haven’t.”

“It’s him,” Jiang Hong said, “He’s really powerful.”

Jin said, “During the first nationwide exam, he was the youngest Level One Exorcist.”

Jiang Hong asked, “Do exorcists still have to take exams?”

Zhang Xiting replied, “Yes, after we graduate, we will be directly evaluated as Level Two based on our school grades, but we still have to take the Level One exam. Try not to fail any courses while in school.”

“Everyone, please move to the first four rows and fill up the middle section.”

Vice Principal Cao Bin spoke and the students stood up and gathered in the middle. It was clear that they didn’t take Xuan Hezhi seriously during normal times, but Vice Principal Cao had a lot of authority, so they had to comply.

The audience seats in the auditorium were distributed in a fan shape from front to back and from low to high. Jiang Hong and his friends sat in seats that were exactly level with the center of the stage, allowing him to make eye contact with Cao Bin.

Cao Bin glanced at him and their eyes met. Cao Bin stepped back a little and said a few words to someone on the backstage, and then a few people came over and sat in front of the sofa that had been placed in the center of the stage.

The first person was a young woman with black cloth covering her eyes. Cao Bin went over and helped her find her way to her seat. The second person was a middle-aged man who was slightly overweight, with long hair clipped back by a hairpin.

“Is that Fang Yilan?” He Jian suddenly woke up, leaned over Zhang Xiting, and asked Jin.

“Yes,” Jin replied. “Who is the second person?”

“He’s Dou Kuan.” The person in the front row, Xiao Pi, turned around. “He’s the new director of the Exorcist Committee, and he plays the piano well and manages the Internet.”

When the third person came up, the students spontaneously applauded and the applause rang out for a while.

He looked like a man who was not yet thirty years old, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He had short hair and a handsome face, but besides his good looks, Jiang Hong felt there was something else about him, like a peculiar aura that made people feel comfortable in the sunshine.

The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, very charming. He wore smart glasses shaped like a monocle, had fair skin, and his shirt buttons were very neat. He nodded to the students, and the applause gradually died down.

“Who is he? He’s so handsome.” Jiang Hong was a fan of good looks.

“Chen Zhen,” Zhang Xiting said. “The chairman of the Exorcist Committee. He became famous ten years ago.”

Jiang Hong sat on the edge of the audience seat, staring at Chen Zhen for a while. His expression was very calm, and his temperament was completely different from Cao Bin’s. He must be a very cultured person.

Suddenly, someone sat down on the empty seat next to Jiang Hong.

He turned his head and found that it was Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu had just finished training and still had sweat on his body, but he didn’t smell bad at all, and he even smelled nice.

“How come you’re here?” Jiang Hong asked curiously.

“No class in the morning.” Lu Xiu whispered, “Come over and see what they’re saying. Don’t talk, listen carefully.”

On the stage, Cao Bin said, “We welcome all leaders to say a few words to everyone.”

The microphone was handed to the blindfolded woman.

“Hello everyone, my name is Fang Yilan, and I am also the director of the Oversight and Supervision Office at Cangqiong University.” The woman’s voice was sweet and gentle. “I will be responsible for urging your teachers to teach seriously for a long time, and also responsible for feedback in the school environment. If you find any problems in the school, you can write to my email at any time…”

“…We encourage reporting up the chain.” Fang Yilan smiled. “Cao Bin can’t do anything about us. In order to be able to discipline him at any time and make him serve you with dedication and care…”

The students below began to laugh, and someone shouted, “Can we report the bad food in the cafeteria?”

Xuan Hezhi immediately signaled them not to make noise.

“Of course,” Fang Yilan said. “Our educational philosophy is to cultivate first-class talents, and we have sent our talents to be your teachers and principals…”

Fang Yilan spoke in a very friendly tone, like an elder sister chatting with students, for more than ten minutes. Seeing that the students below were starting to raise their hands, Cao Bin took the microphone. “Now is not the time to make demands. If you have any questions, you can write to Director Fang, and she will personally reply to every letter. Alright, let’s move on. Minister Dou, your turn.”

Dou Kuan took the mic. “Hello everyone! You are all outstanding individuals who can sit here today! You may have inherited skills, or have extraordinary talent, choosing this path to witness a cruel and dark world, and taking on the responsibility of purifying the world. You are all very remarkable young people with lofty ideals!”

“…The 21st century is the century of the Internet, and our lives are undergoing tremendous changes because of the Internet. Compared with decades ago, negative emotions such as hatred, resentment, pain, sadness, and anger have found new breakthroughs on the Internet, and are constantly multiplying…”

“… The internet exorcism is a new topic in recent years. Looking at the list, some students have also chosen the major of information dissemination. After graduation, you are welcome to join the information department of exorcism and make great achievements in this new field.”

“… I also noticed that many students use personal communication devices. I have to say that the internet is really developed now. If you see supernatural phenomena, think twice about taking a photo and uploading it to the internet. Yes, ghosts are still okay, but especially for malicious spirits and abnormal earth energy…”

“… Every deleted photo posted online and every user who shares supernatural experiences and gets banned is due to the tireless efforts of our information department colleagues working overtime day and night…”

Jiang Hong: “……”

Jiang Hong looked at the bored students around him, who had even started playing with their phones.

“…We have colleagues who almost died in the ICU for three days last time because of a student’s ignorance. They took a photo of a lake demon and posted it online, which caused the whole group to work overtime to delete posts and erase the memories of onlookers. Therefore, internet security is really important and a top priority of the new era! As exorcists, you must consciously maintain it… Isn’t that right, vice principal?”

Cao Bin stood on the side, listening expressionlessly. Obviously, he was a bit annoyed. This Dou Kuan talked too much.

When Dou Kuan turned around, Chen Zhen carefully looked at his watch. Dou Kuan seemed to understand and quickly concluded, “Alright, that’s all I have to say! Next, I’ll leave it to your beloved Chairman Chen!”

Everyone put down their phones and applause rang out again. Chen Zhen didn’t take Dou Kuan’s microphone. Cao Bin attached a miniature microphone to Chen Zhen’s shirt.

“Hello everyone,” Chen Zhen said seriously, “Let me introduce myself. Many of you already know me. I am the chairman of the Exorcist Committee, Chen Zhen, and I am the holder of the Heart Lamp, the 273rd generation.”

The room fell silent. Jiang Hong understood that Chen Zhen was probably a male idol for many young people.

Of course, Jiang Hong’s male idol was sitting next to him. He glanced at Lu Xiu, who also lifted his head, changed his usual bored expression, and focused on Chen Zhen.

“First, I want to supplement what Director Dou said. Sadness, anger, despair, and other negative emotions that are used as outlets on the internet are not our primary target to ‘eliminate.’ They have existed for thousands of years and will continue to exist. It’s just that, with the development of the times, there are new platforms for expression.”

“What we are fighting against is the current state of negative and depressing emotions, rather than simply trying to block them. Do negative emotions have meaning? Yes, they are like the two poles of the world, like the relationship between light and darkness, always together and mutually supporting. No matter which one is eliminated, life is incomplete. Life moves forward in this kind of harmony.”

“First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your successful admission,” Chen Zhen said calmly. “Today, I want to talk about the issue of anomalies appearing in the Earth’s meridians. Many of you may have heard some news from your parents…”

Now, all the students put down their phones and looked up at Chen Zhen.

“Our world is facing an unprecedented crisis,” Chen Zhen said. “The Earth’s meridians are experiencing strange disturbances and changes. Currently, the celestial meridians are still mostly normal, but the terrestrial meridians have experienced unprecedented frequent outbreaks in the past ten years since the birth of civilization.”

“These energy outbreaks and subsequent silence have had a significant impact on the visible world, including frequent natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes around the world, as well as the spread of plagues and raging wildfires. As we all know, in the first thirty years of the 21st century, natural disasters and man-made calamities far outnumbered the entire 100 years of the last century.”

Lu Xiu’s brow furrowed slightly, and the students began to whisper, creating a buzz.

“We are working hard to study the phenomenon that is currently occurring. Some people think that Mara will descend again…”

Now the whole auditorium was in an uproar.

“What is that?” Jiang Hong asked curiously.

“I’ll explain it to you when we get back,” Lu Xiu said.

“However, the time is too short. It has only been ten years since the last Mara incarnation. We cannot conclude whether it will happen again. Your principal is searching for the source of all this in the turbulence of time, but we have no news. In any case, if we cannot solve this smoothly, the world where demons and humans coexist may encounter a catastrophic disaster in the near future.”

The entire auditorium fell silent.

“It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the end of the world. According to our observation of the Earth’s meridians during this time period, optimistically speaking, there will be a significant event in thirty to fifty years. Pessimistically speaking, a major change will occur in five years, and we cannot predict the outcome.”

In that silence, Chen Zhen said lightly, “Why did it happen? We know nothing about it. What will happen? I have no comment. How to solve it? I have no idea. But once it happens, we must face it. The next step will be a test of time for all exorcists and all people in this world.”

“I believe that we can solve it, just like we have solved every crisis before. Everyone, I entrust the future of the world to you. Please cherish the present and immerse yourselves in your studies. When the crisis comes, please lend us a hand.”

After speaking, Chen Zhen stood up and bowed to all the students.

Everyone even forgot to applaud. After Chen Zhen finished speaking, he left with the two members of Exorcist Committee.

“What does he mean?” Jiang Hong was now very confused. First, he took a normal college entrance exam, then inexplicably entered a school to learn magic, and met a dragon and a group of demons. Now he was told that the end of the world was imminent, and he had to seriously study to save the world?!

“He exaggerated it.” Chang Jun walked with them after the meeting and said, “There are anomalies in the earth’s veins, but it’s not that serious. Many of my relatives live underground, and earthquakes occasionally occur. It may be that nature is unstable.”

“Perhaps it’s periodic.” Jin agreed with this view. “Mara won’t come again.”

Jiang Hong and Lu Xiu walked together. They still had classes later, so everyone went to the teaching building according to their respective schedules. The autumn sunshine was bright, and the breeze was refreshing. After hearing Chen Zhen’s words, Lu Xiu was lost in thought, as if there was a lot of information hidden in his words.

“Mara is a collection of resentment in the human world.” Lu Xiu came back to his senses and saw Jiang Hong looking at him, so he explained actively, “Wars, natural disasters, all cause death and suffering for living creatures. Here, ‘people’ refer to all living beings.”

“Oh…” Jiang Hong remembered what Dou Kuan had said about the wide coverage of communication channels, which facilitated rapid communication of information between people, and also easily amplified people’s emotions, integrating the thoughts of people with the same feelings.

“After death, the soul returns to the veins of heaven and earth and goes through reincarnation, but resentment and memory persist and spread throughout the earth, automatically gathering together to form Mara.” Lu Xiu continued, “Mara eventually gains self-awareness, begins to devour living things, and vies for control of the world. The Heart Lamp presided over by Chen Zhen is one of the treasures that can eradicate heavenly evil, and so is the Sword of Wisdom.”

“I understand now,” Jiang Hong said. “The job of an ‘exorcist’ is to drive away evil! This is the most important thing!”

“Right.” Lu Xiu said, “More than five million people died worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although compared to ancient wars, it’s just a small number. I think the pandemic did not cause the chaotic flow of the earth’s veins. Your ancestors were great feng shui masters, who dealt with the veins of the earth every day. Maybe you can solve this mystery.”

“But I don’t know anything,” Jiang Hong said helplessly. “And my family doesn’t have any books on this subject… but forget it.”

“Are you not going to class yet?” Lu Xiu asked.

Jiang Hong glanced at his watch. “It’s about time. I’m off.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Lu Xiu asked.

“Can you?” Jiang Hong immediately replied. “Can you sit in at the class? Sure!”

Lu Xiu didn’t say anything. He seemed to want to chat more with Jiang Hong, so he followed him to the building.

Apart from Jiang Hong, there were only five people in the class – three men and two women, one of whom was a couple who sat intimately together.

Jiang Hong didn’t know any of them but knew they were his classmates. He greeted them, and everyone seemed to know him, so they nodded back.

When Lu Xiu came in, they looked at him curiously. Lu Xiu didn’t say anything, pulled up the hood of his sports vest, and sat down next to Jiang Hong.

The first class was about basic spell theory! Jiang Hong was excited, wondering what it would be like. Would they teach spells right away?

The person who came in was a middle-aged man with thick-bottomed glasses and a slightly bald head. He was wearing a beige shirt and black trousers, and carrying a teaching briefcase. He looks very much like a high school Chinese teacher.

“Good morning, everyone,” the middle-aged man said. “My name is Xie Liao, the same Liao as A Liao Mountain.” As he said that, he wrote his name on the blackboard and noticed Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu looked up and glanced at Xie Liao.

Xie Liao didn’t pay much attention to Lu Xiu, as if he already knew him. He took out a form and said, “Let’s take attendance. Although there are only six students in the class, we still need to get to know each other.”

“Wang Jinyue.”

“Here.” A girl sitting alone by the window raised her hand.

“Bian Leidong.”

“Here.” The boy sitting with his girlfriend answered.

“Cheng Jiu.”

“Here.” Another tall boy in sportswear answered.

“Xiao Zixun.”

“Here.” The girl sitting with her boyfriend answered.

“Lian Jiang.”

“Here.” The last student, a boy with a height of about 1.7 meters, wearing a skateboard T-shirt, answered.

“Jiang Hong.” Xie Liao looked at Jiang Hong, as he was the last one.

Jiang Hong responded.

Xie Liao made simple markings and annotations for each person on the form and said, “In the first class, some students might think, are we learning spells already? Isn’t it too fast?”

This was exactly what Jiang Hong was thinking.

Xie Liao continued, “Some students have a certain foundation and have been taught at home. They might think that they don’t need to listen to this class or even come to class. After all, they can rely on their family’s magic skills to pass the final exam easily, right?”

Jiang Hong thought to himself, do you guys teach magic in your family’s tutoring sessions? That’s so impressive.

Xie Liao went on to say, “So what should the students who start with zero foundation pay attention to? Let me tell you, magic is really not difficult to learn. First of all, you need to overcome your own unfamiliarity and rejection of this unknown power… Look?”

As he spoke, Xie Liao snapped his fingers and a ball of fire appeared on his finger.

“Wow!” Jiang Hong suddenly became excited and started clapping wildly, startling Lu Xiu who was sleeping beside him.

“Don’t be so loud!” Lu Xiu whispered angrily.

Jiang Hong suddenly realized that all the students in the classroom were looking at him strangely because he was the only one cheering and clapping.

Jiang Hong felt a little embarrassed.

Xie Liao nodded in gratitude, snuffed out the fireball, and said, “As long as you attend my classes, you will definitely be able to learn. Keep up with the progress, complete your assignments seriously according to the teacher’s requirements, and you won’t encounter any difficulties.”

Jiang Hong nodded gratefully. Xie Liao then turned the conversation and said, “For those students who have already mastered some spells, you must know that there is no end to learning. Everyone’s family heritage specializes in one field, which inevitably leads to bias. To become an excellent exorcist, you must study hard. Secondly, some bad spellcasting habits can cause great damage and are more likely to hurt yourself. When you come to my class, forget what you have learned before, and discard habitual thinking. Otherwise, I will not go easy on you in the final exam.”

No one answered, and some were already playing with their phones under the table.

“Next, I will give each student a small test,” Xie Liao said. “To ensure a fair test, don’t disturb each other. Everyone, please wait in the corridor for a while. I’ll call your name when it’s your turn.”

The students left one after another. The skateboarder named Lian Jiang asked Jiang Hong, “Did you not learn at home?”

“Um,” Jiang Hong replied, “my parents are ordinary people.”

“Oh…” everyone nodded.

Jiang Hong said, “Are there many students from ordinary families?”

“There shouldn’t be many,” the skateboarder said, “but I guess you’re not the only one.”

Jiang Hong was relieved to hear this.

Xie Liao called the students into the classroom one by one, and Jiang Hong was the last to enter.

“Teacher Lu?” Xie Liao had been ignoring Lu Xiu, but he couldn’t resist anymore when Jiang Hong came in. He walked over and said, “I want to do a spiritual vein aptitude assessment. Could you… leave for a while?”

Jiang Hong: “???”

Wasn’t he a graduate student? How did he become a teacher?

“I occasionally serve as a teaching assistant,” Lu Xiu explained to Jiang Hong and ignored Xie Liao. He stood up, moved to the corner of the classroom, and continued to sleep on the table.

“Teacher Lu…” Xie Liao said.

“I am his summoned beast,” Lu Xiu explained. “If you ask me to leave, he will summon me back in a while, and I will come back again.”

Xie Liao: “……………….”

Xie Liao had to stand in front of the podium, supporting it with both hands. He said to Jiang Hong, “Take this piece of jade.” He motioned for Jiang Hong to look at the circular jade on the velvet cloth in front of him.

Jiang Hong picked it up and held it in his hand, saying, “Oh, okay.”

Xie Liao: “……………….”

Jiang Hong: “???’

Xie Liao asked, “Why is there no reaction?”

Lu Xiu looked up, frowned, and glanced at Jiang Hong from a distance. Xie Liao pondered for a moment and observed Jiang Hong.

Xie Liao asked, “Have your parents ever shown a tendency towards spells, or have they claimed to know spells?”

“No, they are normal,” Jiang Hong replied.

Lu Xiu asked, “The jade didn’t light up?”

Xie Liao: “No, strange. The jade should be able to detect spiritual veins.”

Jiang Hong: “What should it have reacted to?”

Xie Liao: “It should have lit up, even if very weakly. This shouldn’t be.”

Jiang Hong: “Would it be useful if I put it in my mouth?”

Lu Xiu: “……”

Jiang Hong fiddled with it for a while, but the jade still didn’t light up, so they had to give up. Then, Xie Liao asked, “So do you have any other supernatural talents? Spiritual awareness or other things, perhaps.”

“I can summon Lu Xiu,” Jiang Hong said. “Does that count?”

Xie Liao wiped his sweat, while Lu Xiu’s expression became solemn as he asked, “Are you sure it’s not a problem with the jade?”

Xie Liao picked up the jade himself and gestured for Lu Xiu to look at it. The jade suddenly burst into five-colored light.

Lu Xiu stood up, walked to the podium, and Xie Liao handed it over to him. The jade immediately turned into a deep blue light, and after a moment, the blue light faded, turning into black light like ink.

“Wow!” Jiang Hong exclaimed in surprise.

Xie Liao and Lu Xiu looked at each other for a few seconds, and then Lu Xiu put the jade back without saying a word.

Jiang Hong asked Xie Liao, “Teacher, what does this mean?”

“It means you may not have the aptitude for spiritual veins,” Lu Xiu answered for Xie Liao.

Xie Liao immediately said, “Or it may be sealed, or there is another possibility that your spiritual vein aptitude is very special, and the jade cannot identify it.”

“Oh…” Jiang Hong looked at Lu Xiu and Xie Liao, and he understood it roughly.

“So, does that mean I can never learn spells?” Jiang Hong decided to say it himself to save Xie Liao the awkwardness.

“Not necessarily,” Xie Liao said. “I have to ask other teachers. Rest assured, there must be a way to solve this situation. You call everyone in and finish this class together. Later I will take you to find the dean.”

Jiang Hong’s mood was complicated, but he didn’t have a psychological expectation for what was happening at the moment. Therefore, he didn’t fully understand what had happened.

He called the other classmates back to the classroom and saw Xie Liao and Lu Xiu whispering. After a while, Lu Xiu signaled him to stay and continue the class, while he left first.