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The Foolish King’s Little Concubine Chapter 5 – Family Ruined and Loved Ones Dead (Part 1)

As soon as Kang Yu finished speaking, he felt a sharp gaze pierce him. Before he could say anything else, he saw the woman in front of him part her lips and utter slowly, “Jinyu, take him down and give him a good beating for me.”

Without warning, a fist came flying towards Kang Yu’s right eye, causing him to stagger and clutch at his eye. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a handsome face grinning at him. “Jiejie (1), do you think I gave him a black eye?”

In fact, Wei Jinyu was older than Shen An, but he didn’t know her name and had been calling her “Jiejie” all this time.

“Hmm, yes, but I think it doesn’t suit him very well.” Shen An reminded him thoughtfully.

Wei Jinyu nodded heavily. “Understood!”

As soon as the words left her mouth, another fist flew, and Wei Jinyu smiled contentedly. “Jiejie, now he looks good with two of them.”

Shen An patted his head with satisfaction, holding back a smile. “You are a good student.”

Kang Yu, still clutching his two black eyes, left with a parting shot. “Shen An, you will regret this. You will pay for your foolishness today!”

“Sure, I’m waiting,” Shen An said dismissively. He could always complain to his father, get out of this engagement, and move on with his life.

Turning back, he saw Wei Jinyu looking dejected, twirling his fingers. He wondered what he was thinking about. Before he could ask, Wei Jinyu seemed to make a decision and looked up at Shen An with hesitation. “I… I’m leaving.”

“Where are you going?” Shen An asked.

Didn’t he have nowhere else to go, being homeless and all?

“Back… back home…” Wei Jinyu stuttered.

This person will blush and speak in a hurried tone when he lies.

“Go back to what home? Come with me,” Shen An said domineeringly, staring at him with a posture that brooked no objection.

Wei Jinyu’s eyes lit up, but then he thought of something and immediately became despondent, shaking his head vigorously. “No, I’ll only harm you if I’m with you. No, no.”

“Who said that?” Shen An asked before realizing something and rolling his eyes. “My father has that kind of character. You don’t need to take it to heart. He was just angry at the time and said some things that he didn’t mean. You saved me, and I owe you a favor. If you don’t come back with me, how can I repay you?”

Wei Jinyu didn’t like the way Shen An was talking to him and his face immediately turned red. He kept shaking his head and explaining in a hurry, “No…no need…”

Before he could finish, Shen An had already put his arm around his shoulder and was dragging him outside. “I said come back with me, so come back. Don’t be so long-winded. Why are you so slow?”

The flowers were in full bloom, the birds were singing, and occasionally a few gusts of spring breeze blew by, giving a pleasant feeling.

The two of them were playfully roughhousing and were about to arrive at the Shen family’s mansion after passing through several alleys. However, they saw a group of soldiers rushing towards them in a hurry. Wei Jinyu immediately became alert and clenched his fists, but the group of soldiers simply passed them by without even glancing at them.

Shen An laughed, “You really are like a frightened bird. That’s no good.”

“There used to be people like this all the time…” Wei Jinyu said.

Before Wei Jinyu could finish his sentence, he saw a woman running towards them at a fast pace, almost tripping over her own feet due to her speed.

Shen An quickly walked over to greet her and called out “mother,” wiping the sweat off her forehead. The smile on her face disappeared as she asked, “What’s happened that’s made you so anxious?”

Gasping for breath, the woman collapsed into Shen An’s arms, looking frantic as she spoke. “An’er, something terrible has happened at home. We need you to go to the Kang family and ask Uncle Kang to help save our Shen family…”

Shen An’s face darkened, and she furrowed her brows as she asked, “What happened exactly?”

“So many soldiers came to our house and said that your father secretly built a project using shoddy materials, causing the collapse of the building and killing more than ten people. Now the officials are coming to confiscate our property!” The woman clutched Shen An’s sleeve tightly, her voice trembling with tears. “Your father is just an honest merchant who would never do such a thing. How could this happen? How could this happen…”

“Mother, don’t panic, you need to calm down first.” Shen An didn’t expect the situation to be so serious, and now she can only comfort her mother while thinking of a plan. There were no warning signs before, how could they suddenly be raided like this?

“What about father? Is he okay?” Shen An asks.

“Your father went out with your stepmother for a deal that was introduced to him by your uncle Kang. He hasn’t come back yet and should be okay. But your father is innocent, our Shen family is innocent. The only person who can save us now is your uncle Kang! An’er, time is of the essence. You need to go to the Kang family quickly. Your uncle Kang has a deep relationship with your father and won’t just sit back and do nothing.”

“Mother, Kang Shao and his despicable son are not good people. They would love to see us fail. We can’t go to them!” Shen An’s tone is firm as his brain is spinning quickly. “Mother, are there any other options? Dad has been in business for so many years, he must have some connections.”

By now, the woman is already in tears, almost collapsing. “Those people can’t be trusted either…” Her crying grows louder, drawing the attention of passersby.

They are just common people, and the situation came too suddenly. Shen An had no expectations and no evidence to directly clear the name of the Shen family at the government office. For a moment, Shen An suddenly felt extremely discouraged.

“Oh right, there’s one more person who might be able to save our Shen family.”

Shen An immediately perked up. “Who?”

“It’s Liu the Scholar from the backstreet. He used to be childhood friends with your father, but they had different goals. He wanted to become an official while your father only wanted to do business. They grew apart, but they still have some friendship. He can’t just sit by and do nothing. You can try looking for him, An’er. Our entire Shen family is relying on you now.”

“I know, I know.” Shen An’s heart was in turmoil. “We can’t go back home now. Let me find a place for you to stay first.”

After arranging for her mother to stay at an inn, Shen An took Wei Jinyu to the backstreet and followed someone’s directions to Liu the Scholar’s doorstep. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. When he pushed the door, it was found to be ajar. As they walked into the courtyard, they heard a strange sound.

“Be gentle…be gentle…it hurts…”

“Fanny, you feel so good, you’re gentle and considerate, so much better than that bitch! Just hold on a bit, it’ll be over soon.”


Accompanied by the man’s heavy breathing and the woman’s moans, the embarrassing sounds of lustful language were getting louder and louder, leaving people to endless imagination…

They were all adults, and there was no need to think about what the people inside were doing!

But…why did Shen An feel that he recognized the man’s voice so well?

She had an idea and turned to put her index finger on her lips, making a “shh~” gesture to Wei Jinyu, then sneaked towards the room with cat-like steps.

Wei Jinyu followed suit, imitating Shen An’s posture and keeping his neck low, not daring to make any noise.

Shen An used her saliva to poke a hole in the paper covering the window, and the scene inside was immediately revealed.

Two snow-white bodies were tightly intertwined, engaged in the most primitive act, and the man who was diligently plowing was Shen An’s fiancé, Kang Yu.

The woman under him seemed to be particularly enjoying it, moaning and twisting her body to match his movements.

Shen An turned her head and saw that Wei Jinyu’s face was red, so she quickly covered his eyes and whispered, “Not suitable for children, not suitable for children.”

As she spoke, she stared intently at the explicit scene in the room.

Suddenly, Kang Yu moaned and trembled as he slumped out of her body.

Fang Lingzhen clung to his arm like a docile lamb and spoke softly, like spring water: “Yu Ge, you promised to break off the engagement with Shen An. She’s already yours now, you can’t be irresponsible.”

“Fanny, you know that I always act like a gentleman. I am not a person who breaks his promises. As for Shen An, she is a shameless woman. If it weren’t for her wealthy family, why would I even bother with her? You know me better than anyone else. When the time is right, I will marry you.”

“Yu Ge, just remember that.” Fang Lingzhen got up and put on her coat, her curves tantalizingly visible.

Shen An thought to herself: With such a good figure and such a conniving personality, it’s no wonder she can fool Kang Yu, that fool.

Fang Lingzhen took a towel and gently wiped the wounds on Kang Yu’s body. She was heartbroken and said: “Shen An, how could she be so cruel to Yu Ge? Letting her lover beat him up like this, she’s truly a heartless snake.”

“That idiot is nothing. If it weren’t for his unusual brain and me not wanting to bother with him, do you really think he could move me?”

“Well, you’re too kind, Yu Ge. You can’t keep being taken advantage of like this in the future.”

“Ha, hilarious.” Shen An couldn’t help but push open the door and walk in with Wei Jinyu.

The two in the room were startled and quickly pulled the blanket over themselves. Kang Yu, embarrassed and angry, said, “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, nothing. I just heard some stray dogs and cats mating on my way by, and I got curious and decided to check it out. I didn’t expect to get a free show of a love scene. This isn’t good. It might corrupt young children.”

Shen An had originally come to ask for Liu Xiucai’s help, but seeing this situation, she knew Liu Xiucai was no longer an option and decided not to mention it.

Fan Lingzhen was panicked and her face was red with embarrassment. She kept shrinking back, afraid that their affair would be exposed.

“Shen Jiejie, Yu Ge and I truly love each other. Please bless us.”

“Sure, I’ll bless you. Dogs and bitches stick together forever. I’m even disgusted by trash like Kang Yu, but since you want him, I won’t hold back. But I advise you to keep him tightly under your control and not go out causing trouble for other good girls.”

“Shen An, don’t be too happy too soon. Your Shen family is probably in trouble now. You’d better go back and think about how to save it.”

1. Jiejie : a term of endearment for an older sister. It’s commonly used by younger siblings or close friends to address an older sister in a warm and affectionate way.

The Foolish King’s Little Concubine Chapter 4 – A Plan Forms in Mind

After the woman left, the people in the teahouse were all talking about how fierce Shen An was and how a woman like her could never find a man. Kang Yu’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

“What use is there for a woman like her other than bringing shame to herself?” he muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, Shen An was feeling satisfied and boldly shouted to the waiter, “Bring me another pot of Bi Luo Chun!”

“Enough!” Kang Yu couldn’t take it anymore and whispered angrily, “Don’t you think you’ve embarrassed yourself enough?”

“I drove her away with my own skills, what’s there to be embarrassed about?” Shen An didn’t care at all, but she looked down on this man who cared only about maintaining his image as a young master and didn’t care about her well-being.

How could she, Shen An, possibly be interested in a man like him?

When she got back home, she would convince her father to call off the marriage. “You know what I’m really talking about, Shen An. I’m telling you that the Kang family will never allow a woman with such a corrupt moral character and who brings shame to our family name to enter our household!”

“Good, my Shen family doesn’t want you either.”

“Now you owe me, and you better recognize that! I, Kang Yu, never lack women. Don’t be foolish enough to think that you are irreplaceable to me.”

“Well, then how thick-skinned are you, Young Master Kang, to have such confidence?”

Shining in front of others but a beast behind their back, this may be referring to people like him.

“It’s been only a few days, and you’ve grown so bold. Not only do you dare to find random men, but you also dare to defy me like this. Shen An, what kind of person do you think you are?” Kang Yu’s tone was low, and his face was filled with disgust and contempt that he couldn’t conceal.

“What kind of person I am is none of your business. But as for a person like you, who is fake and spineless, I’ve seen plenty of them. My father may be blind, but my mother isn’t. You’d better go back and look at yourself in the mirror. I’m too lazy to even comment on you.”

As she spoke, Shen An took out a silver ingot from her pocket and placed it on the table before getting up to leave.

She was afraid that if she stayed with this man any longer, she would not be able to resist pouring the entire cup of newly brewed Bi Luo Chun tea on his disgustingly smug face.

“That’s her, she’s over there!” Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and Shen An instinctively turned her head, only to see the woman she had slapped earlier bringing in three burly men and heading straight for her.

Shen An knew things were not looking good and was about to turn around and run in the opposite direction. Unexpectedly, a man rushed up to her and blocked her path.

“Miss Shen, where are you going?” The man had a lecherous smile on his face, looking carefree.

The people in the teahouse saw that things were getting out of hand and were afraid of getting involved, so they quickly dispersed. The lively atmosphere was suddenly replaced by an eerie silence. The waiter shouted that they hadn’t paid yet as he chased after them, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Now that the woman had someone to support her, she had gained a lot of confidence. She snorted and said, “Shen An, you’re so powerful, why don’t you show me what else you can do!”

Shen An was thinking of a way to escape while stepping back, “I don’t want to slap you again and have your face get plastic surgery.”

The woman’s eyes flashed with confusion, but she quickly regained her composure.

Although she didn’t understand what plastic surgery meant, she knew that it was not a compliment coming from Shen An.

“Shen An, stop playing with your words. Today, I’ll make you realize who you’re messing with! Cousin, make sure you teach these guys a lesson for your sister!” With that, the woman stepped back, leaving enough space for the three of them.

“Are you sure you want to start a fight?” Shen An’s eyes darted around, looking towards Kang Yu who was sitting on the side, waiting to watch the show. She said, “You guys should think carefully. My fiancé is a martial arts expert. He just said that he can take on all of you by himself. Isn’t that right, Ah Yu? Now it’s your chance to show them what you’ve got.”

With that, Shen An winked at him mischievously.

Kang Yu was taken aback. He was still waiting to see Shen An get taught a lesson, but now this little brat had suddenly turned the tables and put him in the spotlight. He looked up to see the three burly men glowering at him with anger.

Kang Yu’s heart sank. He cursed Shen An inwardly for her treachery and quickly stood up, forcing a smile as he said, “Brothers, you’ve got it all wrong. I’ve always been more interested in literature than martial arts. How could I possibly have such great martial arts skills or say something like that? Don’t listen to her nonsense!”

“Oh, Ah Yu, how could you change like this? A man’s word is his bond. You’re my fiancé. How could I ever frame you for no reason? You can’t just push me into the fire to save yourself. That would be so unfair to me!” Shen An’s tone was mournful, as if she had been wronged beyond measure.

Kang Yu stared at Shen An in disbelief. This woman…she was really good at acting.

She had made up her mind to drag herself into this mess.

She’s too cunning, too malicious!

“Shen An, stop pretending to be innocent here. You brought this on yourself, but I have nothing to do with it. Don’t you dare drag me into this!” exclaimed Kang Yu.

“We all know you’re in this together. Stop acting and tell us, are we fighting as a group or one by one? My fists are itching to punch someone!” one of the men shouted impatiently, cracking his knuckles.

Kang Yu was trembling at the sight of their aggression. With an uneasy smile on his face, he said, “Gentlemen, I am not married to her yet, so you can deal with this woman however you like. She’s nothing but a whore, and I’m not sure if she’s even worthy of entering the Kang family. As long as you don’t implicate me, I have no problem with whatever you want to do with her.”

The woman sneered at Shen An and said with contempt, “Did you hear that? You’re a despicable woman who even the Kang family won’t take in. You owe me a slap, and you’ll pay for it today!” She then signaled to the three men, “Cousins, this woman is all yours. Do whatever you want with her.”

In the end, the last sentence had a deeper meaning. How could the three men not know? They exchanged a knowing look and burst into lewd laughter.

“To be honest, this Miss Shen from the Shen family looks much better than those ordinary women. Since she can make that idiot happy, why can’t we brothers enjoy ourselves? Come to think of it, we haven’t had any meat for a long time. This is a chance we must seize and have some fun.”

“Haha, you’re right. That idiot doesn’t know anything. We brothers have so many skills. We’ll definitely make Miss Shen want to die of pleasure. Miss Shen, why don’t you give it a try?”

Shen An’s face suddenly turned cold, with a murderous intent rising in her heart. She glared at them with her eyes like sharp swords, and secretly took out the dagger hidden in her sleeve.

These people, all of them should die!

As she watched the three men approaching her with lustful eyes, Shen An’s hand hidden in her sleeve moved slightly. Before she could make any move, she saw a figure swiftly coming towards her, as fast as a cheetah. Without any warning, he stood in front of Shen An and kicked the man who was charging towards her the furthest away.

He widened his phoenix eyes, opened his arms and protected Shen An behind him. His broad shoulders shielded her completely. “Who dares to touch her!”

Shen An was completely taken aback and didn’t know how to react for a moment. The memory of the original host in her mind told her that the man who suddenly appeared in front of her was the male protagonist of this rumor, Wei Jinyu.

How did he suddenly appear here?

Shen An carefully examined him, and saw that he had a tall and straight figure, phoenix-like eyes and thin lips. If his gaze wasn’t so dull, he could have been called a handsome young man.

Everyone was caught off guard by Wei Jinyu’s appearance, and no one expected him to have such great skills. The injured man holding his chest stood up unsteadily and cursed when he saw Wei Jinyu: “So you’re Shen An’s foolish lover, daring to touch me. I think you’re tired of living. Brothers, let’s attack! Beat this little bastard to death!”

With the man’s command, the other two rushed forward, eager to chop Wei Jinyu into pieces.

But Wei Jinyu only grabbed the one who charged at him first and gave him a good beating. Whenever others rushed forward, he pushed that person forward to block the punch until no one dared to come forward, and then he stopped. By this time, the unlucky man was already battered and bruised, looking like a mess. Just a glance at him made one feel painful. Wei Jinyu proudly pushed him to the ground and said, “Let’s see who dares to hit me again.”

Shen An watched from behind, smiling from ear to ear. She was so happy that she couldn’t close her mouth.

Who said he was foolish? In her opinion, this method of beating people up was quite clever.

The man on the ground groaned and moaned, unable to speak for a long time. The woman stomped her feet in frustration and said, “You guys are such losers. Three big men can’t even beat an idiot!”

“Amei, it’s not that we can’t beat him, it’s just that this little guy is too damn ruthless!” Wei Jinyu said, standing with his hands on his hips and his chin raised. “If anyone dares to touch her again, I’ll beat them to death!”

The beaten man said nothing.

“Da ge (1), isn’t that already beating someone to death?” Shen An asked.

The woman glared at Shen An with hatred, and Shen An stared back at her provocatively.

“Shen An, I’ll remember this,” the woman said before giving the three men a cold glance. “Get out of here!”

Shen An watched as they ran away in embarrassment and felt extremely satisfied. Her appreciation for Wei Jinyu skyrocketed.

Kang Yu couldn’t stand to see Shen An so pleased with herself and sneered, “You really have some skills. You even have a lover who’s willing to stick up for you. I guess you served this fool well in bed.”

Wei Jinyu didn’t understand what Kang Yu was saying and just stood there dumbly beside Shen An, looking extremely happy. “That day, when you closed your eyes, your father said you should be with him. So, I gave you back to him, and he didn’t trick me. He made you open your eyes and look at me.”

Shen An watched him smile innocently, and she felt a bitter taste rise in her heart for no apparent reason.

Before she could speak, Kang Yu interjected coldly, “A fool is a fool. He’s so stupid that he’s practically dead.”


1. Da ge – big brother, doesn’t necessarily have to be related by blood

After Failing the Tribulation, I Became a Sword Spirit Chapter 1 – Come and Take the Sword

On a clear day during the Qingming Festival, the moon rises above the willows.

In the desolate wilderness of Cangzhou where few people pass through, a group of merchants hurries along the road, pulling their goods in iron boxes. The clattering sound of horse hooves constantly raises dust.

The travelers wore raincoats and bamboo hats, looking like any other traveler on a rainy night. The leader, with a nervous expression, kept reaching for the sword case locked in an iron chain in his arms.

Of course, they were not really a group of merchants. Each of them carried weapons that had shed the blood of at least a hundred men.

Suddenly, the leader sensed something and tightened the reins, gesturing with his right hand to signal a halt.

The dozen or so horses slowed down.

The rain continues to fall, dripping incessantly.

No movement could be seen.

The leader relaxed and realized he was being overly cautious. He clutched the sword box tighter and urged his horse forward.


A sharp and piercing sound was heard.

In the empty sky, a small silver needle grazed the leader’s cheek, leaving a sharp bloodstain. It flipped his bamboo hat over as if using some kind of trickery.

The leader’s face was fully exposed in the pouring rain.

He looked horrified and gritted his teeth. “Close ranks, protect the sword!”

Immediately, the travelers, disguised as ordinary merchants, drew their swords and left the iron boxes that had served as a decoy. They gathered around the leader, forming a tight circle.

This last leg of the journey was certainly not peaceful.

The leader was surrounded by his subordinates, and he tied the sword case to his back. He also lit a firecracker to try to illuminate the dark night.

In the wilderness, the wind and rain were blowing. The shallow wild grass barely covered the horse hooves, and the dog-tail grass swayed arrogantly. In the distance, the riverbank was covered in white fluffy reeds, like a hazy mist covering the surging river.

The leader dared not move recklessly, and he looked around nervously, but the wilderness seemed empty except for them. However, one silver needle after another kept flying towards them but never hitting a vital point.

It was as if someone was teasing them like cats and dogs.

The mysterious person in the darkness was treating them as nothing more than playthings.

The leader straightened his back, dodging a silver needle that flew towards him. His face was covered in bloody marks, with fresh blood constantly dripping down.

He wiped his face, which was drenched in rain and blood, and drew out his curved blade. In a cold voice, he said, “Reveal yourself, sir.”

The fog-like reeds were finally dispersed. The pleasant laughter of a young man came through, with a hint of regret in his laughter. More footsteps came from behind him.

“I thought you could hold on for a little longer.”

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of masked ghostly figures surrounded the people on horseback in a circle.

The leader finally saw the young man clearly, who was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

He was dressed in a tight-fitting black robe with narrow sleeves, and a gold and jade belt tied around his waist, which made him look tall, straight, and graceful. What was unforgettable was the pair of eyes on his jade-like face. Even though they were separated by heavy rain curtains, they still appeared clear and transparent, and people could clearly see the killing intent emerging from them.

The leader’s heart tightened, but he still tried to keep his voice calm. “Sir, we are just ordinary passersby. If you don’t mind, all the gold and silver goods in the carriage behind us will belong to you. We have wives and children at home, and we hope you spare our lives.”

The approaching young man shook his head and touched the wrist guard on his right sleeve. He was still very polite. “Old man, you should know the rules of the road. I only want the sword on your back.”

This meant that he would rather have the sword than his life.

The boulder in his heart seemed to have finally landed. He knew it was for this sword. The leader smiled bitterly in his heart and shouted, “Everyone, please help me!”

The people on horseback changed formation and turned into a sharp arrow, intending to break through the encirclement in the rain and kill their attackers. The clash of swords and knives was covered by the chaotic clangor in the rain, and the corpses piled up quickly under the horse’s hooves.

They encountered the same situation many times along the way, and many of them died as a result. A few were killed for the gold and silver behind them, which was only the simplest deception. The vast majority of people were killed for that divine sword.

A divine sword.

The young man let out a sigh, and the leader felt the sound of the sigh brushing against his earlobe and drifting into the pouring rain behind him.

He stiffly tried to turn his neck, but only saw the transparent black pupils of the young man’s eyes, and then his curved blade was lifted.

A head rolled under the hooves and into the dust, the leader’s eyes still wide open.

The neck was severed neatly, blood gushing out like the blood on the young man’s soft sword. In the cold light reflected by the sword washed by the rain, there was a pair of clean and piercing eyes.

The tip of the sword lightly picked and the chain snapped like a piece of paper. The young man sliced through the iron chain on the headless body’s back retrieved the sword case, and said indifferently, “I said I would come for the sword.”

He turned around and asked, “Is everything taken care of?”

The masked black figures nodded. There were no horses or corpses behind them, only the scattered bloodstains left by the rain. But once the rain stopped, nothing would be left.

The young man laughed cheerfully, wearing a mask. “I won. Just as I expected, it took only the time for one incense stick.”

The shadow of the laugh flashed by like a massacre that seemed to have never happened on a rainy night.

The masked figures were momentarily stunned by the young man’s crystal clear smile, but still knelt on one knee and held out their hands. “Ninth Guardian, please hand over the sword case to your subordinates.”

The rain gradually stopped, and small raindrops slid into the masked figure’s collar. Beads of sweat the size of peas trickled down his face.

The young man looked at the kneeling figure, paid no attention, and lowered his eyes, saying softly, “Seven, if you want the sword, come and take it yourself.” He reached out his right hand, as if to praise the masked figure, then grabbed his neck and snapped it with a crisp “crack.”

The body fell softly to the ground.

Suddenly, a sharp sword stabbed at the young man’s face, and the sword’s owner was still laughing. “Shuo Feng, you’re very clever.”

Shuo Feng leaned slightly to the side, as agile as a cicada, easily avoiding the attack.

Behind the fallen masked figure came a young man. Behind the young man, dozens of masked figures followed, dispersing like ghosts.

This time, Shuo Feng was surrounded.

Shuo Feng pressed a hidden button on his right wrist guard, and a silver, thin and light soft sword popped out, straight and sharp as ever. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly and said, “Killing our own people is pointless.”

The sky was getting bright, and the young man known as “The Seventh Brother” had an even wider smile on his face, revealing his white teeth. He grew impatient and said, “Shuo Feng, give me the sword. In the name of brotherhood, I’ll spare your life.”

Shuo Feng also smiled and said, “Seven, is being a yellow sparrow fun? I also think it’s fun. This way, the sect leader will be very pleased.”

The light rain fell gently on the earth, and the figures of the youth and the young man were entwined like lightning.

The masked shadows dared not make a move. They were no match for the two guardians of the sect and could only stand in the rain, waiting for the young man to slightly subdue the youth before joining forces to kill him.

The Nine Guardians were formidable opponents.

Shuo Feng impartially blocked the young man’s fierce attacks, even taking the time to chat with him, “Seven, didn’t the Sect Leader tell you that only one person can bring back the sword? Are you willing to let your subordinates die like this?”

In the morning rain, the light filtered through the clouds and illuminated the snow-white sword, making the boy’s eyes even clearer and calmer.

The young man grinned, “I used a curse on them. If I die, they die too. Besides, Nine, I’m willing to let you die too.” His sword wrapped around the boy’s neck like a silver snake, cutting through the cloud patterned brocade on his clothing.

Shuo Feng seemed to relax his frown, “Oh, I see. Then, Seven, I’ll gladly send you to your death.”

At the moment of the young man’s surprise, Shuo Feng’s soft sword was pressed against his neck. The young man playfully made a beautiful sword flower on his neck, then pierced through the young man’s heart without hesitation.

With a “pu” sound, the young man fell backwards.

“Seven Brother, you tore my clothes, I’m not happy,” the boy said. The black silk on his left arm was cut open, revealing a white undershirt, as well as deep wounds on his flesh and bone.

The young man lay on the damp ground, smelling the fragrance of the grass after the rain and the sweet blood in his chest, laughing and coughing at the same time. “Nine, I’m happy to have you accompany me to my burial. The Tianji Poison on my sword is unbeatable, even immortals can’t cure it.”

The north wind’s eyes grew cold, and he quickly cut away the large piece of flesh on his left arm that was turning black. Still smiling, he said, “Seventh Brother, I’m happy that you died in front of me.”

He closed the young man’s eyes with his hand and turned around, saying, “Okay, you can all go die now.”

One by one, the black-masked shadows fell to the ground. No one could see the fearful expressions behind their masks. Worms crawled out of their eyes and ears and burrowed into the mud.

The north wind stood up, the bloody soft sword re-wrapped around his right wrist guard. He shook his body, feeling that the sword case on his back was too heavy. So he wrapped the iron chain around his bony left arm, dragging the heavy sword case as he staggered towards the riverbank where the reeds were in full bloom. Then the boy fell headfirst into the river.

The sun rose from the horizon, and the white reeds waved in the wind, revealing the deep bloodstains on their fluff. Below the riverbank was a large pile of corpses.


On a moonlit night, the sound of gurgling water woke Shuo Feng up.

After a while, he was washed up on a shallow sandbar downstream, having just regained consciousness. It turned out that the sword case, still attached to his left arm by a chain, was tangled up and hung on the old abandoned ship by the riverbank, causing him to stop abruptly.

He had indeed picked up his life from the surging waters of Canglan River.

Shuo Feng frowned, he didn’t think it was fate that kept him alive.

His left arm had turned completely black, but his profound inner strength had prevented the toxins from completely invading his heart.

The Tianji Poison was indeed worthy of its reputation. He never thought that Seventh Brother would actually be willing to use this valuable poison on himself. No, it should be that the sect leader was willing to do so.

Shuo Feng felt a bit of strength returning to him. He stood up and felt for the bone of his right wrist, and the slender and light soft sword sprang out.

He thought for a moment and decided to dig himself a grave. This place was nice, nestled among the mountains and waters.

Shuo Feng even laughed, his curved eyes clear and bright. Since becoming an assassin, he had never thought that he would have a grave of his own.

This could also be considered a mercy from heaven.

Although his soft sword was sharp, it was light and thin after all. It took him quite a bit of effort to dig a shallow pit.

Shuo Feng never felt sorry for himself.

He hummed an unknown tune as he cut open the iron lock and opened the long-sealed sword case.

He had also died for this sword. If he didn’t even know the true face of the sword, wouldn’t it be a waste?

Shuo Feng saw the heavy and ancient iron sword, which looked like an ordinary sword. There were profound runes engraved on the blade, and there was a small iron ring at the hilt. When his muddy palm wiped the iron sword, the runes emitted a dazzling golden light and seemed to whisper.

Shuo Feng saw the thick and ancient iron sword, which looked like an ordinary sword. Deep and mysterious runes were engraved on the blade, and there was a small iron ring at the hilt. When his muddy hand wiped across the sword, the runes emitted a dazzling golden light, as if whispering.

Shuo Feng was startled.

So this was the sword. In the seventeen states of the mortal world, there was only one nameless sword known as the Divine Sword. One hundred years ago, during the reign of the Daliang Dynasty, the Divine Sword descended from the heavens with immortal music and Buddhist chants and landed in the Taiji Hall of the imperial palace. The emperor and hundreds of civil and military officials were present, and thus they named it the divine sword.

Accompanying the legend was also a secret. It was said that whoever obtained the Divine Sword would obtain the world.

But twenty years ago, the princes of Daliang fought each other, causing the world to be divided into five parts, and the whereabouts of the Divine Sword became unknown.

No wonder the sect leader sent out a large number of people to retrieve the sword, but did not tell them the truth, and even orchestrated a scheme to let them fight each other to reap the rewards.

But Shuo Feng didn’t care. He happily took out the Divine Sword and dug his own grave.

The pit was quickly dug.

Shuo Feng lay comfortably in the pit. But he still felt a bit aggrieved, having sacrificed his life for such a broken sword.

He rolled his black eyes and gripped the ends of the divine sword with both hands, snapping it in half.

This sword hadn’t seen the light or tasted blood in a long time, so it was quite dull. But to use it as his own burial object was still impressive and remarkable.

Who would know that the Divine Sword would accompany a killer to his grave?

Shuo Feng stopped thinking about anything else. He clasped his hands, which had been cut by the divine sword, in front of his belly and closed his eyes with satisfaction after looking at the bright moonlight in the sky.

By the time the tide rose and fell, this tomb would be buried by surging mud and sand, day after day, year after year. No one would know that a killer and a divine sword were buried here.

It was a good death. Shuo Feng whistled, and the birds on the mountain flew up, their voices getting louder and louder.

The earth seemed to be vibrating.

Shuo Feng calmly opened his eyes and reached for the broken sword.

The sword was buzzing and vibrating, and the broken edges were approaching each other, trying to join together.

But Shuo Feng did not pay attention to the sword’s movements because the phantom of a young girl was gradually solidifying in the moonlight, dressed in white and green, even brighter and more dazzling than the moonlight.

“She furrowed her brows, her features twisted together, but still beautiful. ‘Who are you?’ Shuo Feng asked hoarsely. In his heart, he thought, perhaps she was a messenger from the underworld, finally coming to take his life as a harbinger of death. But he couldn’t help but think, are messengers of death really this beautiful?

The young girl sitting on the edge of the grave heard Shuo Feng’s question, thought for a moment, glanced at the broken sword under his body, and her expression turned somewhat sorrowful. ‘Your sword,’ she said.”

[Author’s Note]

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