Record of All Things

Record of All Things Chapter 6 – Bloopers

After finishing their run, everyone was basically either panting or out of breath. Instructor Zheng specially checked on He Jian and got the answer that he could continue, so he started to teach them how to march and stand at attention.

After a two-hour lunch break, everyone cleaned up their beds and personal belongings. He Jian still didn’t have a blanket, but he insisted on sleeping on the bed board, so Jiang Hong had no choice but to let him be.

In the afternoon, they continued with marching and standing at attention, and added an hour of cross-country running. Instructor Zheng led them to several other classes, which was similar to Jiang Hong’s high school military training, but the intensity was higher.

This was a very normal military training, and they had a very normal instructor. Instructor Zheng seemed to think Jiang Hong was doing okay because he spent most of his time with He Jian, not letting him fall behind.

“Is this little idol your twin brother?” Instructor Zheng asked.

“No, sir,” Jiang Hong answered.

Everyone laughed.

“You guys in the dormitory are so loving towards each other,” Instructor Zheng commented amidst the laughter. “Very good. Dismissed, get ready for dinner.”

“Ah!” Jiang Hong felt exhausted. The level of fatigue in the class was divided into two halves: five people were exhausted, while the other three, including Jin, Chang Jun from Class 904, and another male student from Class 904, seemed to be fine.

He Jian leaned on Jiang Hong’s shoulder and sat on the stairs, just wanting to rest.

“Idol, let’s go eat,” Jin said.

The eight of them in the class quickly became acquainted, especially after supporting each other during the cross-country run.

“Where is the girls’ dormitory?” He Jian asked, panting.

“Do you want to join them?” Zhang Xiting said. “I’ll help you apply?”

“No!” He Jian exclaimed frantically. “I just want to meet some girls! It’s been all guys since I started school!”

“On the other side,” Jin said. “You have to climb over that hill. Let’s go check it out in a few days?”

“Eat quickly!” Instructor Zheng came over and shouted, “After eating, clean up! Your seniors will come to visit you later!”

The students dispersed and went to the cafeteria. Jiang Hong said, “This military training is too easy. We don’t even have to sing and line up for meals?”

“Some of you don’t eat this and some of you don’t eat that,” Instructor Zheng said. “How can you eat together? Respect each other’s beliefs and cultures.”

The students used the same lunchbox, finished eating, washed dishes, and then went back to the barracks to clean up. After more than an hour of work, they queued up to take a shower.

“Can I borrow your shampoo?” Jiang Hong asked the person in the next stall.

“Here,” Jin answered, stretching out a hand from above. Jiang Hong touched it, feeling long hair on his arm.

“Wow, Jin, the hair on your hand is so long,” Jiang Hong said.

“Hehehe,” Jin replied.

“Huh?” Jiang Hong remembered that Jin didn’t seem to have much body hair. Although there were some indistinct gold hairs on his arms, there shouldn’t be so many. But it didn’t matter.

“Xiao Hong, are you tired?” Jin asked.

“I’m okay,” Jiang Hong said, “but the cross-country intensity in the afternoon was too strong. I can accept it on the first day, but if it’s like this every day, we’ll definitely be exhausted later.”

“I think the hardest thing about military training,” Zhang Xiting said from another stall, taking a shower, “isn’t the fatigue.”

“What is it?” Jiang Hong asked.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Zhang Xiting said.

“I’m so hungry–” Jiang Hong had just eaten dinner, but he was hungry again in less than two hours. Now that Zhang Xiting had reminded him, the entire bathroom was filled with cries of hunger.

“We’re going to starve to death–!”

“There’s only one small store in the barracks, and it closes at six o’clock,” Jin said. “Let’s endure it today and buy something to eat tomorrow.”

After Jin finished speaking, Jiang Hong felt increasingly hungry. During the one and a half hours of free time, everyone retrieved their phones from the instructors. At this time, it was time for the senior students to visit.

“Oh my god!” Jiang Hong was almost moved to tears. He was going to fall in love with this school. These little details made people feel incredibly warm. There were even people who came to visit during military training. For some reason, the school seemed to value student friendship and relationships very much. Even the focus of military training was on emotions.


Lu Xiu stood in the moonlight, wearing a motorcycle suit.

When Jiang Hong saw Lu Xiu, he felt like he had seen a long-lost relative. He flew over and jumped onto Lu Xiu’s back, his legs straddling his waist.

“You have three seconds to get off,” Lu Xiu said.

Jiang Hong didn’t wait for him to throw him off and obediently jumped down.

“How is it?” Lu Xiu still had his poker face.

“It’s quite tiring. Much more tiring than high school military training,” Jiang Hong said with a smile.

Lu Xiu gestured to his feet. “I brought a box of instant noodles for you.”

“Thank you so much!” Jiang Hong was about to cry, hugging Lu Xiu.

“Three seconds to let go, three…” Lu Xiu said.

Jiang Hong turned and hugged the box of instant noodles, running back to the barracks.

But soon he came out again. Lu Xiu asked, “There are only twenty minutes for the visit. Do you have any questions that I can help you with? Did the instructors bully you?”

“No, no, everyone is very nice to me. You are really too good to me,” Jiang Hong said.

Many senior students had also come around the barracks, chatting with the freshmen they were responsible for. Jiang Hong began to admire the person who had come up with this one-on-one heartwarming care plan.

“It takes you a long time to come here, right?” Jiang Hong asked.

“I came by motorcycle,” Lu Xiu said. “It’s fine. You can only see me once a week. If you need anything, give me a list on WeChat, and I’ll bring it when I come next week.”

Jiang Hong was afraid that Lu Xiu would be too tired if he had to come every day, but once a week was manageable.

“Go back and rest if you’re tired.” Lu Xiu looked at Jiang Hong and could tell that he had pushed himself hard during training today.

“No, no.” Jiang Hong finally got to see Lu Xiu, and even though they hardly knew each other and could only chat for a few sentences before running out of things to say, at this moment he clearly felt that an inexplicable bond had formed between them.

“There are twelve minutes left.” Lu Xiu checked his watch.

“Let me walk you to the gate,” Jiang Hong offered.

“Okay,” Lu Xiu agreed.

Jiang Hong accompanied Lu Xiu as they walked out of the barracks and passed by the training ground. Lu Xiu was tall and slender, dressed in a black racing suit with reflective strips, which made him look cool.

“Senior,” Jiang Hong called out.

“What?” Lu Xiu asked.

“Where are you from?” Jiang Hong asked curiously.

“I’m Chinese, and I’ve lived in many places. I’m not sure where I’m from,” Lu Xiu replied.

“You must really like traveling around,” Jiang Hong said.

Lu Xiu remained silent.

Jiang Hong saw Lu Xiu off at the gate and Lu Xiu said, “I’m leaving. If you need anything, message me.”

“Let me see your bike!” Jiang Hong looked up at Lu Xiu with admiration.

“Go to the other side of the fence,” Lu Xiu directed.

Jiang Hong and Lu Xiu walked along the fence. Lu Xiu’s motorcycle was parked on the side of the road. It was a sporty black and gold Kawasaki H2 motorcycle with silver plating on the sides. Its sleek lines looked like a flying shuttle in the night sky. Lu Xiu took his helmet and put it on.

“Wow!” Jiang Hong exclaimed. “It’s a Kawasaki H2! Senior, it’s so cool!”

Lu Xiu put on his gloves as he walked and glanced at Jiang Hong without answering. He then mounted the motorcycle, leaned forward, started the engine, and Jiang Hong yelled above the sound of the engine, “You have to let me ride with you next time!”

Lu Xiu made an “OK” gesture towards him, and with a few revs of the engine, the motorcycle roared and shot out like a black shadow, disappearing.

Jiang Hong was still shocked and staring at the fence, with no intention of leaving. Three seconds later, there was another “vroom” and the Kawasaki H2 flew back again. Jiang Hong cheered again.

Then the Kawasaki H2 passed by Jiang Hong for the third time and Lu Xiu finally left.

Jiang Hong’s biggest dream was to buy a motorcycle. The Kawasaki was too expensive, so he would settle for a Yamaha. However, his family forbade him from riding one, feeling that it was unsafe.

Really cool! Jiang Hong didn’t expect to see his dream ride so unexpectedly in the hands of his male god-like senior, and he savored the feeling all the way back to the dormitory. When he pushed open the door, he saw that everyone had returned with a smile on their faces.

“Um, Jiang Hong,” Zhang Xiting said, “I just saw…a box of instant noodles under your bed?”

“Ah, yes.” Jiang Hong was very sensible and quickly took out the instant noodles for everyone to eat, even though they were specially brought to him by Lu Xiu. It was a bit heart-wrenching, but he couldn’t let his roommates go hungry. “I’ll buy another box tomorrow when the convenience store opens.”

So the students from the two dormitories shared the instant noodles happily.

Jiang Hong really wanted to praise the convenience of instant noodles. It was simply a gift from heaven.

“Ah! Praise instant noodles!” He Jian helped him express his thoughts. “It’s simply a gift from heaven!”

“Hahaha, you’re so right!” Jiang Hong said to He Jian. “Luckily you can eat this.”

“I’m not that picky with my food.” He Jian almost fell asleep a few times while eating, but then woke up and chatted with him as if nothing had happened, showing the momentum of waking up from a life-threatening illness and eating three hundred lychees a day.

“Your senior is Lu Xiu?” Chang Jun asked while eating the instant noodles.

“Um, yes.” Jiang Hong felt like one bowl wasn’t enough, but he couldn’t eat too much without being inconsiderate towards his roommates, so he reluctantly put down his chopsticks. “What’s up?”

“He’s my idol!” Chang Jun said. “Can you help me get his autograph next time?”

“He’s not that aloof, is he?” Jiang Hong said. “If there’s a chance, I’ll introduce you guys.”

The other male student from dorm 904, Wang Lang, who had a stubble, said, “Isn’t Lu Xiu a graduate student and a part-time teaching assistant? He won’t take on freshman students.”

“I don’t know.” Jiang Hong remembered meeting him on his first day, and being randomly assigned to his dorm. “I think I caused him some trouble.”

Chang Jun was full of envy and jealousy, and decided to collect the instant noodle bowl as a souvenir. Jiang Hong thought it was too exaggerated, but seeing how cool Lu Xiu looked riding his motorcycle, he could understand why he had some fanboys.

“Turn off the lights!” Instructor Zheng shouted from outside the window.

The whistle blew. The lights were turned off in the dorm. The first day of military training was over, with the room falling into silence.

The next day was business as usual. It rained during the day, so they didn’t have to run the ten-kilometer cross-country. After standing in military posture, the instructor played basketball with the students in the gym until the rain stopped in the evening and the sky was tinged with crimson, and then they were taken to the field to run 20 laps.

“University military training is quite easy,” Jiang Hong thought.

After dinner, they had free time as usual until the lights went out. Everyone had bought snacks and instant noodles at the small shop, so today Jiang Hong could indulge. He ate two large bowls of instant noodles and drank half a bottle of one-liter Coke. He was too full and messaged his belly before going to bed after saying goodnight to his roommate. Jiang Hong tossed and turned in bed but couldn’t fall asleep.

At midnight, dark clouds covered the moon. Jiang Hong got up to go to the bathroom and realized that Chang Jun’s bed was empty.

Jiang Hong thought, “Huh?”

When he returned from the bathroom, he didn’t run into Chang Jun. The moon had emerged from behind the dark clouds. The post-rain air felt comfortable on the barracks’ open space.

The school and military training grounds were far from the noisy city. Jiang Hong had rarely been to such an isolated place since he was young. Every night when he was growing up at home, the moon’s brilliance was masked by the city’s lights. These past few days, he was surprised to find that the moon could be so bright.

After getting used to the moonlight, the world was a silver-white color. The quiet mountain forests under the moon were not scary but had a sense of sanctity.

Jiang Hong walked behind the barracks to digest his food, walked up the hill, and suddenly saw two figures cuddling together with their backs facing the moonlight. He was about to leave quietly, but he heard Chang Jun’s voice.

“You should go back to school,” Chang Jun said.

“Ah, is it already this late?” The girl’s voice was Di Di’s.

What?! They’re already dating?! And it’s with Zhang Xiting’s senior sister! Wow!

Jiang Hong didn’t plan to disturb them and intended to leave politely. But he inadvertently looked at the ground and noticed something strange. Chang Jun and Di Di, this man and woman, why did their shadows look a bit weird? No, their necks… why are they so long?!

Jiang Hong slipped on the hillside and stepped on a patch of grass. The sound was light, but the two noticed it and turned around sharply.

Jiang Hong and the two of them locked eyes at the same time.

Jiang Hong: “!!!!!!!”

Both sides fell silent, and Jiang Hong felt like his head was about to explode at that moment! He saw an extremely terrifying scene!

Chang Jun and Di Di’s bodies were normal, but their necks had turned into snake necks, and their heads had become snake heads. They were entwined together, spitting out their tongues at each other. When they heard the sound, the “male snake” turned its head, opened its golden eyes, and looked at Jiang Hong.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Jiang Hong was immediately terrified and screamed with all his might.

“Ah!” The “female snake” with green eyes also let out a scream.

“Jiang Hong?” The snake with golden eyes even spoke using Chang Jun’s voice!

Jiang Hong stumbled and retreated as the intertwined necks of the two snakes separated. The green-eyed snake turned around and ran away, while the golden-eyed snake stood up and ran towards Jiang Hong. Its snake head leaned in close to him, spitting out a hiss.

“Shh! Shh! Don’t yell so loudly!”

Jiang Hong: “……………….”

Then, the human body of Chang Jun reached out and placed a hand on Jiang Hong’s shoulder, wrapping his neck around Jiang Hong’s neck. “Brother, I’ll treat you to a meal tomorrow and buy you a pack of cigarettes. Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

Jiang Hong’s pupils contracted violently. Chang Jun faced Jiang Hong, reflecting Jiang Hong’s face in its large golden eyes.

Three seconds later, Jiang Hong fell down stiffly.

“Jiang Hong! Jiang Hong!” Chang Jun shouted anxiously. “What’s wrong? Wake up!”

The first thing Jiang Hong did when he woke up was scream.

“Ah ah ah——” Jiang Hong’s consciousness was still stuck in the memory of being choked by the snake.

“It’s okay! It’s okay!” The office lights were on, and Jiang Hong found himself lying on a military bed. The counselor, Chang Jun, Jin, and Zhang Xiting were all present.

Chang Jun patted him apologetically. “Are you… okay?”

Jiang Hong looked at Chang Jun with horror. Chang Jun’s face had once again returned to that of a human young man. Was it just his imagination?

Zhang Xiting was obviously very angry. His roommate had been bullied, and he said to Chang Jun, “He’s afraid of snakes!”

Chang Jun said, “But I didn’t know he was afraid of snakes.”

Hu Qingquan said to Jiang Hong, “It’s okay, young man, don’t be afraid… it’s just a snake. Snakes are cute, soft, and slippery, and they have such big eyes…” As he spoke, he made a circle with his two fingers and placed it on his head to demonstrate.

“No!” Jiang Hong panicked and said, “I saw him… he… I don’t know if it was my imagination, but he had a human body and a snake head! Suddenly, a snake head grew out of his body! Oh my god! How did you guys know I saw a snake?”

Chang Jun said to the counselor, “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to. I’ll be more careful next time…”

Hu Qingquan said, “Okay! Jiang Hong, come on, think of something else.”

Jin also comforted him, “It’s okay, it’s just a snake.”

Hu Qingquan suddenly transformed into a brownish-yellow fox with a funny little eye, wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt. Jin burst into laughter, and Zhang Xiting couldn’t help but laugh and cry, saying, “Teacher Hu, do you really need to do this?”

Jiang Hong: “Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!! Ah ah ah ah!”

Everyone else was laughing, but Jiang Hong was really frightened this time. He jumped up from the bunk bed and let out a scream that used up all his strength.

Everyone else: “…………”

Jiang Hong hit his head against the door and then pulled it open violently, running out of the office.

“Wait! Jiang Hong!” Zhang Xiting and Jin followed him.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Jin said worriedly.

“Don’t run!” Zhang Xiting said.

Jiang Hong’s only thought now was to save his life – he was about to cry. Fortunately, he still had some sanity left, so he ran back to the barracks, grabbed his phone, and without typing anything, he pressed the voice button and sent a message to Lu Xiu.

“Help! Help!” Jiang Hong cried.

“Jiang Hong!” Jin hugged him from behind. Jiang Hong was so frightened that he was almost out of his mind. The snake head of Chang Jun had been replaced by the fox head of the counselor behind him, and the terrifying sight was taking over in the dismal office lighting.

Jiang Hong looked at Jin, who looked puzzled. Jiang Hong instinctively looked at Jin’s arm and remembered touching a furry hand while taking a shower last night.

“Let go of me… Where is this place?!” Jiang Hong cried. “I want to go home!”

“Jiang Hong?” He Jian also came out, worried.

Jiang Hong kept struggling, and in that moment of near-hysteria, his strength was surprisingly strong. Jin didn’t dare to use brute force for fear of hurting him. He struggled out of his grasp and Zhang Xiting caught up and grabbed his hand, shouting, “Jiang Hong! It’s me! Look at me!”

Jiang Hong kept panting, still trembling with fear. Zhang Xiting looked at him for a long time, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

“Are you afraid of demons?” Zhang Xiting asked. “I’m human, just like you. You can trust me, can’t you? Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid.”

“Demons…” Jiang Hong said tremblingly. “Why am I here… Lu Xiu! Lu Xiu!”

At this very moment, a strange sound rang from the sky, like the clashing of metals, and the ringing of a bell. All the barracks in the entire military camp were awakened, and lights were turned on one after another.

“Go to sleep! None of your business!” shouted a drill instructor as he proceeded to inspect each barrack.

Jiang Hong was panting, looking at Jin and He Jian standing not far away, and then at Zhang Xiting. Zhang Xiting muttered something and then raised his hand, placing it on Jiang Hong’s forehead.

“Feeling better now?” Zhang Xiting asked with concern.

Jiang Hong felt a little better. At that moment, his heart rate had risen to at least 98%.

Zhang Xiting turned to Jin and He Jian. “He’s afraid of demons, so you two stay away for now.”

Jin, wearing a hooded sports vest, put his hands in his pockets and exclaimed in disbelief, “What?”

He Jian took a step towards Jiang Hong, but then stopped. “Are you okay?” He Jian asked, surprised. “Why would you be afraid?”

“It’s fine,” said Zhang Xiting, letting go of Jiang Hong’s hand.

Jiang Hong gradually calmed down and said, “Are all these people demons? Why am I encountering so many demons? Is this some kind of prank show?”

Zhang Xiting stopped his actions and looked towards the other side of the playground. It was then that Lu Xiu appeared.

“Senior, senior!” Jiang Hong saw Lu Xiu and ran towards him as if he had found life-saving water.

Lu Xiu was obviously still half asleep and a little confused, but he didn’t blame Jiang Hong. He just asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I saw a demon, I saw a demon.” Jiang Hong became riled up again and couldn’t even speak clearly.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Xiu realized that Jiang Hong was just scared.

“Don’t come near him,” Lu Xiu said to the others. “I’ll handle this.” Then he turned to Jiang Hong and said, “Follow me.”

Five minutes later, at the door of the second-floor office, Lu Xiu did not ask Jiang Hong to go in. He only asked for Hu Qingquan to come out and talk to them.

In the spacious corridor, Jiang Hong was not as scared as before.

Lu Xiu asked, “What did you see?”

Hu Qingquan said, “I just…”

“Oh my god!” Jiang Hong saw the guidance counselor, Hu Qingquan, who had a furry head and a fox tail. He jumped up and clung to Lu Xiu. “This is it, this is it!”

Lu Xiu: “???”

Jiang Hong almost pleaded as he spoke to Lu Xiu, “I first saw a snake head on a person’s body, and then the counselor suddenly became like this. What’s going on?! I want to leave here! Senior, take me away…”

Hu Qingquan: “…”

Lu Xiu finally reacted. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Hong with extreme shock in his eyes.

“I thought he would laugh when he saw me,” Hu Qingquan explained.

Lu Xiu stared at Jiang Hong with a solemn look, and Jiang Hong returned his gaze with a terrified look.

“You don’t know anything?” Lu Xiu asked.

“What don’t I know?” Jiang Hong hid behind Lu Xiu, grabbed his clothes, and shivered.

Hu Qingquan also realized something was wrong. “This shouldn’t be happening. Did something go wrong? The name and hometown are correct. Dean Xuan personally verified every new student.”

“Jiang Hong.” Lu Xiu frowned. “No one told you?”

“Told me what…” Jiang Hong calmed down a bit. After all, Lu Xiu’s aura was too strong. It felt like if he was standing in front of him, he didn’t have to be afraid anymore.

“I am a demon,” Hu Qingquan said. “Your roommate is too…”

Lu Xiu gestured to Hu Qingquan not to mention the roommate, so as not to scare Jiang Hong again. Hu Qingquan then changed his words, “You didn’t know I was a demon?”

“Why…” Jiang Hong said. “What’s going on? Are there really demons in the world? Then, ghosts are also real? But this is a modern world!”

“Do you know what this school is for?” Hu Qingquan asked.

“What is it for?” Jiang Hong asked.

Hu Qingquan looked even more shocked than Jiang Hong. He tried to control his speech rate, so as to not sound intimidating, and patiently said, “This is a school that trains exorcists. If you know nothing, how did you get into China National Exorcism College? Who enrolled you?”

Jiang Hong: “…”

Jiang Hong looked to Lu Xiu again, seeking help.

Record of All Things Chapter 5 – Military Training

“Oh.” Jiang Hong asked again, “Senior, where do you live?”

“In the East Building,” Lu Xiu said, “opposite the school.”

Lu Xiu pointed to another building in the distance. Jiang Hong realized that he knew almost nothing about Lu Xiu. “Did you move there when you were a junior?”

“I’m a graduate student,” Lu Xiu said. “I’m in my third year.”

Lu Xiu gave him a cup of coffee. He sat down opposite Jiang Hong at the coffee shop and asked, “Has your roommate been bullying you?”

“No, no,” Jiang Hong quickly said. “Why do you ask? We get along well.”

Lu Xiu looked a bit suspicious, but didn’t ask further. Jiang Hong took out a pair of headphones and gave them to him. “I bought them for you.”

It was a black and red wireless Audio-Technica over-ear headphone. Lu Xiu took it and said, “Thank you.”

Lu Xiu hung the headphones around his neck. Jiang Hong thought to himself, “He looks so cool!”

Lu Xiu lifted one side of the headphones and put it close to his chin as if listening to something, but he didn’t play any music.

“I really like it,” Lu Xiu said expressionlessly.

“I bought one for myself too.” Jiang Hong smiled. “Mine is blue. Now I find that red looks the best.”

“Want to trade with me?” Lu Xiu asked.

“No need,” Jiang Hong said regretfully. “The color of the headphones doesn’t really matter. What matters is the face.”

Lu Xiu: “…”

Lu Xiu tried hard to squeeze out a little smile, but failed. He could only say, “You’re not bad too.”

The two of them fell silent for a while. Lu Xiu took a sip of coffee and asked, “Are you getting used to living in the campus?”

“Yes.” Jiang Hong was lost in thought, trying to find a topic to talk to Lu Xiu. Upon hearing the question, he immediately replied.

He found it difficult to chat with Lu Xiu, as he couldn’t find a topic to start with. He was too quiet, and his questions were either too long or too short, making it seem like he was conducting an interrogation. He wanted to ask Lu Xiu what major he was studying, but he knew that it could be answered in just two or three words.

“Oh, this protective charm…” Jiang Hong suddenly remembered and took out the amulet, wanting to ask Lu Xiu where he got it and if it had been blessed.

“When you’re scared, hold onto it and call my name,” Lu Xiu replied.

Jiang Hong joked, “Can I summon you like that?”

Lu Xiu casually replied, “It depends on my mood.”

Jiang Hong chuckled, “Hahaha.”

The atmosphere fell silent again.

“Is the military training at this school tiring?” Jiang Hong asked, trying to make small talk.

“It’s okay.” Lu Xiu realized he was being too brief and added, “Don’t fight, and don’t encourage others to fight either.”

“I won’t.” Jiang Hong’s topic jumped again. “Your haircut looks really good. Where did you get it done?”

“Xi’an,” Lu Xiu said. “I’ll take you there next time.”

A guy looked his best right after a haircut, and Lu Xiu had a choppy cut that was just right, making him look gentle and clean.

“What are you busy with today?” Jiang Hong asked again.

“Nothing much,” Lu Xiu said. “I suddenly wanted a haircut, so I went and got one. Have you met your counselor?”

“No,” Jiang Hong replied.

“I know him. If you want to slack off during military training, let him know,” Lu Xiu said.

“I won’t slack off,” Jiang Hong laughed. “It’s not that tiring, is it?”

“Okay.” Lu Xiu finished his coffee, put on the headphones that Jiang Hong gave him, and took him back downstairs.

“That’s it,” Lu Xiu said. “I’ll come to see you again in a few days.”

“No need to trouble yourself.” Jiang Hong said, “I’ll treat you to a meal after military training.”

Lu Xiu, with a nonchalant expression, didn’t answer Jiang Hong and walked away in front of all the students in the corridor.

When Jiang Hong returned to the dorm, Di Di had already left, and there was a young man in his twenties wearing a white shirt and pants, talking to Jin and Zhang Xiting. Beside the young man was another man with a buzz cut.

“He’s back.” Jin signaled to the young man to look behind him.

“Hello,” Jiang Hong curiously said.

“I’m your counselor,” the young man said. “My name is Hu Qingquan.”

Jiang Hong politely greeted him, and Hu Qingquan handed him a QR code to scan. Jiang Hong asked, “How much do I need to pay?”

Hu Qingquan replied, “This is my contact information…”

Roommates: “…”

Jiang Hong quickly apologized and said, “Sorry to trouble you, Hu Qingquan. If we have any questions, we’ll contact you through WeChat. Take care and let’s all get along well.”

Hu Qingquan patted the shoulder of the male student with a buzz cut, then left room 903 for the next dorm room. He even closed the door behind him as he left.

Silence filled the dormitory.

The male student looked at Jiang Hong, who was the first to realize something. “You must be He Jian,” Jiang Hong said. “I’ve been wondering when you would arrive!”

He Jian let out a long sigh. “The inevitable always happens. Do you really think I wanted to come?”

Jiang Hong was confused, but He Jian took a good look at him and at his roommates, Jin and Zhang Xiting. He had delicate features, large eyes with long eyelashes, and fair skin. He was the fairest of them all in the dormitory, with long, slender legs. He wore casual clothes that didn’t seem to have any brand, and his jacket had a complicated embroidery of a crane on the back, a traditional Chinese style. There were three large boxes beside him.

Wow, what a beautiful man, Jiang Hong thought. Is he a returning idol in a boy band who came back to school for further studies?

Even though it was relatively cool at night, He Jian was sweating profusely, but he didn’t want to take off his jacket. “What kind of place is this?” He Jian said.

Everyone looked at him.

“This school is so weird! What kind of architectural style is this? I can’t stand it! And why is it so hot here?”

“Why don’t you take off your jacket and come here to cool down?” Jiang Hong suggested.

“How come there’s only a wooden board on the bed? Is there no mattress?” He Jian said, as he pulled open the wardrobe. He threw the prosthetic hand inside it with disgust, then slammed it shut. “Why is it so dirty in here?”

“We’ve already cleaned it before you came,” Jiang Hong said apologetically. “Sorry, we forgot to wipe the inside of the wardrobe for you.”

“Never mind him,” Zhang Xiting whispered to Jiang Hong.

“Well, um…” Jiang Hong tried to comfort He Jian. “Take a deep breath and calm down, He Jian.”

Jiang Hong didn’t expect that the fourth roommate would have such a style. Complaining like this in any dormitory would likely annoy others, but He Jian’s criticisms touched on many of Jiang Hong’s own grievances – the small forest near the school’s back door, the strange window in the cafeteria, and the school’s peculiar architectural style. In just fifteen minutes, He Jian had criticized everything from top to bottom. Even the floor tiles were not spared. Although Jiang Hong felt that this was not good, he couldn’t help but find it really enjoyable! He also wanted to vent his own frustrations about this strange school!

He Jian said, “I didn’t even want to come. My mother forced me to come here. The food in the cafeteria is so terrible. Oh my god, I have to stay here for four years… It’s too hopeless! This is not a livable place. I want to go home, I want to go home!”

“I want to go home—! I want to go home—!!!”

“I want to go home—“

Zhang Xiting finally couldn’t take it anymore and shouted, “Enough!!”

Jin said, “Shut up!”

Jin’s shout gave Jiang Hong a feeling that his internal organs had been impacted. He was reminded of a certain martial arts skill called “Lion’s Roar” he had read about in a novel years ago. Jiang Hong almost spat out blood, and the window glass made a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, the entire dormitory fell silent. He Jian, a delicate and handsome young man with a buzz cut, had a subtle change in expression.

His thin but rosy lips pursed slightly, and his eyebrows furrowed.

This is bad… Jiang Hong thought. Is he going to cry? What should I do?

Jiang Hong quickly signaled Jin and Zhang Xiting with his eyes not to be harsh on their roommate anymore. He also moved a bit closer to observe He Jian and made a gesture, wanting to pat him or touch him to comfort him.

He Jian was too clean and delicate. Jiang Hong did not dare to touch him recklessly, so he just made a gesture of “stroking his hair” in the air.

“Okay, okay,” Jiang Hong said. “I also felt the same way when I first arrived yesterday. You’ll get used to it.”

Jiang Hong used all his experience in comforting people and sat down next to him. “Let me help you make your bed. Don’t be angry anymore.”

“Ah—” He Jian sighed softly again. Surprisingly, he did not care about being scolded or his roommates being harsh on him. He calmly said, “I just feel sorry for myself, sinking to this level.”

Everyone: “…………”

If it were someone else, they would have thought: what level? The level of living with us?

But Jiang Hong did not care much. He just thought that He Jian was really… gorgeous. Yes, gorgeous was the only word that could describe him. Such a gorgeous young man should typically appear in a high-end private school rather than an undergraduate program that barely made the admission cut.

“I didn’t mean anything bad about you guys,” He Jian said. “I thought this university would be different.”

Zhang Xiting and Jin completely ignored him.

Jiang Hong thought: I think this university is pretty good. At least it’s much better than my high school… Oh well, maybe I just haven’t seen much of the world.

“Where is your blanket?” Jiang Hong asked.

He Jian shrugged. Jiang Hong looked at the several large suitcases and asked, “Shall I help you unpack?”

Zhang Xiting’s expression once again became unbearable, looking like he wanted to pick up He Jian and beat him. He stared at Jiang Hong with eyes that clearly said: Are you his servant?

He Jian sat still and said, “Okay, thank you.”

Jiang Hong opened a box and found it full of clothes and pants, some of which he recognized as expensive brands.

“I can help you hang them up,” Jiang Hong offered.

Hei Jian replied dejectedly, “I can do it myself, thanks. You’re being too kind to me, even though we’re not related. I don’t know how to repay you.”

After saying this, Hei Jian finally stood up, changing his previously erratic attitude. It was as if a round of venting had restored his sanity.

Jin also got up and said, “I’ll help you.”

Hei Jian brought a lot of clothes, and the wardrobe could not accommodate them all. Jin put two of his own boxes on top of the wardrobe to make space. Zhang Xiting watched for a while and realized Hei Jian was a young master who had suffered a significant setback in life, leading to a mental breakdown. It wasn’t entirely his fault, so he went downstairs to buy toiletries for him.

“Thank you,” Hei Jian said, pulling out three small boxes from his suitcase. “These are my gifts for you guys.”

“Wow, thank you.” Jiang Hong was a bit surprised. This was their first meeting, and yet the young master brought gifts?

“Did you engrave them?” Jiang Hong opened the box and found an iWatch with his name engraved on the leather strap. He was amazed and asked, “How did you know my name?”

Hei Jian replied, “My family has been practicing the art of Qimen Dunjia (1) for generations. It was easy to look up a few names.”

Jiang Hong: “…”

“Just kidding.” Hei Jian smiled. “I found your names on the college website dorm list and had the butler prepare them in advance.”

Initially, Zhang Xiting didn’t want to accept the gift, especially since he had just scolded him, but the young master had gone through the trouble of engraving his name on the watch. If he didn’t accept it, he would come across as petty.

“Sorry,” Zhang Xiting said. “I have a bad temper. Please don’t take it personally.”

“It’s fine,” Hei Jian replied with a smile, seeming to not mind at all.

Then, Hei Jian pulled out a set of glass cups and a seemingly expensive glass teapot. He added some tea leaves and started making tea.

“Tomorrow is military training,” Jiang Hong said.

“Yeah,” Hei Jian answered, holding his cup.

“What about bedding? Do you need to buy a set from the supermarket before it closes?” Jiang Hong asked.

Hei Jian drank his tea, straightened his clothes, and lay down on the wooden bed without taking off his pants.

“I’ll just sleep like this. The bedding mailed from home hasn’t arrived yet, and I’m allergic to the ones sold outside.”

The other three: “…”

On the bed, Jin made a gesture and mouthed to Jiang Hong, “Don’t mind him for now.”

Jiang Hong nodded and lay down on the bed. He received a message from Zhang Xiting on his phone:

Zhang Xiting: “You’re a gentle person.”

Jiang Hong: “This is the first time we’ve all been so far from home and alone. I understand his feelings. He must have been holding it in for a long time and finally found someone to talk to. We are all our parents’ treasures.”

Zhang Xiting: “Your parents must also love you very much. A child raised with love.”

Jiang Hong responded with an emoji. He looked at Zhang Xiting and saw him reaching over from the bed railing to touch his hair, as if teasing a pet. Jiang Hong laughed and turned his head, not letting him touch his head, and pushed him away.

That night, He Jian surprisingly slept on a wooden plank all night. Jiang Hong couldn’t help but admire him – he was a true hero, brave enough to face a life without bedding.

The next day, they all changed into camouflage uniforms. Jiang Hong looked at himself in the mirror and thought the blue camouflage uniform looked pretty good.

“He Jian, I’ll go buy breakfast for everyone.” Jiang Hong saw He Jian standing on the balcony early in the morning, standing on one leg in the crane pose. “What are you doing?”

He Jian didn’t turn his head. “I’m accepting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.”

Jiang Hong: “…”

Jin and Zhang Xiting cleaned up the dormitory, taking out the trash and packing their clothes. They were going to be away for fourteen days, and the doors and windows of the dormitory had to be closed.

“I closed the balcony door. Hurry up and change your clothes!” Jin said, urging Jiang Hong.

After breakfast, the whistle blew downstairs, urging the freshmen to gather. Everyone went downstairs with laughter and chatter, and it was chaotic outside the teaching building. Hu Qingquan and another man arrived. Jiang Hong recognized the other man as the dean, Xuan Hezhi.

“Everyone, when participating in military training, you must respect the instructors and not cause any trouble! Do you understand?” Xuan Hezhi lectured through a loudspeaker. “You, you, and you… Hey, are you an idol?”

He Jian: “…”

Xuan Hezhi said to Hu Qingquan, “Overall, your group is pretty good.”

“Let’s go!” someone impatiently shouted.

“Okay, okay,” Xuan Hezhi said without any airs. “I wish everyone a happy military training!”

After a brief conversation with Hu Qingquan, Xuan Hezhi left. Hu Qingquan cleared his throat and led the students to form two lines, trying to move as a dormitory unit. He took them outside the campus by bus.

“Ah – ah! Senior!” Jiang Hong accidentally saw Lu Xiu at the school gate. Lu Xiu was sitting at the entrance of a convenience store, drinking soda. He looked at Jiang Hong from a distance, but ignored him.

“Get on the bus, let’s go!” Zhang Xiting patted Jiang Hong and shoved him into the bus.

After Jiang Hong got on the bus, he finally saw Lu Xiu raise his hand and make a “salute” gesture towards him with two fingers, coolly walking away.

Did he come to see me off? Jiang Hong saw Lu Xiu and his day was off to a good start. He was in a good mood for the whole day.

It’s not as strict as he imagined. Jiang Hong had military training in high school and thought everyone would be serious, but it was as lively as a spring outing as soon as they left. In just two or three days, the dormitories had mingled together, talking and laughing. Jiang Hong even took out the snacks he bought yesterday from his backpack and shared them with the people in the neighboring dormitory.

Jin had no expression on his face, and He Jian beside him had a face of despair. Jiang Hong occasionally leaned back and teased He Jian, “Don’t be so low, be happy. It will be over in fourteen days.”

“Alas,” He Jian looked as if he had seen the ugliness of the world, “what else can we do? Life is all about accepting the ups and downs.”

The scenery along the way was beautiful. The bus traveled through the mountains, and the temperature suddenly became cooler. Jiang Hong, however, felt a faint worry…

“Is the military camp not near the city?” Jiang Hong muttered to himself.

Zhang Xiting, who was dozing off beside him, answered, “It’s in another mountain.”

Jiang Hong felt a creepy feeling of going from one horror movie set to another. He had just gotten used to the school in the deep mountains, and now he had to go to another isolated military camp. Oh my god, would there be phone signal?

Fortunately, the bus ride didn’t take too long, only an hour and forty minutes. It stopped in a valley. It was a river valley surrounded by three mountains, and there was mobile phone signal. The military camp was large, as if it had just been built, and the barracks were brand new.

Jiang Hong looked at his phone. The military training ground was deep in Qinling Mountains, even farther than the school.

“Come here to report!” The instructor who came to pick them up shouted in a rough voice. He kept blowing his whistle while they got off the bus, shouting, “Class leaders, come and take your soldiers away!”

Jin led his roommates to gather outside the barracks. The class leader did roll call. There were eight people in a class, and the 903 and 904 dormitories were grouped together.

The class leader was not tall, with a military haircut. He was often exposed to the sun and wind, so his skin was slightly darker. His cheeks were thin, and he had a masculine look.

“Everyone from Class Two gather here!” the class leader, who was also the instructor, said. “My surname is Zheng, and I’ll start taking attendance now. Answer ‘present’ when your name is called, and no nonsense!”

The students stood around in a chaotic manner, and Instructor Zheng called out their names and adjusted their positions. Jiang Hong stood in the middle of the formation, alongside He Jian.

“To be honest,” Instructor Zheng said in a rough voice, “I didn’t want to teach students from your school!”

The students’ faces showed a mixture of emotions, and Jiang Hong thought to himself, “Does our school have a bad reputation?”

“…It’s not a matter of being disorganized or undisciplined… It’s just that you guys…” Instructor Zheng looked troubled. He took off his hat and rubbed his head. “Don’t cause any trouble. Let’s all get through these fourteen days safely!”

Why is everyone telling us not to cause trouble? Jiang Hong was silently ranting. From yesterday’s Lu Xiu to today’s Xuan Hezhi, to the instructor in front of them, are we really all like delinquent troublemakers who like to fight?

“Some of you are really skilled,” Instructor Zheng said. “No, I should say that each and every one of you is a master! I admit it!”

Jiang Hong, who had no special skills, was confused: “??? “

“But military training is about training your organization and discipline!” Instructor Zheng’s aura was clearly not as strong as Jiang Hong had imagined, and he said, “During these fourteen days, I hope everyone can develop good habits. Your principal said that he wants to cultivate a sense of love and friendship among you. Friendship is the most important thing! Comradeship, brotherhood! We all have it now! Left – turn!”

Everyone turned around, and Instructor Zheng’s voice lowered: “Run ten laps around the track. Begin!”

Jin led the way and started running. Jiang Hong followed behind. Having frequently exercised during high school and even participated in youth marathons, running three to five kilometers was no big deal for him.

Wow, this military instructor is really gentle! And he only teaches a class of eight students?! Jiang Hong, who had gone through hellish military training in high school, could hardly believe his luck. Moreover, listening to the instructor’s tone, he had the impression that these students were not to be messed with.

“Can you run, He Jian?” Jiang Hong saw that He Jian was gasping for air.

“Can I fly?” He Jian was sweating profusely as soon as he started running.

Jiang Hong laughed out loud.

“Instructor!” He Jian turned around and said angrily, “Can I fly?”

“No unconventional methods are allowed!” Instructor Zheng shouted from afar. “If you can’t run, take a break! Don’t force yourself!”

Did I hear that correctly? You can rest during military training whenever you want? Don’t force yourself? Jiang Hong was shocked.

“Keep running.” Zhang Xiting patted He Jian’s back from behind. “We’ll stay with you.”

Jin slowed down and looked at He Jian with sympathy.

“Do you want me to carry you?” Jin obviously didn’t care about running.

Jiang Hong burst out laughing.

He Jian: “Thank… thank you.”

Jiang Hong: “……………………………..”

So Jiang Hong watched helplessly as Jin lifted He Jian and ran six laps.

Jiang Hong looked at a group of instructors chatting in the distance, then at He Jian being carried by Jin.

“It’s not…” Jiang Hong said to Zhang Xiting, “is this really okay?”

“Just run,” Zhang Xiting said.

“Thank you very much. I feel much better now,” He Jian said. “I’ll run the rest myself. Hong’er, will you accompany me?”

“Don’t call me that, it’s too strange!” Jiang Hong replied.


1. Qimen Dunjia – a form of ancient Chinese divination and metaphysics.

Record of All Things Chapter 4 – Headphones

On August 12th, the day before military training officially began, the residents of Room 903 decided to take a trip to downtown Xi’an. Their last roommate, He Jian, had not yet arrived.

“Shouldn’t we wait for him?” Jiang Hong pointed to the empty bed, wondering if it was the right thing to do.

“Do you know him?” Zhang Xiting asked.

“No, I don’t.”

“Then why bother worrying about it?” Zhang Xiting said. “Let’s go.”

It was great to be able to explore the city, and even though Jiang Hong didn’t care about what his roommates were talking about during their long night of sharing ghost stories, at least they would talk to each other today.

“Should I invite my senior?” Jiang Hong wondered, wanting to treat him to a meal.

Zhang Xiting and Jin had no objections, but they seemed unwilling to invite their own seniors, so only Jiang Hong messaged Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu responded instantly: “Do you want me to take you to the city? Okay.”

Jiang Hong mentioned that he had roommates, and Lu Xiu paused for a moment, seemingly considering, before replying, “You guys go ahead. I won’t go.”

Perhaps Lu Xiu didn’t want to go shopping with people he didn’t know, so Jiang Hong had to give up and invite him again next time.

“Oh, this is the main entrance.” Jiang Hong followed his roommates to the school gate and saw the signboard of “China Sky University” painted with new red paint and decorated with auspicious totems such as dragons, phoenixes, qilins, and turtles on a sky-blue background.

There were also two sculptures inside the main gate. Jiang Hong leaned in to take a look. The one on the left was a deity holding six magical tools, while the one on the right was a man holding a lamp and dancing with long sleeves. Jiang Hong couldn’t read the seal script inscribed on the base.

“The one on the left is the Unmoving King,” Jin said. “The one on the right is the Lamp-Lighter.”

“Oh, I see.” Jiang Hong thought to himself, this school really looked like a tourist attraction.

Dozens of minibuses were parked outside the school gate, where students gathered, mostly freshmen, chatting and waiting for the bus in pairs or threes. Someone greeted Jiang Hong, and he responded happily.

“Do you know him too?” Zhang Xiting was surprised.

“He’s from the dorm next to ours.” Jiang Hong smiled at a tall and skinny male student under the signboard. “I met him in the laundry room yesterday.”

The guy had a thin face and a long neck, and he was with his roommate. After exchanging greetings, he nodded at Jin and headed to a different bus.

“His name is Chang Jun,” Jiang Hong explained to Zhang Xiting. “I just asked for his name and dorm.”

Zhang Xiting was always observing, and at this moment, he pushed his glasses up and the lenses suddenly reflected a glint of light in the sunlight, giving Jiang Hong a sense of foreboding.

Here, hundreds of freshmen stood on two sides, very consciously finding their own positions and chatting with each other. Jiang Hong remembered that he had seen the other two boys from Room 904 and had greeted them, although he didn’t remember their names. They were not with Chang Jun, who was their roommate.

“Hey!” Someone waved to Zhang Xiting and Jiang Hong. “Room 903? Join us?”

Zhang Xiting looked at Jin and declined their invitation.

Zhang Xiting: “I’m going out with my roommates.”

“You coming with that little handsome guy?” the person asked again.

“No,” Zhang Xiting replied.

Jiang Hong: “???”

Jiang Hong: “Next time!”

Of course, Jiang Hong could not join them, otherwise, wouldn’t he be leaving Jin behind? He looked at Jin, who looked a bit strange and was also looking at the crowd.

Zhang Xiting: “The car’s here.”

Jin: “Should we take the red or blue bus?”

Jiang Hong: “???”

Jiang Hong: “Either is fine. I can take either one.”

The sides of the minibus were marked with colors, and Zhang Xiting said, “We’ll take the red one. You sit by yourself, since it won’t take long.”

Jin: “Okay.”

When they got on the minibus, the conversation in the car was lively, but for some reason, as soon as Zhang Xiting and Jiang Hong sat down, the car suddenly fell silent.

Jiang Hong: “???”

Jin: “You two sit. I’ll sit here. No, don’t get up, don’t be polite. I’m not that old, don’t give me your seat…”

The boy sitting by the window stood up subconsciously to give Jin his seat, but Jin pushed him back, walked to the back row, and sat down. People around him automatically moved over to give him more space.

Zhang Xiting sat in a double seat with Jiang Hong.

“We can finally go to the city!” Jiang Hong was in a good mood. He stretched his waist, and suddenly realized that everyone was looking at him from all directions, so he looked around, and people immediately looked away.

Jiang Hong: “???”

Why does it always feel so weird???

“Want to listen to some music?” Zhang Xiting turned his head and whispered.

Jiang Hong gave Zhang Xiting one of his earphones. Zhang Xiting crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, casually looking out the window.

The minibus drove out of the school gate and onto the mountain road. There were layers of emerald forests on one side and a blue ribbon-like river on the other. This scenery never got old no matter how many times you saw it…

…Why did it start to blur again?! Jiang Hong thought, do all your drivers have such guts?

The scenery suddenly became blurred, and Jiang Hong almost cried out, but the freshmen in the car were all calm and began chatting with each other again. Jiang Hong barely restrained himself. The whole process only lasted two or three seconds. The car passed through a straight road full of birch trees, and Jiang Hong saw the road he had come from and the back door of the school.

He shared with Zhang Xiting about the false alarm he had when he just arrived the day before. Zhang Xiting was first stunned, then burst into laughter. He leaned his head on the front seat, laughing so hard that he shook.

Jiang Hong: “???”

“It’s nothing.” Zhang Xiting laughed until tears almost came out of his eyes. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Hong, saying, “You’re so cute.”

Jiang Hong: “……”

“They’re my roommates.” Jiang Hong vaguely heard Jin say to a new student he didn’t know, sitting in the back row.

When the minibus arrived at Xi’an, it parked and the students got off one after another.

“Ah!” Jiang Hong said. “It’s my first time in this millennium-old place… Oh my god! Why is it so hot!”

Mid-August in Xi’an was the hottest time of the year, and the sun was like a tipping furnace, constantly pouring heat down from the sky. At ten o’clock in the morning, Jiang Hong had just gotten off the bus, and he already felt like he was being roasted alive.

“We’re here.” Jin grabbed Jiang Hong and dragged him out of the car. “Come with me to buy a phone.”

Apart from the first few hours of getting to know each other, Jiang Hong found that Jin and Zhang Xiting were really easy to get along with. He had no objections to wherever they went. He just followed them.

When they arrived in the downtown area of Xi’an, Jiang Hong suddenly felt a long-lost sense of returning to civilized society. He first bought three cups of cola ice cream and walked while drinking, then went with Jin to buy a phone. When Jiang Hong was picking a phone in the Apple Store, Zhang Xiting went to try on headphones and played with the new iPad on the side.

“This one is a bit lighter, but the screen is a bit small,” Jiang Hong said.

“I like the gold one,” Jin said. “I can buy all four of them. There’s no limit on purchases, right?”

Jiang Hong: “……………”

Jin: “?”

“Do you have four personalities and need four phones?” Jiang Hong said. He had never encountered anything like this before and quickly persuaded Jin to only buy one phone.

But Jin didn’t understand and asked Jiang Hong, “Do you want one? I’ll buy one for you.”

“No, no, no.” Jiang Hong quickly refused him. “I just got a new phone during the summer break. Thank you. I’m so touched. Brother, you’re the first person to offer to buy me a phone besides my parents.”

Jiang Hong wondered why Jin was so rich but had only just started using an iPhone.

“If you buy four phones, you’ll just look like a nouveau riche,” Zhang Xiting reminded him.

Jin smiled apologetically and explained, “When I’m at home, my dad doesn’t let me use high-end electronic products for fear that I’ll be distracted by them. He only lifted the ban when I went to college. And I need Xiao Hong to teach me how to use them.”

After accompanying Jin to pay the bill, Jiang Hong helped him register for an email and electronic account. After Jin finished paying with his card, he took out his old phone card and threw the old phone into a garbage can on the roadside.

When Jiang Hong helped him register for an Apple account, a text message popped up at the top:

[ICBC reminds you that on XX day at XX o’clock, there was a POS machine consumption of -12,500.00 yuan. There is still a balance of 7,674,130.27 yuan on your card ending in 3079.]

Jiang Hong: “……………………………………”

After buying the phone, the three boys stood outside the Apple store not knowing what to do next.

“It’s so hot.” Jiang Hong gave up the idea of visiting the scenic spots, and suggested they eat and watch a movie instead. Xi’an wasn’t fun during the day, and they would have to go back to school in the evening. After having lunch, the three of them had nothing to do. Zhang Xiting then suggested they go and play a non-horror escape room, and Jiang Hong agreed.

However, Jiang Hong found that playing the escape room with Zhang Xiting resulted in him and Jin, as well as five or six other people who joined the group, standing on the side and watching him play. Zhang Xiting’s brain turned too fast. He found the answer to every clue in less than three minutes.

“You guys go ahead,” Zhang Xiting said when he noticed that he was making it too easy.

Jiang Hong racked his brains and managed to unlock one door, but in the end, he couldn’t solve the puzzle, so he had to hand it over to Zhang Xiting. Zhang Xiting solved it in less than five minutes.

“Congratulations, you are the fastest group of players to leave the escape room!” The staff congratulated them.

Zhang Xiting pushed his glasses up out of boredom, and left with Jiang Hong and Jin.

As the sun began to set, Jiang Hong bought a bunch of snacks and stuffed them in his backpack. He also bought something for Lu Xiu. As they waited for the school bus outside the Da Ci’en Temple, a minibus with a blue stripe on the body pulled up.

“Are you getting on?” Zhang Xiting asked Jin. “Or waiting for the next one?”

“Let’s get on,” Jin said. “Let’s get back early.”

They chatted on the bus, but suddenly everyone fell silent and the students on the bus looked at Jin behind Jiang Hong.

Jiang Hong: “???”

What’s wrong now? Did they get on the wrong bus? Jiang Hong was full of doubts.

“My roommate,” Zhang Xiting said.

Jin was sitting alone in a two-person seat, and another person came up after a while. It was Chang Jun from the dormitory next door. Chang Jun hesitated whether to get off or not when he got on the bus, but Jin patted the seat next to him, indicating for him to come over. Chang Jun smiled and sat down.

Everyone on the bus looked at them for a while, but everything returned to normal once the bus started moving.

Jiang Hong felt someone tapping on his head. He turned around and saw Chang Jun.

“I saw you three go play the escape room.” Chang Jun’s smile was a bit mischievous and rogue-like.

Jiang Hong: “Why didn’t you come?”

“Hey, watch your hands! Don’t touch randomly!” Zhang Xiting said coldly.

Jiang Hong gestured to show that it was okay, but suddenly realized that Zhang Xiting had a strong aura and looked a bit scary when he got angry.

Chang Jun asked, “Have you met your senior brother?”

“He didn’t come,” Jiang Hong said, while checking his phone. He found that while he was in the secret room, Lu Xiu had sent him several messages in a row.

Lu Xiu: “Are you still in the city? I’m done with my work. I’ll come and find you.”

Lu Xiu: “Are you there?”

Lu Xiu: “Then I’ll go back first.”

Jiang Hong quickly replied to Lu Xiu and apologized, but Lu Xiu was not angry. He just told him that it was okay and that he was already in the city for some business.

Jiang Hong bought a pair of headphones for Lu Xiu and was planning to take them to his dorm, but Lu Xiu told him not to wander around and that he would come to him in the evening.

It was the last day before military training, and the mysterious roommate still hadn’t shown up. The whole dormitory building became lively with new students wandering shirtless in the corridor, singing. Some of them were visiting each other’s dorm rooms.

The senior members of the student union entered the dormitory one by one, checking the students’ military training supplies and informing them of precautions.

Jiang Hong was packing his backpack when he saw a super beautiful senior sister come in.

“Senior,” Zhang Xiting greeted her.

“Hi.” The senior sister, named Di Di, hung a badge on her chest and said, “Xiting, are your things packed? Here, these are your camouflage uniforms. Two each, and the hat and belt are included… “

Wow! She must be the senior sister responsible for one-on-one guidance for Zhang Xiting! Jiang Hong thought to himself, why are all these people so good-looking!

“Tomorrow the military training will start,” Di Di said. “Let me see your things and remind you of some precautions… How come you still have a roommate who hasn’t shown up?”

Jiang Hong, Zhang Xiting, and Chang Jun spread out their things. Di Di began to teach them how to hand wash clothes, but then she suddenly looked up, her eyes full of anxiety. She turned her head to look outside the dorm and immediately stood up straight, her voice trembling.

“Senior Lu,” Di Di said nervously.

Lu Xiu was standing outside the dormitory door, squinting his eyes at them.

“Senior brother!” Jiang Hong smiled and said, “Did you get a haircut?”

Lu Xiu had changed into a loose short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans today, and had just had his hair cut. His hair was much shorter now.

“You come out,” Lu Xiu said, “I won’t go in.”

Jiang Hong then took the headphones he bought for Lu Xiu, and Lu Xiu said to them again, “You guys continue.”

“Oh my god, he scared me.” Di Di was quite frightened and said, “His aura is too strong.”

“Yesterday he already came once,” Zhang Xiting said.

Di Di warned them, “Don’t mess with him. His temper is really bad.”

Zhang Xiting nodded and Di Di gave some instructions, reminding them of the important points. “military training is the same as on-campus. Don’t reveal your true form, don’t use any spells. There will be patrols checking. If you violate any rules, there will be confinement and demerits.”

“It has nothing to do with me,” Zhang Xiting said.

Jin reminded, “Don’t use spells.”

Zhang Xiting couldn’t be bothered to respond to him. Di Di continued, “Don’t fight. Fighting is also very serious, especially group fights…”

Jiang Hong followed Lu Xiu out of the dormitory. From Room 901 to 930, everyone in each room was curiously looking at them. However, Lu Xiu did not stop and went to the elevator and pressed the 13th floor, then went up to the rooftop.

The rooftop was a garden with fresh air and garden lights. There was even a coffee shop on it. Jiang Hong had never been up here before and exclaimed, “Wow!”

For students, it was still during the summer vacation period, so the coffee shop was not open. However, Lu Xiu seemed to be familiar with it. He turned on the coffee machine and began brewing coffee.

“Hey, how did you know…”

“I worked here before,” Lu Xiu answered.