The Black Dagger Brotherhood is an ongoing series of paranormal romance books by author J. R. Ward. The series focuses on a society of vampire warriors who live together and defend their race against de-souled humans called lessers.
Ward’s Fallen Angels series is set in the same universe, and has some overlap in characters, but little overlap in story lines. It takes place earlier than the main series. The mythology of how the universe, the earth, and humankind came into creation is not discussed in The Black Dagger Brotherhood series, although since it is a crossover series with The Fallen Angels series, and the mythology of that world follows Christian dogma, it is assumed that the universe of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is similarly dictated in terms of its ultimate creation myth.
The mythology of how the universe, the earth, and humankind came into creation is not discussed in The Black Dagger Brotherhood series, although since it is a crossover series with The Fallen Angels series, and the mythology of that world follows Christian dogma, it is assumed that the universe of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is similarly dictated in terms of its ultimate creation myth.